Glancing at everyone present, Meng Hailong said: "Other companies, other groups, others have year-end bonuses, and our Xiaolong Group will definitely be no exception."

"It's just that our Xiaolong Group is still very short in the world since it was established, so I plan not to give you a year-end bonus this year." Hearing

Meng Hailong's previous words, everyone was still very excited and looking forward to it. However, when Meng Hailong said the last few words, everyone's enthusiasm was completely extinguished.

Even after Liu Meng listened to Meng Hailong's words, she felt unbelievable, because she felt that Meng Hailong should not be such a person, but what happened to him today?

"Village chief, I think this year-end bonus must be issued!" Liu Meng suddenly stood up and said: " Although our Xiaolong Group has not been established for a long time, everyone has worked hard and diligently, no matter how much, at least we have to send a red envelope to everyone, right?"

"Yes, village chief, no matter how much, you should also express it!" "

Such a large group, if there is no year-end bonus, who will want to stay here and work in the future?"

As soon as Liu Meng's words were finished, the people present all put forward their opinions one after another, expressing their dissatisfaction with Meng Hailong.

Meng Hailong didn't stop everyone, just let everyone express their opinions, standing on the stage, he just silently listened to people's voices and wrote down the questions raised by people.

When everyone's opinions were basically finished, he said unhurriedly: "Everyone be quiet for a while and listen to what I have to say."

As soon as he said this, the scene immediately fell silent, and everyone wanted to hear what the village chief wanted to say more.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Meng Hailong continued: "I said that I won't give you a year-end bonus this year, it doesn't mean that there will be no year-end bonus this year.

"Please think about it, Xiaolong Group was established for half a year, and many people even went to work in the company for less than a month, in this case, if our group only gives year-end bonuses to old employees, but new employees do not, some people will be unconvinced."

"I won't say anything superfluous, here, let me explain my personal thoughts to you!" Meng Hailong continued, "I plan it this way, whether it is a new employee or an old employee, as long as it is an employee of our Xiaolong Group, there will be a year-end bonus, and the year-end bonus of our Xiaolong Group will not be stingy."

"Considering that the group has been established for less than half a year, this year's year-end bonus will be distributed according to the standard of 50,000 yuan per person.

"Of course, this prize money needs to be held by our group for the time being and distributed at next year's annual meeting. Worried about being misunderstood, Meng Hailong opened his mouth to explain: "I did this just out of consideration for the interests of the group, and I hope everyone can understand." You can rest assured that I will give you this money when I say it, and I will definitely give it to you.

"As long as you continue to work in Xiaolong Group, I can assure you that you will not be disappointed at next year's annual meeting."

After a slight pause, Meng Hailong continued: "Of course, if you can't trust me, you can also choose to leave, and I will settle your salary with a lot of money, in addition, if you want to leave, I will also give you a year-end bonus, of course, not all of them, but according to how many days you work in the company."

Meng Hailong's words were finished, but the scene was still quiet.

After a few tens of seconds, someone took the lead in speaking: "Village Chief, I believe in you! I will continue to work in Xiaolong Group, not only for the year-end bonus, but also because I like this job."

"Village Chief, as long as Xiaolong Group doesn't expel me for a day, I won't leave Xiaolong Group, and I will continue to work hard for that year-end bonus and for myself." "

Thank you for your trust and support, as long as you stay in Xiaolong Group, I dare to assure you that one day in the future, you will be proud to work in Xiaolong Group." Inside

the banquet hall, warm applause soon rang out.

Liu Meng, who had stood up and was going to speak for everyone, couldn't help but clap her palms at this moment, and it wasn't until this moment that she knew that she was wrong to blame the village chief.

The village chief's abacus is very good, not only to give people a lot of encouragement, but also to tie people's hearts, in order to get this year-end reward, in the coming year, those who originally intended to change jobs, I believe they will continue to work in Xiaolong Group.

After the matter was decided, everyone continued to eat and drink, and it was not until twelve o'clock in the evening that the annual meeting finally ended perfectly.

The next morning, Xiaolong Group officially went on holiday.

