On the surface, Meng Hailong is indeed very relaxed, but in fact, his heart is also very depressed, and he doesn't have a particularly good idea to deal with that zombie now.

It's not good to sneak up on him in the dark, and it's not good to fight with him.

If it is a person with weaknesses in his body, no matter how strong he is, Meng Hailong can think of a way to destroy him, but it is a zombie, and even an explosion can't damage him, what other way can he completely wipe him out?

Release the blue ice and lightning bird, and fight the zombies, Meng Hailong is afraid that the zombie will jump over the wall in a hurry, in case he runs out of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, then the chance of trouble is greater.

This problem bothered Meng Hailong, walked up to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and made sure that he would not be seen, so he entered the Lingyu space, and through the Lingyu space, he soon came to the vicinity of the zombies.

The zombies were afraid of the bright light, so they ran back to the mountain.

His bloodthirsty nature has not changed, and when he returns to the mountains, he has been looking for prey in order to suck the blood of his prey.

Looking at the zombies outside and thinking about it carefully, Meng Hailong tried to release the lightning bird and let the lightning bird release the lightning to see if the lightning could pose a threat to the zombies.

After the lightning bird was sent out by him, it fluttered its wings and flew above the zombie, and a pair of wings flapped, and a bolt of lightning fell on the zombie.

The current of "Zizi" spread all over the zombie's body, and to Meng Hailong's surprise, after being struck by lightning, the zombie's whole body actually trembled violently, and it seemed that he was not only afraid of light, but also of lightning.

"Okay." Meng Hailong let out a loud shout, and he walked out of the spirit jade space, and gave an order to the lightning bird to continue to release lightning and attack the zombie.

While the lightning bird continued to release lightning to attack the zombies, Meng Hailong was not idle, he returned to the Lingyu space, controlled some big stones in the Lingyu space with his mind, and used these stones to block the zombies' movements.

After being struck by the lightning released by the lightning bird several times in succession, the zombie's movement seemed to have been greatly affected, and his reaction speed gradually slowed down.

At this time, Meng Hailong thought of another idea, with a move of his hand, he took the red blood sword, and after quietly approaching, he used the red blood sword in his hand to cut off one of the zombie's legs with one sword.

One of the zombie's legs was cut off, and he was unsteady on his feet, and he fell to the ground in an instant.

Finding that he had succeeded, Meng Hailong did not get carried away because of this, he hurriedly took the opportunity to swing another sword, cutting off the zombie's other leg.

Without two legs, I believe that this zombie will not be able to run anywhere else.

In mid-air, another lightning bolt fell, hitting the zombies on the ground, emitting a "zizi" electric sound, and the zombies that had already been burned black by the flames actually emitted a puff of green smoke at this moment.

Despite this, the zombie is still fine, although he has lost two legs, but he still has a pair of hands.

Struck by lightning again, green smoke rose from the zombie's body, and an extremely terrible roar came out of his mouth, and then he crawled quickly on the ground with his hands.

Seeing that zombies could still crawl with their hands, Meng Hailong originally thought of cutting off his hands with the Red Blood Sword, but after thinking about it, he still didn't do it in the end.

As soon as the thought moved, a huge stone quietly appeared and slammed into one of the zombie's hands.

There was a crisp bone cracking sound, and the zombie's hand was smashed off by the stone, and it didn't play a role.

But even so, he still uses his other hand to crawl.

But soon, the zombie's remaining hand was also broken by Meng Hailong with a stone, and at this point, the zombie's movement was finally restricted.

Looking at the zombie who had become the commander of the "single", Meng Hailong finally breathed a sigh of relief, he originally thought that it would be difficult to solve, but he didn't expect it to be done so easily.

It's a pity that he didn't think of this method before, otherwise, he wouldn't have to use so much manpower and material resources.

Although the zombie is still very fierce, but without limbs, he is like a tiger without claws, and he can no longer exert his might.

Although the zombie was no longer powerful, just in case, Meng Hailong still took out an iron chain to lock him.

didn't directly cut this zombie into pieces, Meng Hailong actually had an idea, zombies are unique in the world, if they can be exhibited, they will definitely attract many tourists.

If things go well, what happened this time will turn out to be a good thing. The loss of Xiaolong Village is not a loss.

Thinking secretly in his heart, the movements of his hands were not affected in the slightest, Meng Hailong quickly locked the zombie with an iron chain, and dragged him towards the bottom of the mountain.

