Whether it is Guo Xiaoai or Guo Xiaoqing, the beauty of these two, as well as their hot and sexy figures, have fascinated Liao Xiangping.

In Liao Xiangping's eyes, as long as he can get the hearts of these two beauties and be able to get together with the two of them, even if it is just to spend a night of Spring Festival, his current efforts are worth it.

Just because he had such an idea in his heart, Liao Xiangping would slap his swollen face and become fat, and let Guo Xiaoqing continue to order.

Guo Xiaoqing ordered so many dishes, just to deliberately teach Liao Xiangping a lesson, she wanted Liao Xiangping to know that not every girl can talk to her at will.

At least, not now!

ordered dozens of snacks and asked for a pot of chrysanthemum tea, and then, Guo Xiaoqing chatted with Guo Xiaoai, and did not take Liao Xiangping seriously at all.

Seeing that the two of them were chatting vigorously, Liao Xiangping interjected several times, but he just couldn't answer. Fortunately, the things they ordered came up quickly, and Liao Xiangping didn't feel too embarrassed.

"Two beauties, I don't know what your names are!" Liao Xiangping said with a smile, "Let me introduce myself first, my name is Liao Xiangping, my father is a real estate developer, in the future, I will inherit my father's company and become a real estate tycoon." You will definitely be very good in the future when you make friends with me.

"Boss Liao, hello!" Guo Xiaoqing smiled and said, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Miss Guo, this is Sister Guo, well, if you are troublesome, just call us sister!" "

Beauty, aren't you, I'm a treat for morning tea, and you don't even want to tell me a name?" Liao Xiangping said with a depressed face: "Isn't it just a name?" I've told you all, hurry up, tell me the truth, what's your name?

"I've told you, believe it or not." Guo Xiaoqing just said this, and then she lowered her head and started a big battle with the food on the table.

Guo Xiaoai is the same, from beginning to end, she is very repulsive to Liao Xiangping, and she almost doesn't want to say a word to him.

Faced with a table of delicious food, she was even more reluctant to speak.

The two lowered their heads and concentrated on eating the food on the table, and directly left Liao Xiangping aside, no matter what he said, Guo Xiaoai and Guo Xiaoqing didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Feeling that he was being played as a monkey, Liao Xiangping was very angry, but on the surface, he still pretended to be very generous.

"I'm sorry, you two, I'm going to the bathroom, but you can go ahead and leave me alone." Feeling that he was being played by Guo Xiaoqing as a monkey, and he didn't want to suffer this dumb loss, Liao Xiangping pretended to have an uncomfortable stomach, stood up and prepared to walk towards the bathroom.

But as soon as he stood up, Guo Xiaoqing had already walked towards him.

Walking to Liao Xiangping's side, Guo Xiaoqing directly reached out and pressed him on the shoulder and pressed him back, while her other hand waved at a waiter.

After calling the waiter over, Guo Xiaoqing said, "Please settle the bill for us here, well, this gentleman has to pay." "

Okay, wait a minute, I'll do the math for you." The waiter answered, and then she walked to the cashier with the order menu, and after some calculations, she quickly walked back with the bill.

"Hello sir, your consumption is a total of 1,893 yuan, thank you!"

"One thousand eight hundred and ninety-three? Is it so cheap? Liao Xiangping originally wanted to say that it was so expensive, but for the sake of face, when the words came to his lips, he immediately changed his words.

"Yes, our hotel's morning tea is discounted, and this price is already a nine-percent discount." The waiter said with a smile.

"Okay, you wait, I'm sick to my stomach right now, I'll pay when I finish going to the bathroom." After saying that, Liao Xiangping wanted to stand up, but his shoulder was held down by Guo Xiaoqing, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stand up.

"Boss Liao, no matter how anxious you are, don't you do it in this minute or two?" Holding down Liao Xiangping, Guo Xiaoqing said with a smile: "Boss Liao, you have to go to the bathroom at this time, shouldn't you have no money to give?"

