If the fist collides with the stone, it must be the fist that suffers.

The man in the robe originally thought that his punch would directly blow Meng Hailong's head, but he soon found that his punch not only did not blow Meng Hailong's head, but instead exploded his fist.

With a "bang", his fist hit the stiff stone, and the bones instantly cracked, and he almost passed out in pain.

Ten fingers are connected to the heart, not to mention that all the bones of a hand are cracked, and that kind of pain is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Fortunately, this guy is a practitioner, although his hand hurt very much after the injury, but he gritted his teeth and still survived.

Meng Hailong didn't hide in the spirit jade space for too long, avoiding the man's attack, he took back the stone, and with a thought in his mind, he had already appeared behind this guy.

This time, he already had an extra sword in his hand, and it was the Red Blood Sword.

Holding the red blood sword, after Meng Hailong came out, he swung his sword and slashed down at the man's shoulder, with a "brush" sound, because this sword came too suddenly, the man didn't have time to dodge, so one of his arms was instantly unloaded by Meng Hailong's sword.

The arm was removed, and the man in the robe let out a miserable scream, knowing that he was no match for Meng Hailong, the old guy hurriedly bent down to pick up the severed hand on the ground, and prepared to escape.

It's a pity that he wants to leave, but Meng Hailong won't give him this opportunity.

With a thought, Meng Hailong put the red blood sword back into the spirit jade space, and took out two bows and crossbows from the spirit jade space.

With a bow and crossbow in one hand, aiming at the guy's two legs, Meng Hailong directly pulled the trigger, and the crossbow arrows shot out one after another.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Meng Hailong shot all the crossbow arrows in the two crossbows in one breath, although the light skills of the man wearing the robe were good, but after losing an arm, when he performed light skills, the balance of his body was actually not so good.

Because of this, he still couldn't dodge all the crossbow arrows after all, and a crossbow arrow pierced through each of his legs, and the whole person quickly fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

With a crossbow in his hand, Meng Hailong walked over unhurriedly, and when he came to this person, he aimed a crossbow in his hand at the guy's head, and said to him: "Tell me, who is your senior brother, where can I find him?"

The man in the robe gritted his teeth and said, "I will only tell you that my senior brother will not let you go."

"It's not a question of whether he will let me go, it's a question of whether I'll let you go." Meng Hailong continued in a cold voice, "Do you say it or not, if you say it, you may still have hope of survival, but if you don't say it, I promise, you will not see the sun tomorrow." "

Hehe... Hehe..."Facing Meng Hailong's question, the man in the robe just smirked vigorously, and did not mean to answer the question.

Seeing him so uncooperative, Meng Hailong could only use his killer weapon.

With a thought, the crossbow in his hand was sent back to the Lingyu space by him, but immediately, he took out a small box from the Lingyu space.

Needless to say, what is in this box must be transparent worms.

As soon as Meng Hailong took out the box, he found that the man in the robe had already changed greatly when he saw the box in his hand.

"It's Gu poison!" The man in the robe said quickly, "You, you, you actually have Gu poison on your body, this, this, this, this is impossible."

"Heaven and earth, nothing is impossible!" Meng Hailong continued, "Do you want to take the initiative to confess now? Well, it's a pity that it's too late, now, even if you want to take the initiative to confess, there is no chance."

After saying that, Meng Hailong put the small worm in the box into the man's nostrils.

In less than a minute, the man couldn't resist anymore and was completely controlled by the Gu poison.

Seeing that the Gu poison had already had an effect, Meng Hailong opened his mouth and said, "Tell me quickly, who is your senior brother, where is he now? You belong to that sect, what is the purpose of coming here?" "My senior brother is

Ling Tiankai, where he is now, I don't know. The man in the robe continued, "We no longer belong to any sect, because our sect was destroyed by the people of the Dragon Sect many years ago. At that time, my brother and I happened to be out on errands, and we survived.

"What about another question?" Meng Hailong continued, "Why did you come here, and kill innocents indiscriminately?" "

Senior brother said, the sect is gone, and there will be no good results if we continue to practice, while we still have time, it is better to come out and live the life of an ordinary person and be at ease for a few years."

