After a while, someone shouted, and the leader of the monitoring room picked up the walkie-talkie and gave an order.

Almost at the same time, Meng Hailong had already thought of a key problem, the reason why he failed to open the hidden control panel in the elevator was probably because of the fingerprint problem.

Since the base camp of the Sanxiong Club is hidden under the ground of the Sanxiong Group, and the elevator is a public elevator, then, except for the people of the Sanxiong Club, no one else will definitely be able to open this control panel.

Since others can't open the control panel, but the people of the Sanxiong Club can, then, this must be related to the problem of fingerprints.

The system should have entered the fingerprints of those people in the Three Heroes Society, so only the people of the Three Heroes Association can open the hidden control panel inside the elevator.

Thinking of this possibility, Meng Hailong hurriedly dragged the short and fat man over.

This guy is a member of the Sanxiong Society, and with his hands, he will definitely be able to open the hidden control panel of the elevator.

The facts soon proved that Meng Hailong's guess was right.

When he put the short and fat man's hand on the wall of the elevator, the hidden control panel was indeed opened.

When the control panel was opened, everyone was stunned again in the monitoring room of the Three Heroes Society.

Everyone knows that the person who can open this hidden control panel must be someone from the Three Heroes Society, and now, this control panel is opened, which means that the hand that suddenly appears belongs to someone from the Three Heroes Society.

After the hidden control panel was opened, Meng Hailong directly pressed the button to the negative fifth floor.

found that this hand pressed the button on the negative fifth floor, and in the monitoring room of the Sanxiong Society, the leader hurriedly used the walkie-talkie to notify the people on the negative fifth floor, so that everyone must wake up and be careful.

When the elevator stopped on the negative fifth floor, there were already more than a dozen people standing there waiting at the door, but when the elevator door opened, everyone saw that the elevator was completely empty, and they didn't even see a ghost, let alone the weird hand.

Meng Hailong didn't care about those people, and after coming to the negative fifth floor, he began to look around, and it took him more than half an hour to finally find Sophie.

Seeing that Su Feifei was not harmed, Meng Hailong breathed a sigh of relief, but he breathed a sigh of relief, but it did not mean that he was not angry with the people of the Three Male Society.

Su Feifei is a very important figure to him, and the people of the Three Heroes Association arrested Su Feifei, which has touched Meng Hailong's bottom line.

In order to prevent similar things from happening again, Meng Hailong will directly destroy the entire Three Heroes Association, of course, not now, because, for him now, the most important thing is to rescue Sophie Fei first.

However, how to take Sophie Fei away has become a big problem.

Take her away like this, it will definitely not work, take her away quietly, and destroy the place of the Sanxiong Society by the way, this seems to be the best choice.

Xiong himself secretly arrested Su Feifei, which provided Meng Hailong with the conditions to take her back quietly, but if he wanted to take Su Feifei away quietly, he had to use the spirit jade space.

At present, Meng Hailong doesn't want Sophie Fei to know that he has such a magical space, so to bring Su Feifei back through the spirit jade space, he still needs to anesthetize Su Feifei.

Taking out a steel needle, Meng Hailong was about to anesthetize Sophie Fei and quietly bring her to the Lingyu space, but before his plan could be implemented, seven or eight bears had already come to the door of the cell.

Looking at the extraordinary bearing of these people, Meng Hailong knew that they must be the best people in the Sanxiong Association.

After these seven or eight people came here, they directly opened Sophie's cell and rushed in.

didn't have time to think about it, Meng Hailong stabbed Su Feifei with a steel needle with one hand, and grabbed her clothes with the other hand.

Sophie Fei is just an ordinary person, so after being pricked with a steel needle, she was quickly anesthetized, and she didn't even understand what was going on.

And after dragging Sophie Fei in and placing it, Meng Hailong picked up two crossbows and aimed at the people outside, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

One after another, the crossbow arrows shot out from the spirit jade space, because these crossbow arrows appeared too suddenly, some people failed to react in time, seven or eight people, and soon more than half of them fell, and only a few reacted quickly enough to dodge.

Of course, even if they dodged, they couldn't change their fate, Meng Hailong was determined to eliminate the Three Heroes Society, and he would definitely not be soft.

After shooting all the crossbow arrows of the two crossbows, Meng Hailong did not continue to attack them, and as soon as his mind moved, some explosives appeared in his hands.

These explosives had been collected from elsewhere before, and had been thrown by him in the spirit jade space, and now, these explosives came in handy.

The base camp of the Three Heroes Society is under the underground of the Three Heroes Group, and Meng Hailong believes that as long as he ignites the explosives, he can bury the base camp of the Three Heroes Society directly.

As long as the Sanxiong Group collapses, the people of the Sanxiong Association will also be finished, and Meng Hailong doesn't have to bother to kill them one by one.

After the explosives were taken out, Meng Hailong did not relentless at all, and when he found a suitable position, he installed the explosives.

Feeling that it was enough to blow up the Sanxiong group, he took out a lighter and lit the explosives.

After the explosives were ignited, Meng Hailong hurriedly hid through the spirit jade space to a relatively distant place. Although he was in the spirit jade space, the big explosion outside would not have any effect on him, but in the center of the explosion area, the thick smoke from the explosion would obscure his vision, which was not conducive to observation.

Because of this, after igniting the explosives, Meng Hailong would hide relatively far away.

With a loud "boom", the entire Sanxiong Group suddenly collapsed, because the incident happened suddenly, under the observation of the perspective eye, Meng Hailong clearly saw that none of the people inside could escape, and they were all buried in a ruin.

Because the place of the explosion was on the negative fifth floor of the Mio Group, people basically did not hear the explosion on the ground.