"How is this possible?" Liao Xiangping continued, "I don't have anything, it's just the most money, waiter, let's go to the service desk to pay." Hearing

that Liao Xiangping was going to the service desk to pay, and felt that this guy might be cheating, Guo Xiaoqing let go of him and gave Guo Xiaoai a look, and then the two left directly.

"Two beauties, you wait for me!" Seeing that Guo Xiaoqing and the sisters were full of food and drink, patting their buttocks and about to leave, Liao Xiangping's heart was very depressed.

At the beginning, he thought that these two people had been attracted by his young and golden appearance, and that he would pay a big price to win the hearts of these two.

I thought that after they ordered, the attitude of these two people was a big change of three hundred and sixty degrees, and now that I think about it, I blame him for being too stupid and playing with so many women, and now, he is finally planted in the hands of women.

Guo Xiaoai and Guo Xiaoqing ignored him, and the two walked straight towards the door of the hotel.

Seeing that they didn't look back, Liao Xiangping wanted to catch up, but he was stopped by the hotel waiter before he took a step.

"Sir, please settle the bill first." After grabbing Liao Xiangping, the waiter of the hotel said this.

"Beauty, that... I was in a hurry when I went out today, and I didn't have that much cash with me..."

Actually, it doesn't matter, you don't have cash, our hotel can still swipe the card." The waiter then said: "If you forget to bring your bank card, it doesn't matter, our hotel also supports WeChat payment, well, Alipay payment is also possible, the key depends on your convenience."

"That, beauty, in fact, I still want to ask, can I take credit?"

"On credit?" Hearing these two words, the waiter of the hotel frowned at first, and then she opened her mouth and shouted loudly: "Security, security, come here, someone here wants to eat overlord meal..."

Actually, he didn't plan to eat the overlord meal, he just wanted to take credit, but unfortunately, who would believe him when he said that?

Several security guards quickly came over, and after they controlled Liao Xiangping, they asked him to call someone to send money, if he didn't let people send money over, then the hotel could only choose to call the police.

Afraid that he would leave a criminal record, Liao Xiangping quickly took out his mobile phone and called his parents.

What kind of situation Liao Xiangping will encounter next, Guo Xiaoqing and they don't know, but they don't bother to care.

For a man who picks up a girl casually, no matter what happens to him, it is all his own fault, and he can't complain about others.

Guo Xiaoai and the others received a call from Meng Hailong shortly after they came out of the hotel.

After the phone was connected, Guo Xiaoai asked, "Village chief, where did you go just now?" Why can't we get through to your phone all the time? "

Oh, I went out to do something, and the phone couldn't get through, probably because the phone signal was not good!" Meng Hailong casually made an excuse, and then, his words changed sharply, and he said again: "I'm back, I'm about to make lunch for you, when will you come back?"

"Go back now!" As soon as Guo Xiaoai finished saying this, the car suddenly stopped suddenly, and when he looked up, Guo Xiaoai was surprised to see that more than a dozen people suddenly appeared in front of the road.

These dozen people all had sticks in their hands, and stopped Guo Xiaoai's car, and the dozen or so people rushed up with sticks.

After rushing up, these people didn't say a word, and directly began to smash Guo Xiaoqing's car with sticks in their hands.

The smashing of these people quickly angered Guo Xiaoqing, she stepped on the accelerator, and the car jumped out in an instant, knocking over several people standing in front of the car, and the wheels were directly crushed from the legs of the two guys.

Don't look at Guo Xiaoqing as a woman, if she is ruthless, she will be even more ruthless than a man. Of course, she can be so ruthless, and she also learned from Meng Hailong.

The car stopped after driving dozens of meters, Guo Xiaoqing pulled the handbrake, explained to Guo Xiaoai, and asked her not to get out of the car if she was fine, and then she opened the car door and jumped down.

Just now, seeing Guo Xiaoqing's car knock over people and flee quickly, those people thought they had run away, but now, they not only saw the car stop, but also saw Guo Xiaoqing get out of the car, and in order to get money for meritorious service, these people hurriedly chased after them with sticks.