Meng Hailong dragged the zombie down the mountain, took out his mobile phone to call Huang Haitao, and after the phone was connected, he told Huang Haitao the news that the zombie had been captured.

Knowing that the zombie was captured by Meng Hailong so easily, at first, Huang Haitao didn't believe it very much, but when he thought about it, the village chief didn't seem to fool him.

Besides, this matter is very important, and it is impossible for the village chief to joke with him.

After thinking for a while, Huang Haitao spoke: "Village Chief, since the zombies have been captured by you, can we withdraw?" "

Director Huang, don't be in a hurry to withdraw yet!" Meng Hailong said solemnly, "There is such a zombie on the mountain, who knows if there will be other zombies, we had better observe for two more days to make sure that there are no other zombies, and then let everyone retreat." "

Well, what you say is reasonable, then I will let everyone work hard for two days and continue to stick to their posts until it is safe." Huang Haitao nodded and said.

"Director Huang, this zombie is now under my control, and I have an idea to discuss with you." On the phone, Meng Hailong informed Huang Haitao of his thoughts by the way.

Huang Haitao was surprised to learn that Meng Hailong was going to use zombies as an exhibition, that guy was extremely terrifying, and only Meng Hailong dared to have such an idea.

Of course, the zombie was caught by Meng Hailong, and he wanted to take the zombie as an exhibition, and Huang Haitao didn't have much to say, but since this matter had already alarmed the top, it was not something he could say.

"Village chief, I still have to report this matter to the superiors, what is the specific result, you wait for my notification." Huang Haitao continued, "However, before the final result comes out, you must ensure that this zombie will not run away again." "

Director Huang, you can rest assured, the zombie has now been dealt with by me as a single commander, even if he wants to leave, he will definitely not be able to leave." Meng Hailong said confidently.

"Village Chief, since you can capture this zombie, then the task of finding other zombies is entrusted to you." Huang Haitao continued, "If you need any help, you just ask, and I will do everything for you." "

I'm digging a pit and burying myself alive!" Meng Hailong let out a long sigh and said, "Director Huang, when this matter is over, you have to apply for a good citizen award for me, preferably the one with a bonus."

"Village chief, you are rich enough to rival the country, and you still have the idea of bonuses, aren't you ashamed?" Huang Haitao continued, "To get back to the point, the impact of this incident is very bad, and we must let everyone know that the zombies have been captured, and only in this way can the impact be eliminated."

"So, I'm going to put the zombies out on display!" Meng Hailong took the opportunity to say, "As soon as this exhibition comes out, people all over the world will know that that very powerful zombie has been captured by us, what a good thing."

"I will discuss this matter with my superiors as soon as possible." Huang Haitao continued, "Village Chief, the most important thing now is to make sure that there are any other zombies in the vicinity, and this task will be handed over to you. In

just a few words, it was determined that a heavy burden would fall on Meng Hailong's shoulders.

Originally, Meng Hailong planned to bring the zombies down the mountain first, but after he thought about it, after bringing the zombies down the mountain, there would be no one to guard them, which was also not a way.

After thinking about it, he made a decision, for the time being, he would throw the zombie into the spirit jade space and lock it up, and wait until he was sure that there were no other zombies on this mountain, and then get that guy out.

Thinking that he was about to do it, just a thought, Meng Hailong had already brought the zombie to the spirit jade space.

After entering, Meng Hailong threw the zombie into a coffin without ants and covered him with a coffin lid.

To ensure that no accidents would happen, Meng Hailong came out of the spirit jade space again.

After he came out of the spirit jade space, he walked towards the passage that Gu Feng had dug out before.

The previous zombies escaped from this tomb, and if there were any zombies, they should be in this tomb.

Therefore, Meng Hailong planned to go down there to investigate, and if there were other zombies down there, then they would destroy him together.

With his see-through eyes open, Meng Hailong carefully drilled through a gap left by the zombie when it came out.

Entering the passage, it was pitch black all around, but for Meng Hailong, who had clairvoyance, this pitch-black environment had no effect on him.

After passing through the passage, Meng Hailong soon came to the main tomb.

Along the way, he saw the corpses of several people, including Gu Feng, who had been sucked dry of blood by zombies and died.

"Good and dignified, what kind of tomb are you digging up?" Meng Hailong sighed, and then he walked towards the coffin in the main burial chamber.

After getting closer, Meng Hailong found that the material of this coffin was very unusual, although he didn't know what the specific material of the coffin was, but he could feel that it was a rather rare substance.

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