Don't look at it as just a bloody horse, in this world, such a good horse is already very hard to find, getting one, it is equivalent to picking up a treasure.

In particular, Meng Hailong also has the Lingyu space, and after getting this sweaty BMW, as long as he keeps this horse in the Lingyu space, he can not only improve the horse's own physique, but also promote this kind of horse and breed better offspring.

Because of the explosion just now, the man's body was blown up, and Meng Hailong didn't bother to care about him so much, and as soon as his mind moved, he had already appeared beside the sweaty BMW.

Worried that this horse would run around and not be easy to tame, Meng Hailong didn't come out of the Lingyu space, he just stretched out a hand and gently put it on the sweaty BMW, and then moved his thoughts, and pulled the sweaty BMW from the outside to the Lingyu space.

When the sweaty BMW was just pulled in, it was still a little dazed, but when it was sent to the top of Lingshan by Meng Hailong and felt the aura here, this sweaty BMW immediately had a different performance.

The performance of this sweaty BMW was actually expected by Meng Hailong for a long time, so he was not too surprised.

In fact, all the animals that enter the Lingyu space will quickly adapt to the environment here, that's a sure thing.

Although Meng Hailong could communicate with the sweaty BMW, he was not in a hurry to do so, because he felt that it would be better to let the sweaty BMW adapt to it first.

After it gets used to it, Meng Hailong will come to communicate with it again, and the effect will be much better.

With such a decision in mind, Meng Hailong quickly left the Lingyu space and returned to the place where Guo Xiaoai and the others lived near the gold mine.

The place where Guo Xiaoai and Zitong live is actually just a temporary house, and for them, as long as they can shelter from the wind and rain, it is enough.

Just as Meng Hailong had instructed before, when he returned to them, Guo Xiaoai and Zitong had already taken a bath, and the two were lying on the bed waiting for him.

Seeing Meng Hailong come back, Guo Xiaoai took the lead and said, "Village Chief, we seem to have heard the sound of an explosion just now, did something happen?"

"Well, it's just a little thing, but it doesn't matter, it's been solved." Meng Hailong smiled and said, "I've kept you waiting, I'll take a shower too, and I'll come right away."

After saying that, Meng Hailong quickly rushed into the bathroom, and in less than three minutes, he had already finished taking a shower and walked out of the bathroom.

Needless to say, after Meng Hailong came out of the bathroom, he naturally walked to the bed and spoiled the two beauties in front of him.

There was nothing to say all night, because the three of them slept late, and the next day, they didn't get up until the sun reached their buttocks.

Just like before, after Meng Hailong got up, he hurriedly went to get breakfast, and when he finished making breakfast, Guo Xiaoai and Zitong had just finished washing.

The three of them had breakfast together, and then they walked together towards the gold mine.

It is said to be a gold mine, but it is actually a dirt pit, a soil pit that is being excavated.

Because when he chose this gold mine, Meng Hailong had already carefully observed it with his clairvoyant eye, so the gold content of this gold mine was still very good.

Here, they dug up a lot of gold, sold it, and have already made a lot of money.

After walking to the gold mine, Meng Hailong suddenly said: "From now on, don't sell the gold you dig out."

"Why?" Guo Xiaoai asked curiously, she was also secretly thinking in her heart, could it be that the village chief has a better market

?" "My dear, do you remember what I told you?" After a slight pause, Meng Hailong continued: "Before you came to Xiba, I told you that when we dig up enough gold, we will build a gold house for you. Naturally, I can't go back on what I've said.

"Well, so you think so!" Guo Xiaoai frowned and said: "To build a golden house, it is not something that can be done casually, not only does it require a large amount of gold, but also has enough technical support, without enough technical support, gold cannot build a house."

The reason why Guo Xiaoai said this was naturally not because she was doubting Meng Hailong's ability, what she said was actually the truth.

There are many rich people all over the world, but she has never heard of anyone who uses gold to build houses.

There is no precedent, and it is difficult to set this precedent, so it is needless to say.

What's more, using gold to build a house is a great waste, although Meng Hailong did it for them, but Guo Xiaoai actually didn't agree with his approach.