But many people did not go back, the reason is actually very simple, usually everyone only cares about work, although the place of work is in Xiaolong Village, but we do not have much time to have a good play, now, the group is on holiday, people plan to stay and play first.

Some people even called their family and friends over to get together in Xiaolong Village to eat, drink, and have fun together, which is also a great joy in life.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the music started.

Following the rhythm of the music, the villagers' bodies began to writhe, and during this time, because of the influence of Meng Jianguo and Liu Dahai, the villagers also learned to square dance.

Upon learning of this situation, Meng Hailong not only did not blame everyone for delaying work, but also expressed encouragement, and he set a time for people to play music automatically at eight o'clock in the morning, and at this time, the villagers could move on the spot.

Although the best time to square dance is in the evening, it is also a good thing for the body to get up in the morning and move your muscles.

The whole village, all the villagers danced square dance together, especially, the villagers were still wearing uniform costumes, invisibly, which brought a very ornamental program to Xiaolong Village.

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and when people are buying New Year's goods and preparing for a good New Year, Meng Hailong organized people to set up a jumping platform on the side of the fish pond.

No one knew what he was trying to do, and when someone asked, Meng Hailong just smiled and said nothing, looking mysterious.

Even when Liu Jinrui asked, Meng Hailong didn't say what he thought, just grinned and said: "Honey, don't you know how to take a hexagram?"

"Okay, then I'll try!"

He took out something similar to a turtle shell, and put a few copper coins into the turtle shell, and then, Liu Jinrui closed his eyes and said a few words silently in his mouth, before he began to shake the turtle shell in his hand.

After a few shakes, she opened her eyes and poured the copper coin from the turtle shell onto the table.

"Brother Hailong, it turns out that you have this in mind!" Just after looking at the same few pieces, Liu Jinrui grinned and said, "Let the pig perform diving, this kind of bad idea, I'm afraid only you can think of it."

Listening to Liu Jinrui's words, Meng Hailong was surprised, he didn't expect that Liu Jinrui's ability to tell hexagrams is so good now, and even his thoughts can be calculated.

That's right, the jumping platform he had people set up on the edge of the pond was really trying to get pigs to perform diving for people.

Of course, Meng Hailong didn't plan to charge for this project, so he just set up a jumping platform on the edge of the pond.

If you want to charge a fee, you have to circle the surroundings, so that the project is much larger.

Meng Hailong didn't charge, not because he was afraid that the project would be too big to do, but because he had another idea, so to speak, let the pig perform diving for people, which was just one of his plans.

As for what Meng Hailong still has in mind, Liu Jinrui can't tell him the hexagram. After all, when it comes to some things in his inner world, Liu Jinrui doesn't dare to calculate at will.

It was previously possible to deduce that Meng Hailong set up the jumping platform to perform pig diving, which was calculated through the diving platform.

But if you want to know Meng Hailong's plan, you have to extrapolate from him.

Can it be deduced that Meng Hailong's mind is not easy to say, if he can't get it right, he will be counterattacked, that is the result that Liu Jinrui does not want to see.

In addition to building this jumping platform, the rest of Xiaolong Village is also a busy scene.

During the Chinese New Year, the number of tourists who come to Xiaolong Village will definitely increase, in order to leave a better image for people, Meng Hailong plans to decorate Xiaolong Village to be bright and bright, and welcome this wave of tourists with the best attitude.

Red lanterns are everywhere, and colorful lanterns are lit up.

In order to make Xiaolong Village more festive, Meng Hailong also specially customized a batch of new clothes for the villagers. This time, in addition to customizing a batch of clothes for people, Meng Hailong also made a batch of clothes for the monkeys on Qianguo Island.

Wearing this batch of new costumes, not only the villagers of Xiaolong Village were happy, but also the monkeys on Qianguo Island.

Xu Weiguang, on behalf of the villagers of Xiaolong Village, came to Meng Hailong's house, and after a few words of greeting, he said: "Village Chief, this is the first fat year after our Xiaolong Village got rid of poverty and became rich

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