"Hongdou, how are you?" Hearing Hongdou's painful snort, Meng Hailong only felt his heart tighten, so he hurriedly asked.

In fact, at the same time as he asked this sentence, Meng Hailong had already opened the clairvoyant eye, and under the observation of the clairvoyant eye, he found that Hongdou's injury was not fatal, so he was slightly relieved.

shouted and told everyone to lie on their stomachs and not move, and then Meng Hailong picked up the stones on the ground again, looked at one of the speedboats, and threw it over.

With a "bang", there was an auxiliary aiming of the clairvoyant eye, and after the stone was thrown out by Meng Hailong, it hit the speedboat very accurately.

Hit by a stone, the speedboat quickly lost control, and hit the shore with a "boom", and the two people on the speedboat, because of the inertia, flew directly to the shore and fell to death.

Dealt with a speedboat, and while dodging bullet shots, Meng Hailong picked up another stone from the ground and threw it out again.

The stone hit a speedboat again, and this time, although the speedboat did not hit the shore, it capsized in the river, and the two people on the speedboat fell into the water, struggling desperately.

Two more stones flew out, but there was no suspense, two more speedboats were killed, and the last one was left, and when he saw that the situation was not good, he wanted to turn around and escape, but unfortunately, Meng Hailong did not give them this chance.

Picking up a larger stone, he locked on to them with his clairvoyant eye, and then, with a single effort, he threw the stone out.

The last speedboat was also easily dealt with by Meng Hailong, and the danger was basically removed, but those who fell into the river were still alive, and it was hard to say whether they still had guns on them.

Because of this, in order to ensure everyone's safety, Meng Hailong still asked everyone to continue to lie on their stomachs.

Especially Hongdou, she was already injured, Meng Hailong specially ordered her not to move, and then he walked quickly to the river.

When he came to the river, Meng Hailong was about to go down to arrest people, but at this moment, several more speedboats drove quickly towards this side.

With his perspective open, Meng Hailong took a closer look and found that the people on these speedboats were members of the water escort team created by Mo Chen and Mo Yu, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

When these people got closer, Meng Hailong gave them an order, telling them to catch all the people in the river, of course, Meng Hailong also reminded them to be careful, after all, he was not sure what the skills of those people in the water were.

Although the water guard team is not directly managed by Meng Hailong, he, the village head, everyone knows him, and after listening to Meng Hailong's words, they all showed their best state and performed well in front of Meng Hailong.

It only took a few minutes for the people of the water escort team to catch all those who had fallen into the water, tied them up, and sent them to Meng Hailong.

Because he still had to treat red beans, Meng Hailong did not deal with these people personally, but handed them over to Mo Yu to deal with.

Regarding Meng Hailong's arrangement, Mo Yu naturally did not have any opinions.

After following Meng Hailong, whether it is Mochen or Moyu, their mood has changed a lot, and now, they are completely admired for Meng Hailong, and they are willing to stay and help him.

After handing over the matter of dealing with those people to Mo Yu and telling everyone to be careful, Meng Hailong picked up the red bean and walked into the martial arts crash course.

Although the gunshot wound on Hongdou's body did not kill her, the bullet was still in her body, and if she didn't take it out quickly, it would be a great torture for her.

The submachine guns used by those people were very powerful, and the bullet entered through the back of the red bean, almost penetrating directly through her chest, that is, because the part hit was a bit special, so the bullet failed to pass directly through her chest.

However, the damage of this shot to the red bean is also very large.

The bullet destroyed a lot of tissue in her right chest, and even if the bullet was removed, the impact on her would still be there.

And the biggest impact on red beans is that she may not be able to breastfeed for the rest of her life.

Before helping Hongdou take out the bullet, Meng Hailong first told her about the situation, he thought that Hongdou would be very sad, but he didn't expect that when he learned of this situation, the expression on Hongdou's face didn't change at all, as if she didn't care at all.

The look on Hongdou's face is really nothing, but in fact, she is very sad in her heart, but she knows that what about sadness, the facts are already in front of her, and it can be solved without sadness.

The sad look didn't show on her face, it was only because she didn't want to bring her sadness to others.