If it was someone else, seeing so many people rushing towards her with sticks, she would have been so frightened that she would have fled.

However, Guo Xiaoqing was not only not afraid, but also rolled up his sleeves and greeted these people.

As soon as the two sides met, Guo Xiaoqing gave full play to her advantages, kicked out a pair of long legs one after another, kicked several people to the ground in a few clicks, and snatched a baseball bat from one of them's hands.

With this baseball bat in his hand, Guo Xiaoqing suddenly became unstoppable.

More than a dozen people, and in less than three minutes, Guo Xiaoqing had already knocked them all to the ground.

Guo Xiaoai, who was sitting in the car, saw the scene of Guo Xiaoqing showing her might, and she felt very satisfied in her heart.

She felt that Meng Hailong was right, the current Guo Xiaoqing's ability is already very unusual, and in the future, even if she really travels around the world, Guo Xiaoai will not worry about her.

defeated those who came to find fault, Guo Xiaoqing did not continue to stay here, these years, as long as something happens, the media will always come quickly, she doesn't want to become a celebrity, so it's better to leave as soon as possible.

Quickly getting back to the car, starting the car, they hurried away.

Although she didn't ask those people, Guo Xiaoqing knew very well in her heart that most of these people were found by the man who hit her car outside the airport before.

Guo Xiaoqing did not feel unhappy because of these people's faults, and now she will no longer be affected by such a trivial matter.

Although she injured people, it was tantamount to having a grudge against these people, but she would soon leave this place and travel the world, and she didn't need to be afraid of anyone at all.

Even if she offends others, it is impossible for them to really go to the ends of the earth to hunt her down.

Driving the dilapidated car, after half an hour, Guo Xiaoqing and the two sisters finally returned to the villa.

Seeing them come back, Meng Hailong smiled and said, "How is it?" Didn't kill anyone, did you?

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, I will be measured, and I will definitely not cause any trouble." Guo Xiaoqing said with a smile.

"It's good that no one died!" Meng Hailong continued: "What do you want to eat at noon?" I'll do it for you.

"We're already full, we don't want to eat anything, we want to eat you." Guo Xiaoqing said jokingly.

"If you want to eat me, you can, come on!" Meng Hailong said with a smile, and after speaking, he stretched out his hands, one in each hand, and hugged Guo Xiaoai and Guo Xiaoqing into his arms, and then quickly transferred to the bedroom they shared.

When the sun set, the door of the villa was finally opened.

Walking out of the gate of the villa, Meng Hailong first stretched his waist, and then he said to himself: "Every day of life, if you can live like today, how good it would be!" "

It's a pity that he is the village chief, and he is burdened with the hopes of many people, and if he wants to live such a happy life today, he can only wait until everything is stable.

Lunch is missing, but dinner is not a must.

Meng Hailong made an excuse, saying that he was going to the market, but in fact, he found a place where there was no one, and then took out some meat and vegetables from the Lingyu space to make dinner.

After dinner, the three of them sat in the living room, drinking tea and chatting about their next plans.

On Xiba's side, the gold mine needs Guo Xiaoai very much, although it is now temporarily watched by Zitong, but Zitong is just good at kung fu, and she has no talent in business, Guo Xiaoai knows very well that if she leaves for too long, I am afraid that there will be problems in the gold mine.

The remains of her parents have been seen, and Guo Xiaoai has also seen it, knowing that people cannot be resurrected after death, she can only try to make her life better, so that her parents will be happy for them in the spirit of heaven.

Because of this, Guo Xiaoai has decided to stay for another night tonight, and tomorrow, they will fly back to Xiba again.

After saying her decision, Guo Xiaoai looked at Guo Xiaoqing again, and said to her: "Xiaoqing, since you plan to travel around the world, why don't you set off with us tomorrow." That way we can also stay together for a few more days. "

Sister, you are going to Xiba, but my plan, the first stop is not Xiba!" Guo Xiaoqing continued, "Actually, I have already planned the route of my trip, and the country of Xiba should be my last stop, so I don't plan to set off with you." "

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