"Mr. Lu, I can't supply you with a lot of wine, but if you want to entertain guests, there is one thing better than wine. With that, Meng Hailong took out a pack of dragon tea from his pocket, handed it to the waiter, and asked her to make a pot of tea.

Seeing Meng Hailong bring his own tea, the waiter's brows furrowed slightly, but she didn't say anything, and walked out after taking the tea.

Soon, the waiter came back with two pots of hot tea.

When pouring tea for everyone, just poured a cup, Meng Hailong opened his mouth and asked, "Beauty, are your two pots of tea brewed

with the tea leaves I gave you?" "Yes, they were made with the bag of tea that Mr. gave me just now, what, is there any problem?" the waiter asked impatiently.

"You're lying. Meng Hailong said a little unhappily, "The color and taste of this tea are not right at all, I can see it at a glance, you better hurry up and change the tea for us."

"I obviously used the bag of tea you just gave me, and the taste and color are wrong, why do you blame me? Where did you buy the tea, you go there to find him." The waiter said a little unconvinced, and after speaking, she put the teapot in her hand on the table, stopped pouring tea for everyone, and turned around to leave.

Seeing her arrogant attitude, Meng Hailong was unhappy.

He stood up suddenly, and said angrily: "You stop for me, don't want to leave if you don't make it clear, if you walk out of this door, I will call the police to arrest you." "

Call the police, hmph, if you want to call the police, hurry up, maybe it's a little late, and the police uncle will get off work." After saying that, the waiter continued to walk towards the door, not taking Meng Hailong seriously at all.

"If you want to go, don't blame me for not reminding you, the tea I gave you just now is called dragon tea, at present, this is the most expensive tea in the country, 10,000 yuan a catty, if you hide the tea privately, it's okay not to be found by the police, but if it is discovered by the police, you know the consequences." "

Hmph, don't scare me. Throwing down such a sentence, the waiter twisted his ass and left, leaving behind Meng Hailong, who was angry, and the stunned crowd.

"What a fierce waiter!" Wang Jianfeng was the first to speak: "Village chief, do you want me to search her."

"Lao Wang, aren't you afraid of being known by your sister-in-law?" Lu Xunfeng said jokingly, "She is a young girl, how can you go and search her body, how can you explain to your sister-in-law when you go back

?" "Isn't there still you?" Wang Jianfeng said with a smile, "You can't be my eyewitness." "

Then I will tell my sister-in-law that you touched someone's little girl, and you became bad. After saying that, Lu Xunfeng laughed and looked very happy.

"I'll go!" Long Xiaoxiao stood up at this time, took the initiative to ask for help, and when she saw that no one objected, she walked quickly towards the door of the private room.

Catching up with the waiter just now and reaching out to stop her, Long Xiaoxiao opened his mouth and said to her, "I want to search your body." "

Why?" said the waiter angrily, "I haven't broken the law, why do you say search and search, do you have a search warrant?"

Long Xiaoxiao continued in a cold voice, "Now, I'll ask you, do you want to cooperate, or do you want me to do it?" "

The officer has beaten someone, come on, the officer is going to be an adult, help..." The waiter suddenly shouted loudly, her voice was very sharp, and it immediately attracted people's attention.

In the hot pot restaurant, there are many customers now, and after everyone heard her scream, they turned their eyes to this side.

Finding that countless eyes were focused on her, Long Xiaoxiao suddenly didn't know what to do.

If she wasn't wearing this military uniform, then, at this time, she would definitely give this waiter a big slap to see if she dared to scream casually.

But since she is wearing a military uniform, she has to maintain the image of a soldier, and she can't do it casually, especially in such a public place.

Long Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that it was a big mistake for her to come out to deal with this matter, and the reason was very simple, just because she was wearing a military uniform.

Wearing such a suit of clothes is easy to become her weakness, because people usually take advantage of this weakness to deal with her.


Long Xiaoxiao was feeling embarrassed and couldn't find the steps to go down, but at this moment, there was a crisp slap in his ears.

After hearing the slap, Long Xiaoxiao realized that there was already one more person beside her, and just now, it was this person who slapped the waiter.

The person who came to Long Xiaoxiao's side, he naturally would not be someone else, it was Meng Hailong.

