Hu Sijia thought that Liu Jinrui would pull Meng Hailong's ears to teach him a lesson, but he thought that not only did such a situation not happen, but on the contrary, Liu Jinrui also encouraged Meng Hailong to do this, what a strange woman must be to do such a thing.

Seeing Hu Sijia's stunned expression, Meng Hailong said with a smile: "Jiajia, did you hear it? My fiancée has no opinion, if you think it's okay, I'll go to your room at night." "

Forget it!" Hu Sijia said with a red face, "Village Chief, you are embarrassed to pay, and I am embarrassed to enjoy it."

"It's all your own people, don't be so polite!" Liu Jinrui said with a smile, "When you want to enjoy it, you can come directly to my house."

As soon as he said this, Hu Sijia once again admitted defeat.

She never thought that there would be such a strange woman in this world, others regard their men tightly, she is good, not only did she not pay close attention to Meng Hailong, but also let people come to the door, it is too strange!

Hu Sijia felt very incomprehensible about this, but if she and Liu Jinrui were exchanged, she would understand why Liu Jinrui was able to do this.

She can't do it if she doesn't do this, in a certain aspect, Meng Hailong's ability is too strong, but if she is alone, she can't resist his attack at all, only by finding a few more sisters for herself, she can be more relaxed.

Of course, Liu Jinrui will not say this matter, because such a thing can only be experienced in person, and it is not the same thing when it is said from the mouth.

The bonfire party soon began, on the Baby-Friendly Island, groups of three or five, people roasted meat around the bonfire, drank wine to forget their worries, and as soon as the interest came up, some people began to dance in the square.

No way, you don't know any other dance, this square dance has just been learned recently.

Of course, square dancing at the bonfire party is not impossible, as long as everyone can have fun and there is no need to have any constraints.

Meng Hailong and the others were having fun on Baby-Friendly Island, and Gu Feng and his archaeological team were also sleeping comfortably on the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Without the harassment of blood wolves and wasps, lying in the tent, everyone slept until dawn.

When he got up this morning, Gu Feng led a group of his subordinates straight to a place he found yesterday, and after their preliminary judgment, this place under his feet was very likely to be the location of the ancient tomb.

When he came here, Gu Feng began to give orders, and all kinds of instruments came in handy.

After an hour-long test, Gu Feng's voice became a little excited, and with a wave of his big hand, he quickly gave an important order: dig.

After this series of tests, Gu Feng was already sure that the tomb they were looking for was at their feet.

A dozen people were quick to get into action, and in just a few hours, they had dug the passage into the main burial chamber.

Excavating all the way in, Gu Feng finally determined that this trip, they did not come in vain, because, in this tomb, they have found a lot of ancient cultural relics.

Especially in this main burial chamber, there are even more cultural relics.

In addition to countless artifacts, there is also a coffin in the main burial chamber, but the placement of this coffin is a little strange.

At the bottom of the coffin is a gossip pattern, and around the coffin, there is a circle of precious night pearls, which illuminate the entire main burial chamber as if it were day.

"Mr. Gu, are you going to open the museum?" an assistant suddenly walked over and whispered in Gu Feng's ear.

Everyone who does what they do is that in the tomb, it is not allowed to speak loudly, not because speaking loudly will scare the dead alive, but because speaking loudly can sometimes cause the tomb to collapse, which is a very serious consequence.

"Let's go!" Gu Feng only thought about it for a moment, and he made a decision. Without opening the coffin, they would not be able to determine who was buried in this tomb.

Receiving the affirmation of the ancient style, the assistant took out a few candles, placed them in the four corners of the coffin, and lit them.

This is a method passed down from the ancestors, before the coffin is opened, the candle is lit, if the candle is burning during the process of opening the coffin, then the situation is normal.

But once the candle is extinguished, the act of opening the coffin cannot continue, otherwise, there will be a catastrophe.

Of course, this is just a method left by the ancestors, and no one knows whether there is really such a spirit yet, because, in the past time, so many people present, no one has experienced the thing of the candle going out.

After the candle was lit, several people approached the coffin in the main burial chamber with tools, and they were just about to do it, when suddenly, a candle went out.

