Meng Hailong's reaction was very fast, and when the van braked sharply to a stop, he already realized that something was wrong.

Especially when he saw that several people with sharp knives jumped out of the car after the car door opened, he was even more convinced that his guess could not be wrong.

Looking up at a branch above his head, Meng Hailong suddenly jumped up in the air, grabbed the branch with both hands, and pulled it hard, and the branch was torn off by him.

Holding this branch, Meng Hailong first pulled Liu Mengmeng behind him, and then he greeted the few people who jumped down from the car.

Although Meng Hailong didn't know if these people were coming for him or Liu Mengmeng, he was sure that these people were coming for one of them.

But no matter who they came for, Meng Hailong would not let their plot succeed.

The branch in his hand was Meng Hailong's weapon, and with a sweep, he knocked down a guy who rushed up.

Because the tail of the branch was full of leaves, when this person was swept down by Meng Hailong, his face was also marked by the leaves with bright red marks, like a big cat.

The sudden change startled Liu Mengmeng, standing behind Meng Hailong, her eyes widened, and she looked at everything that happened in front of her in disbelief.

Seeing Meng Hailong's heroic appearance, Liu Mengmeng couldn't help but clap her hands to celebrate him.

It only took less than a minute, and with a branch still carrying leaves, Meng Hailong knocked down several bad guys with sharp knives.

At this time, the person driving the van noticed that the situation was not good, so he hurriedly started the car and wanted to leave, but unfortunately, he wanted to leave, but Meng Hailong would not give him this opportunity.

Bending down to pick up a stone from the ground, he threw it vigorously, the stone smashed on the glass window of the passenger seat, and after smashing the glass window, the stone continued to fly forward, and finally smashed on the head of the person who was driving, smashing his head and bleeding, and fainted directly.

Smashing the head of the person who was driving, Meng Hailong took another step forward, came to the side of one of the guys, looked down at him, and asked, "Who

are you? What do you want to do?" "We are passing by, what are you hitting us for?" The man's face was also scratched by leaves, like a big cat, in addition to his face being scratched by leaves, he was also injured on his body.

Meng Hailong kicked him in the stomach, and now, in that position, it felt like he was being held up by something, and it hurt to death.

"Let me ask you again, who are you and why did you attack us?" Meng Hailong's tone became extremely cold, and a murderous aura instantly erupted, he continued, "There is only one last chance, if you don't tell the truth, I guarantee you will regret it." "

Whatever, we said we were passing by... Ahh

Meng Hailong just raised his foot and stepped lightly, and he broke this person's calf.

The pain of breaking bones is not something that ordinary people can bear, and it is because of this that this man let out a scream like killing a pig.

The original fight had not attracted much attention because it had gone on quickly, but the terrible scream of this man quickly attracted people passing by.

This place in Beijing is the same as other cities in China, and the people of Beijing also like to watch the excitement.

After stepping on one of the man's legs, in full view of everyone, Meng Hailong walked up to another person and opened his mouth, asking him the same question.

Because of the lessons of the past, the person who was interrogated by Meng Hailong this time did not dare to be stubborn, he trembled and said: "We are not people, we are just ordinary people, we came here, we just want to rob, nothing else."

"Do you really just want to rob?" Meng Hailong said with some suspicion: "If you are just here to rob, why do you target us? There are more people who are richer than us on the road? You better give me a reason, otherwise, he will be your example." As he

spoke, Meng Hailong also stretched out his finger and pointed to the man who had broken one of his legs just now, which was a warning to the guy at the moment.

"Well, I'll be honest!" the man continued, "and the reason why we have made you a target is because of that girl, who is beautiful and has a good temperament, and must have a rich family. "

So you're coming for me!" Liu Mengmeng said angrily, "Okay, you actually dare to beat my idea, I want my brother to arrest you all and send them to the tiger prison." Hearing the

words "Tiger Prison", Meng Hailong's brows furrowed slightly.

Others may not know what the Tiger Prison is, but Meng Hailong knows very well that it is an existence similar to hell.

Some things related to the Tiger Prison, Meng Hailong still listened to those roommates when he was in the Wolf Warrior Army, it is said that this is a place where felons are held.

