The fuel truck drove to the place where the gang had been encountered, and a guy sitting next to him pointed a gun at Meng Hailong's head and told him to stop.

Meng Hailong did not resist, he was very obedient, and stopped the car according to their instructions.

As soon as the car stopped, the people who had come out of the road again, still with guns in their hands.

After the leader came over, he handed a pistol to Meng Hailong and said to him, "Boy, tonight is your only chance, if you fail to kill Parker, we will kill you." Your life is in your own hands, and whether you live or die is up to you.

"I'm going to kill Parker." Meng Hailong took the pistol, and after thinking about it, he spoke again: "If I can kill Parker, can all his money be mine?"

"I'll wait until you kill him." The leader sneered and said, "I advise you not to be too careless, Parker is not a simple person, don't kill him, but he killed him."

"Thanks for the reminder, I'll be careful." Meng Hailong continued: "Then can I go now? "

Grab this, and you're good to go." The leader handed two bottles of red wine to Meng Hailong and said to him, "When you go back, remember to have two drinks with Parker."

"Is this the Lafite of '82?" After catching the red wine, Meng Hailong asked with great interest.

"This isn't '82 Lafite, but if you can help us kill Parker, I can give you a couple of '82 Lafite." The person in charge, after he finished speaking, beckoned and signaled that the two people in the car could get out of the car.

It's close enough to Parker's farm, and if they're still in the car, if Parker finds out, the plan will be ruined.

Anyway, they all came here, and Meng Hailong definitely didn't dare to play any tricks.

If he dared to play tricks, he wouldn't want to leave Parker's farm. Now, the surroundings of Parker's farm are full of their people, and as long as they give an order, these people can directly shoot Meng Hailong.

After the two people got out of the car, Meng Hailong drove the fuel truck and continued to set off.

Whistling, it took him more than ten minutes to drive the gas truck into Parker's farm. The car was parked in the same place, and by this time, Parker had already been waiting there.

Seeing Meng Hailong park the car, Parker hurriedly helped him open the car door, and said with concern: "Brother, how is it, this road is going well, right?"

"If you want to say that it is going well, it will be smooth, and if you want to say that it is not going well, it can also be regarded as not going well." Meng Hailong continued, "On the way, I encountered a robbery.

"I expected that!" Parker continued, "If you get back safely, it's a testament to your skills." The afterlife is terrifying!

"Mr. Parker, you thought something was going to happen on my trip, did you?" Meng Hailong frowned, and said with some unhappiness, "No wonder you don't go to work hard, it turns out that you want me to be this substitute ghost?"

"You can't blame me for that." Parker continued, "You want my oil, and I can't leave the farm, so if you don't want to go and refuel me, who else can I get to refuel me?" On such a large farm, if there is no oil, the farm plane cannot be driven, and the consequences will be serious.

"At the end of the day, I'm still to blame!" Meng Hailong smiled bitterly before continuing: "Mr. Parker, since you guessed that I would meet those people on the road, did you guess some other things?"

"Nope!" Parker shook his head and said, "I don't have the ability to predict what happened to you on the road. However, it is good that you can get back here safely. "

Mr. Parker, how would you feel if I told you that they let me go because I promised to help them kill you?" Meng Hailong said very seriously, "Have you ever thought about starting first and getting rid of me first?"

"You're not going to kill me!" Parker said confidently, "I haven't known you for a long time, but I have learned a lot about you when I talk to you. You have a righteous heart, so I firmly believe that you will not be bought by those bad people.

"Mr. Parker, what are you going to do if I tell you now that you were wrong?"

"I'll close my eyes and face it." Parker continued, "If you're bought by them, I can only blame myself for being blind, of course, that's not going to happen, brother, right?"

"You're so confident in yourself that it's easy to have accidents." Meng Hailong continued, "That's right, I really won't be bought by those people, because, my conscience is still clear, and I know what to do and what not to do."

"I really didn't look away." Parker grinned.

