"Village Chief, it's good that you can understand, the people of the archaeological team are still waiting at the bottom of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, no matter where you are, you have to hurry over and deal with it, well, there is nothing else to say first. After saying that, Ji Nan hung up the phone.

Putting away his mobile phone, although Meng Hailong felt helpless in his heart, he still quickly spoke: "Mr. Gu, as the people of Huaxia, we must support your work, but there is one thing I want to remind you, there are many beasts on the mountain, and if you bring so many tools up the mountain, if you don't do it well, it will scare those beasts on the mountain and cause unnecessary trouble."

After a slight pause, Meng Hailong continued: "Mr. Gu, you also said just now, until you find the exact location of the tomb, you will not dig at will, so I suggest that Mr. Gu first put some tools that you don't need at the bottom of the mountain, and then come down to take away these tools." "

No, no, no, it's too troublesome!" Gu Feng directly denied Meng Hailong's suggestion without thinking about it, in his opinion, it would waste a lot of time, so it was better to bring all the tools with him.

The reason why Meng Hailong wanted to suggest that he let him leave the tools at the bottom of the mountain was to prevent them from digging at will, but since Gu Feng refused, he couldn't say anything more.

"Open the door and let them go up the mountain!" Although he was very reluctant in his heart, Meng Hailong finally opened his mouth and gave such an order.

The person in charge of checking the ticket, although he was very surprised when he heard Meng Hailong say this, but since the village chief had spoken, he did not dare to disobey the order.

The iron gate was opened, and after Gu Feng smiled at Meng Hailong, he took his people, carrying various tools and equipment, and went up the mountain to investigate.

"Village Chief, just let them go up?" When Gu Feng and the others were far away, the person in charge of checking the ticket asked Meng Hailong.

"Otherwise, what about it?" Meng Hailong said with a frown, "Their identities are not simple, and preventing them from going up the mountain will only bring trouble to our Xiaolong Village." "

Meng Hailong asked Gu Feng and them to go up the mountain, not because he was afraid of things, but because Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain actually can't be regarded as the place of Xiaolong Village, it is just next to Xiaolong Village, and it was developed by him.

If they didn't let Gu Feng go up the mountain to investigate, in case it got a big fuss, it wouldn't be of any benefit to Xiaolong Village.

angered the superior leaders, as long as people opened their mouths to say a word, this Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain would no longer belong to their Xiaolong Village, and this was what made Meng Hailong have some scruples.

Of course, to stop Gu Feng's actions, in addition to directly refusing them to go up the mountain, Meng Hailong had many other ways.

At the beginning, the urban management team, the fire brigade, and even the police, when they arrived at Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, Meng Hailong asked them to walk with their tails between their legs, and they had to walk with their tails between them.

Now, it's just an archaeological team, and with a little means, Meng Hailong can make them retreat.

It's just that Meng Hailong didn't rush to do this, because he was still thinking about whether the arrival of this archaeological team was a good thing or a bad thing for Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Meng Hailong does not have the ability of an unpredictable prophet, but Liu Jinrui does.

Seeing that Gu Feng and they had already gone up the mountain, Meng Hailong hurried back home, found Liu Jinrui, and told her what had just happened, and asked her to take a hexagram and see what the hexagram said.

After listening to Meng Hailong's words, Liu Jinrui didn't ask much, and immediately took out the things used for fortune telling.

A few copper coins were put into the turtle shell, and while there were words in his mouth, he shook them a few times, and then Liu Jinrui poured the copper coins in the turtle shell on the table.

Looking at the copper coins on the table, Liu Jinrui's brows quickly furrowed, and at the same time, she said: "Brother Hailong, judging from the hexagram, the arrival of this archaeological team will bring a disaster to our Xiaolong Village, and this is still a big disaster. "

What do you say?" Meng Hailong hurriedly asked.

"It's hard to say!" Liu Jinrui said with some guilt, "Maybe my ability is still limited, I can only calculate that the archaeological team will bring disaster to Xiaolong Village, but I can't calculate what kind of disaster this will be."

"If you say that, then we can't let them stay in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain. Meng Hailong quickly made a decision, as the head of Xiaolong Village, he had to think about the safety of Xiaolong Village, no matter what the situation, he couldn't let Xiaolong Village fall into trouble.

Hearing Meng Hailong say this, Liu Jinrui thought for a while and said, "Brother Hailong, the archaeological team was sent by the state, if we drive them away, I'm afraid it will be even more troublesome."