"Don't move, the candle is extinguished, it's a bad omen. When he noticed that one of the candles had been extinguished, one of the guys hurriedly shouted.

Although he didn't know what the consequences would be after the candle was extinguished, he still stopped everyone in time and told everyone not to do it first.

"The candle was just blown out by the wind, so don't be so nervous, just light it again. Gu Feng said unhurriedly, and after speaking, he personally took out a lighter and re-lit the candle that had been blown out.

After living for such a long time, he has opened countless coffins, and Gu Feng has never encountered strange things happening, so he doesn't believe much in some of the methods handed down by his ancestors.

After the extinguished candle was re-lit, Gu Feng gave people another order to continue to open the coffin, but he wanted to see if there would really be a disaster when the candle was extinguished.

Gu Feng is the leader of these people, in the archaeological team, he is also the most authoritative person, Gu Feng let everyone open the coffin, everyone naturally did not dare to disagree, with various tools, people worked together, and it took a lot of effort, which finally opened the lid of the coffin.

As soon as the lid of the coffin was opened, several poisonous arrows suddenly shot out around the tomb, and several people were shot by the poisonous arrows, although the injured parts did not kill them, but the toxins on the poisonous arrows quickly made these people unconscious.

"Mr. Gu, they are poisoned, what should I do?"

"Carry it out, call an ambulance, quickly." Gu Feng gave another order, and then, the people he brought with him hurriedly carried out the injured and unconscious guys.

Although this place is very dangerous, it is full of mystery, and because of this, Gu Feng did not leave immediately, even if he knew that it was dangerous, he still wanted to find out the situation of this tomb.

A group of people, now only the three of them are left in the tomb to accompany the ancient style.

The three of them were actually very timid, and they originally wanted to persuade Gu Feng to let him withdraw from this tomb, but seeing that Gu Feng was very interested in this tomb, they didn't dare to speak.

Accompanied by Gu Feng, several people wanted to get closer to the coffin.

The lid of the coffin had been opened just now, but because of the sudden attack of the poisoned arrow, the lid was not completely opened, but only opened a gap.

Worried that touching the lid of the coffin would attract poisonous arrows, Gu Feng asked everyone to lie on the ground, holding various tools in their hands, and using these tools, everyone worked together to completely lift the lid of the coffin.

With a loud "boom", the lid of the coffin was lifted and fell to the ground, and Gu Feng and the others, who were lying on the ground, saw that there were no poisonous arrows shooting out around, so they got up from the ground.

After a few people got up, they cautiously approached the coffin.

Standing next to the coffin, they quickly saw that there was a man in official uniform lying inside the coffin, but what made them all feel unbelievable was that the man lying in the coffin, his body was not decomposed.

Not only was the man's body not decomposed, but it was also very well preserved, and at first glance, it looked like a living person.

In this regard, Gu Feng showed a very surprised look.

When they were digging the tomb just now, everyone knew very well that the soil around the main tomb showed no signs of loosening, that is, the body in the coffin was absolutely impossible to be dropped.

But after so many years of preservation, the corpse is still intact, which is also amazing, isn't it?

Taking out a magnifying glass, Gu Feng was trying to check the situation of the corpse, but just as he took out the magnifying glass, the male corpse lying in the coffin suddenly opened his eyes.

"Mom, the corpse has changed, the corpse has changed, run..." A certain guy reacted quickly, and after seeing the corpse lying in the coffin open his eyes, and after shouting, he took the lead in rushing out towards the passage they had dug before.

Gu Feng was also frightened by the scene in front of him, the word "corpse transformation" has been regarded by him as a legend in the past years.

But today, he actually saw with his own eyes that something like a corpse transformation had happened.

Before he could react, the corpse lying in the coffin had already sat up straight, Gu Feng was so frightened by the scene in front of him that he threw away the magnifying glass in his hand, and several people scrambled to escape towards the passage dug before.

"Now that you're here, don't think about leaving. The gloomy voice came from behind him, and Gu Feng suddenly found that he couldn't run, because a pair of cold hands without any temperature had already choked his neck, and then, there was a knife-like pain in his neck.

The previous face appeared in Gu Feng's sight again, the difference is that when he saw this face before, Gu Feng's eyes were only curious, but at this moment, his eyes were no longer curious, but full of fear.

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