Hearing that Liu Mengmeng still wanted such a pearl, Meng Hailong was very surprised, it was a pearl, not an egg, one was worth more than 100 million, Liu Mengmeng had already bought one, and wanted to buy it again, how solid this family is.

However, since people wanted it, Meng Hailong would not refuse her, of course, he did not agree immediately, because, after the pearl was sure to be photographed by Liu Mengmeng, these people present knew that they had no chance, so they all planned to leave.

In this auction, Meng Hailong is Xiang Zhuang sword dance is intended for Pei Gong, and the auction of pearls is just a method he uses to attract others, and his real purpose is actually to auction off these things in his box.

Seeing that these rich children present were leaving, Meng Hailong hurriedly snatched the microphone in the auctioneer's hand, and said loudly: "Don't hurry to go, everyone, although Pearl is already a famous flower, but next, there are better things waiting for everyone." "

What's good?" someone asked.

"Hey, who are you? You say there's something good, there's something good, who believes you?" said a guy with a look of disdain, "If you want us to know you still have good things, just take them out and don't waste everyone's time."

"It's just, if there's something good, let's take it out and show it, if it's not good, we don't want to waste our time here."

Seeing that everyone was in such a hurry, Meng Hailong stopped hanging their appetite, placed the box above the rostrum, opened it, and took out a meaty thing from the box.

This thing is like a villain, very cute, and very realistic, especially the fleshy appearance, which is no different from a real villain.

It's just that this villain is a little smaller, only the size of a thumb.

After taking out this villain, Meng Hailong glanced at Lu Zeran again and asked him to call all the old Chinese medicine doctors present to the stage.

Receiving Meng Hailong's eyes, Lu Zeran was about to speak, but before he could speak, Liu Mengmeng said with a shocked face: "Meat Lingzhi, is this thing in your hand made of Meat Lingzhi?"

This kind of thing, in modern society, has almost become a legend, because, in recent years, it is rare to hear that someone has picked up such news as Tai Sui.

According to the records of historical books, the reason why Tai Sui is called Meat Ganoderma lucidum is because Tai Sui has the effect of tonifying the middle, benefiting essence, increasing wisdom, and even having the effect of being lightweighted for a long time.

This kind of thing is very rare, it is the best of the hundred medicines, and because of its rarity, this kind of thing has become very precious, even more precious than pearls.

Liu Mengmeng was young and gentle, but she just glanced at it and recognized that the thing in Meng Hailong's hand was Tai Sui, which surprised everyone present.

After hearing Liu Mengmeng's words, they couldn't wait to come forward, and they didn't need Lu Zeran to speak.

"It's meat lingzhi, that's right, this thing is really meat lingzhi, I really didn't expect it to be carved into a human form, what a waste!" A gray-haired old Chinese medicine doctor looked pity, because he felt that carving meat lingzhi into a human shape would inevitably waste a lot of meat lingzhi.

They didn't know that in Meng Hailong's place, there was no waste of these two words in his dictionary, and the flesh lingzhi carved by him was put into the spiritual lake, and it wouldn't be long before they would grow again, and there would be no waste at all.

Meng Hailong had already guessed that the lump of meat was the meat lingzhi, but he had never been sure, and now, when he heard these famous old Chinese medicine doctors say that this was the meat lingzhi, he was convinced.

"Village Chief, are you planning to auction these meat lingzhi too?" Liu Mengmeng suddenly asked, and then, everyone present quieted down, waiting for Meng Hailong's answer.

However, before Meng Hailong could answer, Liu Mengmeng preemptively said: "No need to auction, I am your old customer, you make a price, I want all of these." "

Liu Mengmeng, that pearl has been auctioned by you, you can't kill it all, you have to leave some good things for us!" After hearing Liu Mengmeng's words, someone protested, "Lu Zeran, this auction was organized by you, you have a word."

Lu Zeran wanted to say a few words, but he didn't know what to say, this auction was indeed organized by him, which was true, but he didn't know what Meng Hailong wanted to do.

Taking out these meat lingzhi, Lu Zeran didn't know what he was trying to do.

Liu Mengmeng wants to buy these meat Ganoderma lucidum, everyone has opinions, but her opinion is even bigger, she got the pearl because she paid more money than others to get it.

Liu Mengmeng thinks that if anyone has the ability, they can offer a higher price than her, and she is also happy to give away that pearl.