Tearing open the clothes on Hongdou's body, Meng Hailong first used a silver needle to prick more than a dozen needles around her wound to stop the bleeding from the wound, and then he used other tools to take out the bullet left in Hongdou's body.

The bullet was taken out, and Meng Hailong used a silver needle to prick more than a dozen needles around the wound.

The dozen or so stitches pierced at the beginning were to stop the bleeding, but the dozen or so stitches pierced later were to promote the growth of the wound.

After pricking the needle, Meng Hailong took out some medicine powder that he had created himself, similar to the Golden Creation Medicine, from the spirit jade space, sprinkled it on the wound, and wrapped it with gauze to protect the wound from secondary damage from the outside world.

After finishing the matter and thinking about it, Meng Hailong said to Hongdou: "Hongdou, there is one thing, I didn't plan to say it, but I thought about it carefully and felt that you have the right to choose, so I plan to tell you about it."

After a slight pause, Meng Hailong continued: "Actually, I just said that you won't be able to breastfeed in the future, which is not absolute.

"Your condition, after the wound has recovered, you can also choose to use massage to treat it. Meng Hailong continued, "You may think that I want to take advantage of you, but in fact, no, you and Zitong are my valued people, as long as there is another way, I won't just tell you this way."

"Village chief, you don't need to explain much, I'll understand. Hongdou nodded and thought for a moment before she continued: "Village Chief, since the massage can only be performed after the wound has recovered, then, I will seriously consider it during this time, and when I think about it, I will tell you the answer."

"Okay, it's all up to you to make a decision, I won't interfere, of course, before making a decision, you can also go to the hospital for a check-up, so as not to fall for me." Meng Hailong smiled and said, "You rest for a while, I'll go and make arrangements, and take a boat to take everyone to Xiaolong Village."

After saying that, Meng Hailong turned around and walked out.

As he walked, he had already taken out his mobile phone and dialed Liu Jinrui's number. Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer people in Xiaolong Village who can take advantage of it.

After Wu Xinwen and Wu Xinxin returned to Nanyun, they have not come back yet, and Song Qingshu was sent by Meng Hailong to Datie Village to maintain law and order, and Mochen protected Su Feifei in Haiyang Shipyard, and there are really not many people who can be mobilized by Meng Hailong.

Because of this, to find someone to pick them up, Meng Hailong could only call Liu Jinrui and ask her to make arrangements.

However, as soon as the phone called, as soon as the situation was explained, Liu Jinrui said quickly on the other end of the phone: "Brother Hailong, aren't you quite familiar with Su Feifei? "

Well, you're right, my dear, you're still thoughtful!" praised Liu Jinrui twice, and Meng Hailong hung up the phone.

After ending the call with Liu Jinrui, Meng Hailong hurriedly called Su Feifei and told him what he thought.

Meng Hailong wanted to borrow a boat, Su Feifei naturally would not refuse, the two just said a few words, and Su Feifei had already promised to drive the largest ship in the shipyard to Baby-Friendly Island.

Hung up the phone, while waiting, Meng Hailong came to Mo Yu's side again, and saw that she had already choked those people enough, Meng Hailong opened his mouth and asked, "How is it?


That may be your wrong method!" Meng Hailong continued, "Please go and get me some oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, I'm going to roast them and eat them."

After saying that, Meng Hailong had already taken action, picked up dry branches around him, piled them together, and then lit them, looking like he was really going to roast and eat people.

Usually, Mo Yu and the others have to cook and eat on the island, and there is no shortage of oil, salt, sauce and vinegar on the island, but after walking away for a while, Mo Yu took the oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

Meng Hailong took out a knife, grabbed the wrist of one of them, and slashed his hand several times with the knife.

At the beginning, although this guy's hand was scratched by a knife, he gritted his teeth and endured not making the slightest sound, and even when Meng Hailong sprinkled salt and soy sauce on his wound, he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

However, when Meng Hailong grabbed his hand and sent it to the fire, the man finally collapsed, because he already believed that Meng Hailong would really roast his hand and eat it.

"I'm convinced, don't burn my hands, whatever you want to ask, as long as I know, I will tell you, please don't burn my hands. As soon as the defense line collapsed, the man hurriedly begged for mercy, and his plea for mercy soon attracted the contemptuous eyes of his fellow party members.

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