Everyone just saw that the Sanxiong Group collapsed suddenly, and no one knew what happened, and they only thought it was the result of the tofu slag project.

The sudden collapse of the Sanxiong Group is definitely a big deal in the Xiong Country.

Especially those who know the inside story, they know that the Sanxiong Society is hidden under the ground of the Sanxiong Group, and the Sanxiong Group suddenly collapses, and the Sanxiong Society will be finished, and the fall of the Sanxiong Society is bad news for some people in Xiong's own country.

The news spread quickly, and when they learned the news of the sudden collapse of the Sanxiong Group, the people of Xiong's own country accused certain departments one after another, saying that these departments were not well supervised, which left an opportunity for the construction team to create a tofu slag project.

Invisibly, this incident has brought tremendous pressure to certain departments, because the families of the workers who work in the Sanxiong Group have united and vowed to seek justice for their loved ones.

As the initiator of this incident, Meng Hailong was lying on a recliner in the Lingyu space at the moment, drinking tea leisurely, watching the good show being staged outside.

Sanxiong will be destroyed, this is a certain thing, of course, this is just the beginning, and next, Meng Hailong will turn Xiong Guoguo upside down, and the chickens and dogs will be restless, because he feels that if he doesn't give Xiong Guoguo a painful blow, these bastards will still beat him sooner or later.

Since the other party has come to him again and again for trouble, then he has to let the other party not have the opportunity to come to him for trouble again.

Without rushing to wake up Sophie, through the Lingyu space, Meng Hailong soon came to a museum in Xiong's country.

Although the security of the museum is very strict, no matter how heavily guarded Meng Hailong wants to go, it will not stop him.

Through the Lingyu space, Meng Hailong soon came to the side of an antique in this museum.

Although he didn't know much about antiques, judging from the number of people watching, Meng Hailong could conclude that the antique in front of him must be priceless.

This antique, locked in a glass case, is actually a beast's head, the head of a bull in the zodiac.

Looking at the bull head in front of him, Meng Hailong quickly fell into deep thought, after some thought, he quickly remembered that the beast head of the zodiac should have been something in China, but many years ago, the great powers invaded China and snatched the beast head of the zodiac, but I didn't expect that today, the bull head in the zodiac actually appeared in front of him.

Because this antique is very valuable, there are many people who come to see it.

Just when everyone was staring at this antique and commenting on it, something magical happened suddenly, and someone was the first to find that a palm suddenly appeared in the glass cabinet that locked the cow's head.

That's right, that's the palm of a hand.

At first, when they saw this palm quietly appearing in the glass safe, everyone thought that this was a performance that the museum could arrange, but after a few tens of seconds, when the hand that suddenly appeared disappeared with the bull's head, people realized that something was too abnormal.

The palm that suddenly appeared disappeared out of thin air, and everyone felt that if it was just that palm that disappeared directly, it could still be considered a program that the museum could arrange.

However, even the bull's head on display disappeared altogether, which is a bit unclear.

In the museum, something similar is happening, and the visitors who come to visit are almost all in the same situation, they are looking at something and they are fascinated, and then there is bound to be a palm next to this thing.

Immediately after, the palm that suddenly appeared would take away the locked exhibit and disappear out of thin air.

"Oh my God, how did I see a palm suddenly appear and

take the sword away, this, this, how is this possible?" "It's just a sword, there's no need to make such a fuss, I heard that over there, the bull's head of the zodiac has been robbed!"

"That palm has appeared again, quick, take a picture of it, if you can take a picture of this scene, you can submit it to the newspaper." "

There are many opinions, and some people have already taken out their phones and are ready to film what is happening.

Unfortunately, by the time they took out their phones, the contents of their palms and glass safes had already disappeared without a trace.

As for the museum, they learned that there were constantly things lost in the museum, and they suspected that they were being stolen, so they could only make a domineering decision to block all the entrances and exits of the museum, and people from outside could come in, but when they came in, they couldn't leave.

Even those who had been in the museum before could not leave, and had to stay to cooperate with the museum's investigation.

The announcement came over the radio, and when they heard that the museum wouldn't let them leave, everyone started complaining.

If you lost something, and they didn't steal it, why should you let everyone stay and cooperate with their investigation? If you have evidence, you can take it out.

People protested, which directly put a lot of pressure on the museum.

Leave people to investigate, and if you don't have evidence, it's illegal to do so. However, if something like this happens, if the museum doesn't keep everyone behind to cooperate with the investigation, it will not be so easy to catch him if he is escaped by the thief.

Another antique suddenly disappeared, this time out of thin air, is an ancient calligraphy and painting, if this calligraphy and painting is auctioned, it is estimated that it can be sold for a good price.

"Ghost hand, Dad, look, there is a ghost hand!" The little boy who was visiting a jade carving suddenly grabbed the big hand of the man next to him and shouted such a sentence, and then, the people around him clearly saw that next to this jade carving, a hand appeared out of thin air.

The hand, which appeared out of thin air, was mistaken by the little boy as a ghost hand.

For the name given to the little boy, Meng Hailong thinks it is quite appropriate, the word "ghost hand" can give people a sense of mystery when it comes to other people's ears.

Hearing the little boy's exclamation, the two bodyguards of the museum hurriedly ran over, but unfortunately, when they came to the little boy's side, the jade carving and the "ghost hand" had already disappeared.

"Bagaya Road!" The person in charge of the museum, after hearing the news, he hurried over, but when he came here, he saw with his own eyes that dozens of security guards could not guarantee the safety of these things in the museum, and this person was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Some people are happy and some are worried, Meng Hailong, who is in the spirit jade space, is smiling from ear to ear at the moment.

I have harvested so many valuable antiques at once, and if I take them all to auction, I can make a lot of money.

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