And those who enter the Tiger Prison will never want to leave again in this life, unless they are dead, then it can be a different matter.

Meng Hailong never thought that Liu Mengmeng actually knew about the Tiger Prison, and just now she said that she would let her brother arrest these people in the Tiger Prison, if she didn't use this sentence to scare these people, then Liu Mengmeng's brother must be working in the Tiger Prison.

This conjecture gave Meng Hailong a new view of Liu Mengmeng, this girl whose appearance can turn many people upside down, her family is not only solid, but also the power of the family should be very large.

The word tiger prison came out of Liu Mengmeng's mouth, which surprised Meng Hailong at most, but as for the others, they didn't feel anything at all.

I have never heard of the story of the tiger prison, and when you hear these two words, you mistakenly think that it is a cell with a tiger.

"You're not honest either!" Meng Hailong said a little unhappily, and after speaking, he raised his foot and made a gesture to step on the man's calf.

Meng Hailong's action scared the man at the moment, and before Meng Hailong stepped on his foot, he hurriedly said: "Don't, big brother, don't step on it, I said, I said..."


So you know that I have a pearl on me, so you must have been sent by a rich family, right?" Liu Mengmeng was very smart, and when she thought about it, she already thought that if these people were not sent by those rich children, it was unlikely that they would know that she had a priceless pearl on her so quickly.

The details were exposed by Liu Mengmeng, and the man at the moment had no choice but to nod and say, "You're right, Sun Shao asked us to come." "

How much does he pay you?" asked Liu Mengmeng unhappily.

"Sun Shao has already given us five million, saying that there will be five million after the deed, adding up to 10 million. The man said honestly, "For the sake of us being bought by money, please let us go." "

It's okay to let you go, leave one leg for each of you!" Meng Hailong said coldly, "Since you like to run errands for people so much, then I want you to not be able to run errands in the future."

After saying that, Meng Hailong had already started.

To be precise, he moved his feet, and as soon as he stepped on it, the man in front of him let out a miserable scream, and the onlookers only heard a crisp sound of "click", and then, the person's calf was broken.

Meng Hailong didn't stop because of this, he concocted it according to the law, and it only took a short time for all these guys who tried to hurt them to break a leg.

After doing this, Meng Hailong kindly said to them: "Several, from today on, you have to practice hard and cultivate hard, in the future, whether you become the Ghost Foot Seven or become the Iron Crutch Li depends on your own cultivation."

Liu Mengmeng was amused by Meng Hailong's words, and her smile immediately turned over a lot of onlookers.

"This is Liu Mengmeng of the Liu family

, it's really cute!" "She looks so cute, if she can be my girlfriend, it's worth it for me to die." "

Cut, it's night, stop daydreaming, if people die, what's the use of people willing to be your girlfriends? What do you do to pamper people?"

"No, something so big, I'm going to call my brother." Liu Mengmeng said at this time, and after speaking, she had already picked up her mobile phone, but the call was not dialed by her in the end.

Holding the mobile phone in her hand, Liu Mengmeng said to herself: "If I call my brother and he comes, I will definitely be taken back by him, don't you have to eat the barbecue? No, no, I can't call my brother."

After changing her mind, Liu Mengmeng put the phone back, stretched out her hand and grabbed Meng Hailong, and said a little anxiously: "Village chief, let's go quickly, if we don't leave, my plan to eat barbecue will be ruined." Pulled

by Liu Mengmeng, Meng Hailong did not grind, the two passed through the crowd of onlookers, and soon disappeared from people's sight.

And shortly after they disappeared, the sound of sirens came from afar.

Hearing the siren and knowing that the police were coming, the onlookers were worried that the pond fish would be affected, so they all ran away, and the original noisy scene suddenly became cold.

When the police began to deal with the scene, Meng Hailong and Liu Mengmeng had already walked to the door of a food stall in the distance.

It's a good food stall, full of people, and under the big shed outside, it's also full of people, and two barbecue grills are sitting right in the door, grilling all kinds of food.

As soon as she saw these things grilled on the grill, and then smelled the barbecue smell that emanated, Liu Mengmeng was already swallowing her saliva.

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