After the car was parked, Liu Hai took out a laptop from the trunk of the car, and together with everyone, they all transferred it to the helicopter, and at this time, it was Meng Hailong's turn to be in the limelight.

He started the helicopter and flew into the air with the crowd.

After the helicopter took off, Liu Hai had already opened his laptop and connected it to the monitoring equipment installed on the mountain.

When their laptops are connected to the surveillance equipment on the mountain, they can see what is going on around the tomb on the computer.

At this time, although the sun has already set, everything on the mountain is still so quiet and has not appeared.

The helicopter piloted by Meng Hailong was hovering above the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and when Liu Hai and the others were staring at the computer screen, Meng Hailong had already turned on the perspective eye.

Under the perspective eye, what he saw was clearer than what they saw on the computer with bangs.

In my sight, the mouth of the passage that had been filled in before suddenly seemed to have exploded, and the earth flew in all directions.

What Meng Hailong saw, they also saw the bangs.

It's just that they can't see it as clearly as Meng Hailong, on the computer screen, they just saw that the mouth of the passage that had been filled in before suddenly exploded, and then, a figure jumped out of it.

"My mother, in this world, there really is, it's ridiculous!" "

It's a big trouble this time!" Liu Hai frowned and said, "Being able to rush out of the soil already shows that he is very powerful, once this guy runs into the city, the impact will be great." "

Sir Liu, we should report to our superiors immediately and ask for support. A certain policeman said quickly, seeing this so powerful, the policeman was also frightened, if it weren't for sitting on the helicopter and knowing that there would be no danger, they would have been scared to the core.

"I'll fly low, you try to shoot him and see if you can kill him. Meng Hailong thought about it and said, after saying that, regardless of whether everyone agreed or not, he had already piloted the helicopter and began to descend.

The helicopter descended to a certain height, and Bangs was the first to pull out his pistol and shoot at the head.

"Bang bang bang..." several shots in succession, although they all hit the head, but what made everyone feel depressed was that after being shot, he was not knocked down, on the contrary, he seemed to be enraged.

Looking up at the plane in mid-air, he suddenly lowered his head and picked up a stone from the ground.

With his clairvoyant eyes open, seeing him bow his head to pick up stones, Meng Hailong already realized that something was wrong with the situation, and he hurriedly raised the height of the helicopter to avoid being attacked.

As he expected, after picking up the stone on the ground, he actually threw it into the air.

Fortunately, Meng Hailong had already raised the height of the helicopter in time, so as to avoid being hit by the stones thrown up.

"Oh my God, what the hell is this human?" said one of the policemen, his eyes wide, and he said in disbelief, "If he is, then this one is amazing, and he has human intelligence." But if he were a human being, with such a powerful ability, it would be terrifying.

"Don't doubt it, he definitely is!" Liu Hai said at this time, "The bullet hit him in the head, and it didn't cause him any damage, can this still be a human

?" "Village Chief, your brain is more flexible, think about it, is there any good way?" A certain policeman said quickly, "There is no one around the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and it is nothing to appear, but if this guy runs to the city or to another village, it will be a big trouble." The

policeman's words quickly reminded Meng Hailong, before, when he moved Xiaolong Village, he forgot to inform the people of Liujia Village, at this time, although Xiaolong Village was already empty, but every household in Liujia Village was still there.

In case this is run away to Liujia Village, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In particular, the speed of this action is also very fast, if he runs to Liantang Village or Tie Village, it will also be a result that Meng Hailong does not want to see.

As soon as he thought of this, Meng Hailong felt a headache.

He had never encountered it, and he hadn't even seen a record of it even when he read a book, so how to eliminate this was also a big problem for Meng Hailong.

The bullets don't work, and it is estimated that it will be futile to let the police come.

However, even if the police can't handle this matter, it must be reported in time, so that the superior can take corresponding measures to deal with what may happen next.

Liu Hai took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, found Huang Haitao's WeChat ID, and sent him a video chat request.

The request for video chat was quickly approved, and the bangs also pointed the phone's camera at the laptop in front of him in time.

Although the picture transmitted from the surveillance video is not very clear, Huang Haitao also saw the picture transmitted through the bangs.

Seeing that, Huang Haitao was busy connecting with the superior leaders again, and sent the picture he saw to the leaders.

At this time, he ran out of the ancient tomb, had already left from the top of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and ran quickly in the direction of Liujia Village.

"How can you still run away?" a policeman said in surprise, "This is completely different from what is on TV,

" "Bang bang bang..."

The two police cars were sent by Huang Haitao to support Liu Hai and them, and the policemen in the cars were all carrying heavy weapons, and when they saw them, they did not hesitate to shoot.

The dense bullets hit his body like raindrops, but unfortunately, the bullets hit his body, but they didn't cause him any damage at all, but only made the speed of progress a little slower.

In addition to slowing down the speed of his progress, the bullet hit his body, and that was that it provoked anger.

In a fit of rage, he pounced on the police when he finished firing the bullets in the chamber of the gun and changing the magazine.

When he was still two or three meters away from the police car, he suddenly jumped in the air, and then, his body fell heavily on top of one of the police cars.

With a loud "bang", the roof of the police car was instantly smashed into a large crater, the window glass was shattered, and the door could not be opened because of deformation.

Several police officers were trapped in the car, and before they could find a way to escape, they jumped into the air and fell hard.

This time, the police car, which was already deformed, was smashed down in an instant, and the policeman in charge of driving the car was the first to die.

His throat was stuck directly on the steering wheel, unable to move, and he only held on for more than a minute, and he could only say goodbye to this world in desperation.

The rest of the policemen, although they are still alive, are squeezed into a small space, and they can't even move, let alone fight back.

The police car next to him, several policemen in the car, after changing the magazine, saw that his partner's car had been dropped, and the people were also trapped in the car, anxious that something would happen to them, and after everyone was ventilated, they aimed their guns at the same time and opened fire.

The dense bullets hit his body again, although they still did not hurt

him, but his eyes still turned blood-red, and he slowly got up from the ground in fear of the bullets, and his blood-red eyes were only staring at the policemen who shot at him.

"No, drive, we need to get out of here right away. A policeman in the car gave a warning, and then the policeman in charge of driving the car hurriedly started the car, turned the car around, and sped away in the direction of Hai Duong City.

"Oops!" In mid-air, Meng Hailong, who was driving a helicopter, suddenly shouted, and then he hurriedly lowered the height of the helicopter, and said to Liu Hai and them: "Shoot quickly, no matter what, you can't let him leave the range of Xiaolong Village."

When Meng Hailong didn't say it, they didn't think of bangs, but as soon as he said this, bangs and they immediately thought that if they chased the police car to the city, it would be a big trouble.

Knowing that Meng Hailong asked them to shoot in order to attract attention, they didn't dare to be the slightest bit lazy, so they hurriedly clenched the gun in their hands, aimed and started shooting.

No one believed that this world would before, but at this moment, when the picture of the police fighting reached the police station, and even to the higher-level leaders, everyone was stunned.

The leader of the Provincial Public Security Department personally called Huang Haitao, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he apologized again and again, saying that he should not doubt Huang Haitao's words.

The superior leader was so polite, Huang Haitao was a little embarrassed.

He hurriedly opened the topic, and said earnestly: "Director, this incident in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain is very serious, according to the analysis of the pictures transmitted back by those colleagues present, this is very powerful, we must find a way to solve it as soon as possible, otherwise, the impact on society will become very bad." "

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