Hearing the waiter's loud noise, Meng Hailong knew that Long Xiaoxiao was going to be in trouble, and sure enough, when he came to Long Xiaoxiao's side, he found that this girl's face was already red, obviously feeling embarrassed about how to walk down the steps.

Meng Hailong's slap was very loud, and after the beating, a slap mark immediately appeared on half of the waiter's face, and a trace of blood could be faintly seen at the corner of her mouth.

"Why is this person like this, girls are beaten

, it's too unusual!" "Yes, it's so ruthless, it's just a beast!" In

the hot pot restaurant, people talked about it, and someone quickly suggested: "Beauty, don't cover

your face, call the police quickly!" "Call the police?" Do you think she dares to call the police?" In the face of people's saliva conquest, Meng Hailong's face did not change, he said unhurriedly, " Those of you who think I'm doing something wrong, please feel in your pockets and see if you've lost something, and then it's not too late to speak. The

meaning of Meng Hailong's words is obvious, it is to remind everyone to look at their pockets and see if they have lost something.

Hearing what he said, everyone put their hands in their pockets and pockets.

Soon, someone scolded: "I poked him grandma, why did my phone disappear, who stole my phone, damn, the newly bought Apple 7, it was stolen like this, the person who stole my phone, you must not die well..."

Boss, boss, I lost something in your store, I want to check your surveillance footage, I want to call the police. "

There are more and more people who stand up and say that they have lost things, and the hot pot restaurant is suddenly in chaos, and the situation is a little uncontrollable.

Seeing the menacing appearance of the people, the waiters of the hot pot restaurant all hid to the side, for fear of being beaten.

The waiter in front of Meng Hailong and Long Xiaoxiao, she also thought about dodging, but Meng Hailong didn't give her a chance to dodge.

Pointing at the waiter, Meng Hailong said loudly: "Everyone be quiet, listen to me, this person is the one who stole things, just now, our officer came forward because he found out about her theft, and planned to stop her."

"Search her, search her. "In the hot pot restaurant, the crowd was excited, especially those who lost things, the voice was called a loud, and the emotion was excited, so they almost didn't learn from Meng Hailong's appearance, rushed up and started fighting directly.

"Don't look at me, we are male compatriots, don't take advantage of women, search her body, find a few female comrades to come over." Meng Hailong said unhurriedly, and as soon as he finished speaking, several women immediately walked up.

Many of these women have lost their belongings, and some of them are lost by their family members, so they came forward to search the woman's body.

"You can't do that, I'm not stealing, you can't search me. When the waiter saw so many people surrounding her, she was immediately frightened.

"If we don't search your body, you can, you can take out all the belongings on your body yourself, if there is nothing we lost, then forget it, but if there is, you know the consequences. Someone said this, and soon, her words were unanimously agreed by everyone.

Seeing that everyone meant the same thing, worried about being beaten, and then thought that he didn't steal anything, he was just too lazy to change tea for Meng Hailong, and if he took out the things on his body, there would be no incident, so the waiter nodded and agreed.

When her right hand reached into the right pocket, the waiter's face changed dramatically, because she found that the pocket that was supposed to be empty actually had an extra mobile phone in it.

"It's been planted!" the waiter thought to herself, and then she took out her mobile phone, because she couldn't do it if she didn't take it out, and if those people searched her body and found it, her fate would be even worse.

After taking out the mobile phone, the waiter hurriedly explained: "I didn't steal it, I really didn't steal it, someone must have planted it for me, don't get me wrong."

"That's my phone, give it back to me. Seeing the mobile phone in the waiter's hand, a young girl in her twenties rushed forward, snatched the phone back, and held it tightly in her hand, for fear that if she was not careful, the phone would disappear again.

"My earrings must be on you, too, take them out, or I'll be unkind to you. Another woman, seeing that the young girl had already retrieved her mobile phone, hurriedly shouted this.

Everyone just asked her to take out her things, and she didn't mean to beat her, and the waiter didn't dare to slack off, so she hurriedly rummaged through all the pockets on her body, as long as there were things on her body, she took them out, but she didn't take out the bag of tea that Meng Hailong handed her.

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