After listening to Guo Xiaoai's words, Meng Hailong smiled and said: "There is nothing difficult in the world, but I am afraid of people with hearts." As long as we want to do this, we can succeed.

"That's what I said, but I don't think there's any need to do it. Guo Xiaoai said very seriously, "Village Chief, you also know that I am not a person who covets glory and wealth, and if you let me live in the Golden House, I will not be used to it."

"It's okay, you'll get used to it. Meng Hailong said with a smile, "The Golden House will definitely be built, because only by building the Golden House can I hide the Golden House." "

Village chief, you are so bad!" Guo Xiaoqing sneered, and then she threw herself into Meng Hailong's arms.

can have such a man to spoil her, Guo Xiaoai feels that she has no regrets in her life.

After Meng Hailong stayed here in the gold mine for a while, he felt that there was nothing to do, so he talked to Guo Xiaoai and left the mine.

On Xiba's side, there are many types of freshwater fish, and the next thing Meng Hailong has to do is to collect these fish as much as possible.

The Spirit Lake has not been expanded for a while, and this time, Meng Hailong plans to catch some of the freshwater fish owned by the entire Xiba and put them into the Spirit Lake, so that the area of the Spirit Lake can be greatly expanded.

Leaving the mine and walking to a place where no one was around, Meng Hailong quietly entered the Lingyu space, and then through the Lingyu space, he began to look for the surrounding freshwater lakes.

Because of the particularity of the Lingyu space, Meng Hailong also moved quite fast, and it didn't take long for him to find a spacious river.

Under the perspective eye, Meng Hailong had already seen clearly that the fish in this river were completely different from the fish in the Spirit Lake now.

Meng Hailong was thrilled by this discovery, and he took out a fishing net, and he immediately began to fish in the river.

With the increase of fish in the lake, the area of the lake is gradually expanding.

On the edge of the lake, the fog that has been permeating the lake is gradually fading, of course, it will take some time for all this fog to dissipate, because Meng Hailong has not collected enough fish.

All day, Meng Hailong was fishing, so during this time, his phone calls have not been able to get through.

When night fell, when he returned to the vicinity of the gold mine and walked out of the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong received a lot of short messages.

According to the prompts of these short messages, Meng Hailong immediately knew that there were several people who called him today, among them, Guo Xiaoai called twice, Liu Jinrui called once, and Han Xuerou also called him once.

The last phone call was from Jocelyn.

was worried that his women were looking for him for something important, so Meng Hailong first dialed Guo Xiaoai's phone to inquire about the situation, knowing that she called him just to let him go home early for dinner, Meng Hailong also hung up the phone, and then called Liu Jinrui.

The reason why he called Guo Xiaoai first was not because Guo Xiaoai had a higher status in his heart, in fact, in Meng Hailong's heart, as long as it was his woman, the status was the same, no matter how high or low, he would care about everything about them.

And the reason why he wanted to call Guo Xiaoai first was because he was the closest to Guo Xiaoai now, and if Guo Xiaoai called him because she was in trouble, then he could also rush over to help her in time.

But if Liu Jinrui and the others were in trouble, far away in Huaxia, he would not be able to rush to their side immediately. As for Jocelyn's phone call, Meng Hailong would not give him the first priority.

After calling Liu Jinrui, Meng Hailong made another call to Han Xuerou, and after the call, he also knew that they were looking for him, but they didn't have anything important, they just missed him a little.

Knowing that everyone was missing him, Meng Hailong suddenly felt a little ashamed, as a man, he couldn't be by his side's women when they missed him, it was a sin.

It was at this moment that Meng Hailong suddenly came up with an idea that he should find a place with a better environment and set up a home there that belonged to him, and then he could live happily with his women.

Watching the sunrise together, watching the sunset together, and taking a walk along the beach when it's okay, that's the most comfortable life in life!

For the first time in history, Meng Hailong had doubts about what he was doing now.

For Xiaolong Village, for the world, he has paid a lot, and when he keeps paying, although he also has gains, but when he harvests, he has lost something more precious, that is, a happy life.

Meng Hailong suddenly felt that if it weren't for these messy things, he could have lived a good life, could have settled down, and stayed by his women's side every day, so that they would not have to endure this lovesickness.

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