"You can come out and be free, but it's not right for you to kill innocents indiscriminately, just because you kill innocents indiscriminately, so you won't be at ease for too long." Meng Hailong said coldly, "Now, you can die."

After saying that, Meng Hailong flew up and kicked at the man in the robe, like playing football, kicking his whole person into the air.

The man in the robe flew more than ten meters in the air, and then began to fall, and soon, his body fell into the sea with a "plop", and his life would soon be drawn to an end.

Originally, Meng Hailong promised to let Guo Xiaoqing kill this man by himself, but since he was not the murderer of Guo Bingliang and his wife, there was no need to let Guo Xiaoqing do it himself.

After dealing with the robed man, Meng Hailong returned to the villa as quickly as possible.

At this time, Guo Xiaoqing, who was waiting in the villa, was already anxious, because she didn't know if Meng Hailong could win against that man, what if he couldn't win?

Hearing this sound of footsteps, Guo Xiaoqing hurriedly took out the pipe that Meng Hailong gave her, ready to deal with possible dangers at any time.

However, as soon as she took out the pipe, she had already seen Meng Hailong's figure.

Finding out that the person who came in was Meng Hailong, Guo Xiaoqing put the pipe back and asked anxiously, "Brother-in-law, how is it? Did you catch that person?"

Meng Hailong continued: "Xiaoqing, listen to me, that guy is not the murderer of his uncle and aunt, the real murderer is his senior brother, a guy named Ling Tiankai. Just because he wasn't the murderer of my uncle and aunt, I didn't hand him over to you to deal with, so I disposed of him privately. "

Ling Tiankai, you will definitely die a good death!" Guo Xiaoqing gritted her teeth and scolded, after scolding, she hurriedly asked: "Brother-in-law, then do you know where you can find this guy named Ling Tiankai?"

"I don't know yet!" Meng Hailong shook his head lightly, and continued: "I only know that this bastard plans to come out and live a happy life, so you don't have to worry too much, sooner or later, we will find him." "

Brother-in-law, knowing his name, can you still ask Yike to help you find him?" Guo Xiaoqing asked expectantly. Her parents were killed, but she couldn't do anything now, and she was very panicked.

"I'll let him try it!" Seeing Guo Xiaoqing's anxious look, Meng Hailong couldn't bear to hit her, so although he knew that there was little hope, he finally took out his mobile phone and called Yike.

With the same mentality, Yike also felt that there was little hope, but he also didn't want to hit Meng Hailong, after receiving Meng Hailong's call, he tried to use hacking technology to find out all the people called Ling Tiankai in the country.

Looking all over Huaxia, there are more than 3,700 people named Ling Tiankai.

E-Ke uses some techniques to exclude the elderly and children, then excludes women, and finally excludes some conditions that do not meet the conditions.

Meng Hailong had already told him just now, this person named Ling Tiankai should not have been active in the city before, so as long as it is those who have worked in a certain company for a long time, or have lived in the city for many years, they can be directly excluded.

After a series of eliminations, in the end, there were only twenty-one people left who were more suspicious.

There was really no way to exclude these people, so Yike sorted out the information of these people and sent them all to Meng Hailong's mailbox.

After the email was sent, Yike picked up his mobile phone and made a call to Meng Hailong, telling him that the information had been sent to the mailbox and asked him to check and judge it himself.

Meng Hailong just answered, and then, he hung up the phone, opened the mailbox, and together with Guo Xiaoqing, began to check the information sent to him by Yike.

It took the two of them more than half an hour to finally read all the information.

Although these people found out by Yike have very special identities and origins, and a few of them don't even know that they came out of that mess, these people don't look like murderers.

Of course, the murderer will not put the word murderer on his forehead, if you want to know if these people are the Ling Tiankai they are looking for, you have to verify it in person.

Before going to these people, Meng Hailong felt that they had to dispose of the bodies of Guo Bingliang and his wife first, otherwise, if the bodies of these two people decomposed in the room, the impact would be great.

originally wanted to propose that the remains of Guo Bingliang and his wife be cremated, but after thinking about it, Meng Hailong thought of another idea.

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