Yet, despite that, no one wanted to do so.

The price of pearls has reached a high price of 130 million, and if the price is increased, it will be 135 million, which is not a price that anyone can afford.

"Village chief, everyone is a person of temperament, what are you going to do with these meat lingzhi, just hurry up and let it out. Lu Zeran didn't dare to talk casually, but if he urged Meng Hailong, he could still do it.

While urging, he didn't forget to whisper to Meng Hailong: "Village chief, you have to leave some for me about this good thing."

Regarding Lu Zeran's words, Meng Hailong pretended not to hear it.

After clearing his throat, he said: "Don't worry, everyone, since I have already taken out these meat lingzhi, I don't plan to bring them back, that is to say, everyone still has a chance to get them, well, I have already thought about it, and it is like when I auctioned pearls just now, the highest price will be paid, if you have no opinion, we can start now."

"Start starting, I'm okay with that.

"I don't have an opinion, let's start quickly, what is the starting price, tell me quickly."

Looking at the noisy group of rich children, Meng Hailong secretly sighed in his heart, this is really a group of anxious people.

"Since everyone is so anxious, I won't waste everyone's time. Holding the microphone, Meng Hailong himself acted as the auctioneer, and he said loudly: "The starting price of a meat Ganoderma lucidum is one million, and each increase must not be less than 100,000, I now officially announce that the auction has begun." "

Two million. As soon as Meng Hailong announced the start of the auction, Liu Mengmeng raised his hand and yelled.

"I'll rub, Liu Mengmeng, can we still play happily? You cut off our thoughts with this opening, is this really good?"

"I like it, you can't care." Liu Mengmeng put on a wealthy look, but she was so cute, even if she put on this look, everyone couldn't be angry with her.

"Two million and one million. An old Chinese medicine doctor raised his hand tremblingly, this price was already a lot of pressure on him, but in order to get such a treasure, he had decided to give it up.

However, if he wants to let it out, others will not let him do it.

The price of 2.1 million yuan has just been quoted, and someone has superimposed 100,000 yuan, and the price has soared all the way until it is five million.

The person who used five million to shoot a meat Ganoderma lucidum was Liu Mengmeng again.

It's not a lottery, it's not a lottery ticket, it's not a lucky win, it's an auction, so it's the strength of the fight.

More than 100 million Liu Mengmeng has taken it out, so she naturally doesn't care about these millions. Since she has taken a fancy to the meat reishi, even if she spends some more money, she is willing.

The price of five million is only one of the meat reishi, Meng Hailong brought a lot of meat reishi this time, and there are a total of twelve meat reishi that have been carved into villains.

One of them was sold, and there were eleven more in the box.

Of course, Meng Hailong would not auction the remaining eleven meat lingzhi as well, because he felt that there was no need for this.

Since the first meat reishi was auctioned for five million, the rest of these meat reishi will be sold at a price of five million each, and those who like it can be bought, and those who don't like it should take a detour.

After Meng Hailong said this idea, Liu Mengmeng hurriedly said: "Village chief, don't sell it, I want all these meat lingzhi." "

Liu Mengmeng, don't bully people like this, okay? You have already bought one, I heard that this meat lingzhi will grow by itself, don't be too greedy, leave us a little bit, okay?" Lu Zeran opened his mouth at this time and said a fair word that everyone thought was very fair, so as soon as his fair words came out, they were always recognized by people.

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop arguing!" Meng Hailong said loudly, "The meat lingzhi is mine, everything is up to me, and I will sell the rest of the meat lingzhi in limited quantities, according to the price of five million each, each person can only buy one, and if you want to come and sign up as soon as possible, there will be no more slow movements." "

I want one. Lu Zeran said first, he had already prepared, just waiting for Meng Hailong to finish speaking, he hurriedly spoke, and his rush purchase quickly drove the atmosphere of the scene.

Although many people think that it is a bit of a waste to spend five million to buy such a meat Ganoderma lucidum, but when everyone thinks about it, this thing can still grow up at home, and maybe it can still appreciate in value.

What's more, meat reishi is very scarce, and it is not something that can be bought at any time if you have money, and if you miss this time, you may not have such an opportunity in the future.

Thinking of this, people rushed to buy it.

Of course, those who came forward to sign up were all people with sufficient economic strength, and as for those who couldn't come up with five million at once, they could only give up the idea of rushing to buy and watch with red eyes on the side.

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