"Mr. Parker, you are too confident in yourself, have you ever thought that if you believe me wrong, the price you pay is your life."

"To make friends is to make friends, I have confidence in you, and I can naturally give my life to you." Parker said with a smile.

"Okay, Mr. Parker, you said it well, and based on your words, I decided to help you." As he spoke, Meng Hailong took out the pistol from his pocket, pointed the muzzle of the gun at Parker's head, and fired several shots in succession.

As soon as the shots rang out, Parker fell to the ground.

Blowing out the smoke coming from the muzzle, Meng Hailong said to himself: "I thought this old man was really that difficult to deal with, it turns out that he is just a paper tiger." "

Good job." An abrupt voice sounded, and in the grass not far away, several carrying guns appeared in Meng Hailong's sight.

The people who suddenly appeared were not the same group of people who blocked the road before, and the vast majority of the people who appeared now were black-skinned.

On their shoulders, they all carried submachine guns, and Meng Hailong had to admit that this was a team with strong firepower.

If these people used machine guns to strafe him at the same time, Meng Hailong felt that he would also be beaten into a sieve without using the treasure of the spirit jade space.

Of course, with such a treasure as the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong didn't take them in the slightest.

When they got closer, Meng Hailong spoke, "Who are you?" What do you want to do? The

leader of the black cauldron glanced at Meng Hailong with contempt, and then spoke: "Yellow race, who do you say we are?"

"I don't know." Meng Hailong replied lightly.

"It's okay, I can tell you." The black man continued, "We are God, who has come to send you to heaven. "

You're going to kill me?" Meng Hailong frowned and asked.

"What? Isn't that possible? The at the head smiled and said, "Parker, this old man is dead, and you have no use for living in this world."

"You don't have credibility, I've already helped you kill Old Man Parker, and it's too much for you to kill me." Meng Hailong pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "I want to see your leader."

"When you go to heaven, you will have the opportunity to meet our leaders." After the black pot finished speaking, he raised the submachine gun in his hand and aimed the muzzle at Meng Hailong.


the gunshot rang out, and in the next moment, the man fell in response. However, this fallen person, he is not Meng Hailong, but the.

After the fell, the others saw that Parker, who had been shot and killed by Meng Hailong, was resurrected again, only to see that he was holding a rifle in his hand, and the shot that killed the just now was shot from the rifle in his hand.

Before the people could react, the gunfire rang out again.

Parker had a rifle in his hand, rolling on the ground as he shot at the others, and in the blink of an eye, three more people died at his hands.

At this time, Meng Hailong also picked up a submachine gun from the ground, and cooperated with Parker to shoot wildly at those who wanted to kill them.

With perspective eyes to assist in aiming, Meng Hailong instantly turned into a sharpshooter, and each bullet fired from the submachine gun in his hand could take a life.

"Good marksmanship!" After finishing everyone off, Parker got up from the ground, smiled and gave Meng Hailong a thumbs up, and opened his mouth to praise him.

"Mr. Parker smiled, I don't know how to use a gun." Meng Hailong said very modestly, "I was fighting indiscriminately just now, but I didn't expect such good luck to really let me kill a few people." "

Haha, you're so humble!" Parker laughed and said, "It's a real pleasure today, but it's a pity that there are too few of them, and it would be fun if they could all come together."

"I really didn't expect you, Mr. Parker, to be so old and so fond of thrilling things." Meng Hailong continued, "If I'm not mistaken, next time, it will be the turn of the police."

"Heroes see the same thing, and I think so too." Parker continued, "Brother, let's go, fly your helicopter, fly there when you need to, and I won't care about your dinner."

"Mr. Parker, you're not doing this properly!" Meng Hailong frowned and said, "You call me brother, but you don't even care about a meal, so someone is as stingy as you?"

Without waiting for Parker to speak, Meng Hailong continued: "Don't think I don't know, you have a lot of cattle and sheep on your farm, cattle are more valuable, you are reluctant to kill, I can understand this, but you have to at least take a sheep to entertain me, right?" "

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