"If we drive people away, there will definitely be trouble. Meng Hailong continued, "However, if they leave on their own, it has nothing to do with us.

Meng Hailong didn't say his plan, and Liu Jinrui didn't ask much, because she had confidence in Meng Hailong.

Of course, Meng Hailong was not in a hurry to implement his plan, the archaeological team had just gone up the mountain, and if there was an accident immediately, it would not be like an accident.

accompanied Liu Jinrui at home, and the two worked together to prepare a sumptuous dinner for everyone.

Seeing that it was Meng Hailong and Liu Jinrui cooking together, Liu Jinshui and Miao Xintian, the two girls, clapped their hands vigorously next to them.

Meng Hailong's cooking, everyone has been taught.

No one can understand that the same dish that Meng Hailong cooks is particularly delicious, while others, no matter how they burn it, just can't burn the kind of taste he burns.

In this regard, Meng Hailong just smiled and said nothing.

At the dining table, after three rounds of wine, Liu Dahai suddenly said: "As the saying goes, the building near the water gets the moon first, Liujia Village is next to Xiaolong Village, Xiaolong Village has been developing in a good direction, but unfortunately, Liujia Village has not only failed to get any benefits, but is still going downhill, sad, sad!" "Dad

, you are no longer the village chief of Liujia Village, why are you still feeling this?" Liu Jinrui frowned and said, " At the beginning, Brother Hailong didn't mean to help Liujia Village, but the people in our village went too far and went downhill, which was their own fault and couldn't blame anyone. "

That being said, Liujia Village is the place where we were born and raised after all!" Liu Dahai let out a long sigh again.

Seeing Liu Dahai's sullen appearance for the affairs of Liujia Village, Meng Hailong said: "Dad, after the New Year, I will talk to the people of Liujia Village, if I can, I am still willing to help Liujia Village."

"Sea Dragon, you are really good-hearted, in this world, I admire you. As he spoke, Liu Dahai had already raised his glass and said, "Come on, come on, I, Liu Dahai, am here to represent the villagers of Liujia Village, thank you in advance." "

Sister, brother-in-law, I just want to know, when will you get married?" Liu Jinshui suddenly said, "Recently, I've been thinking that my sister must be very beautiful in a wedding dress, well, I'm looking forward to it."

"What Jin Shui said is exactly what we want to say. Without waiting for Meng Hailong to answer, Liu Dahai preemptively said, "Hailong, your economy is not tense now, and your living standards have been greatly improved.

"That's it, when you finish your marriage, give birth to a big fat boy as soon as possible, it's best to have a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses, so that we old guys don't have to be so boring." Meng Jianguo also picked up and said this with a smile.

"Dad, Mom, we will organize the marriage between me and Jin Rui as soon as possible, but now that the New Year is coming, anyway, the wedding will have to wait until the New Year. Meng Hailong thought for a while and then said, "After we get married, I will give you a few big fat boys, and when the time comes, don't bother the children." "

How come?" Miao Ruolan said with a smile, "That old man doesn't care about his grandson, you guys, just be responsible for giving birth to the child, and leave the rest to us." "

Mom, you said this, don't regret it when the time comes!" Meng Hailong said jokingly, "The child born to me and Jin Rui must be very naughty, and when the time comes, some of you will be busy." Everyone

was chatting while eating the food on the table, and before they knew it, the meal had been eaten for nearly an hour.

After eating a full meal, Meng Hailong accompanied Liu Jinrui up the mountain and returned to their own home.

Just staying at home for a short while, Meng Hailong quietly entered the Lingyu space, Gu Feng's gang was now setting up a tent on the mountain, and he felt that it was time for him to do something.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening, and in the moonlight, Gu Feng methodically commanded those he had brought to set up a dozen tents on the mountain.

They were busy nervously, but at this moment, there was a buzzing sound in their ears.

Hearing this buzzing sound, Gu Feng looked up, and by the moonlight, he soon saw a swarm of wasps suddenly coming overhead, dense, and it could make people feel their scalp tingle just by looking at it.

"It's a hornet, let's get into the tent. After discovering the hornet, Gu Feng decisively gave this order, and at the same time, he had already gotten into a tent next to him and hid.

Although Gu Feng is old, the speed of his activity is not slow, but unfortunately, no matter how fast his movements are, they can't compare to the speed of the hornet's flight.

Before he could get into the tent and zip it up, several wasps had flown in.

Although there were a few hornets in the tent, Gu Feng was very calm, because he knew that being stung by these wasps was much better than being attacked by a large group of hornets outside.

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