When he saw Jocelyn again, Meng Hailong suddenly noticed that there was something wrong with the way the guy looked at him, as if there was some conspiracy.

Meng Hailong was a straightforward person, and when he found Qiao Celin's appearance, he said directly: "Your Majesty, what do you mean by this look? Could it be that you are also trying to find a way to kill me?"

"Village Chief, you are too worried!" Qiao Celin hurriedly said, "Village Chief, you are my great benefactor, even if you give me a hundred more brains, I will not dare to do anything to you."

"Besides, I'm not the kind of black-hearted person, you know this, village chief. Jocelyn said with a smile.

"But why does your smile look so weird

?" "Well, village chief, what happened in the Empire must have something to do with you, right?" Jocelyn smiled wickedly and said this.

"Nonsense!" Meng Hailong didn't give him face anymore, and said directly: "Your Majesty, if you guess this kind of thing, I think it's better for you not to talk nonsense, so as not to cause misunderstanding among others." "

I don't know what happened to the empire, so how can it have anything to do with me?" Meng Hailong continued, "I only know that the affairs of Xiong's own country were done by you, if I spread the news, Your Majesty, what do you say, what will be the consequences?"

"Village Chief, you will definitely not do such a boring thing." Qiao Celin said confidently, "Although I have known you for less than half a year, I still believe in you as a person.

"Thank you for affirming me, however, people are always fickle, a person, today is a bad person, maybe tomorrow he will realize his mistakes, know how to change the evil and return to the right. In the same way, a person may be considered a good person before today, but tomorrow, this good person may also become a bad person.

"Humans are indeed fickle, but I absolutely believe that you will not become a bad person, village chief. Jocelyn affirmed, "The good people of the world have become bad people, and there is no doubt that you are a good person, the village chief." "

Okay, don't talk nonsense, if you praise me again, I will be proud!" Meng Hailong continued, "I came here this time mainly to talk to you about growing grapes. "

Village Chief, do you think there is not enough land?" Qiao Celin frowned and said, "The piece of land I gave you, you haven't developed it yet, if you think the land is not enough, I will set aside another piece of land for you at that time." "

There is enough space for the time being!" Meng Hailong shook his head and said, "I talked to you about this matter because I wanted you to help organize people to help me plant grapes." "

It's simple, village chief, as long as you pay, someone will definitely do it." Qiao Celin smiled and said, "You have a saying in China, what is it called 'people die for birds' or what?"

"People die for money, and birds die for food."

"Yes, yes, that's it. Qiao Celin nodded and said, "As long as there is money, there is nothing that cannot be done, village chief, are you right?" "

Well, there must be money, the key is how to mobilize people's enthusiasm." Meng Hailong said very seriously, "Your Majesty, in fact, I have always had an idea in my heart, that is, we will work together to build Xiba into a grape kingdom, and when the time comes, 'Forget Worry Wine' will be exported from Xiba to all countries around the world, which is also a great honor for you, the king."

As soon as Meng Hailong said this, Qiao Celin's heart was immediately moved.

He hadn't thought about it before, but when Meng Hailong mentioned it and thought about it carefully, Qiao Celin felt that there was a drama in this matter.

First of all, he has an extremely strong trust in Meng Hailong. Since Meng Hailong said his thoughts, it proves that he is very sure of this matter.

Secondly, Jocelyn also knows that there is a lot of land in Xiba, but there are also many abandoned places, and if these places can be developed reasonably, then the country will soon become rich.

In just a few seconds, a beautiful picture appeared in Jocelyn's mind.

Thinking of these things, Qiao Celin immediately spoke: "Village Chief, your proposal is very good, what should I do next, you say I will do it."

"It's very simple, you just need to organize people, develop wasteland, plant grapes, and as for the technical things, there will be someone to guide you." "Meng Hailong has already planned, and once his plan is implemented, he will find some people from Liantang Village to come here as instructors.

The villagers of Liantang Village have good experience in growing grapes, and the villagers of Liantang Village also make wine in every household, so it is the most correct choice to let them come.

"Okay, I'll start working on this tomorrow, oh no, I'll do it now. Jocelyn was thrilled, as the king of Siba, if he could really make Siba a grape kingdom, his name would be recorded in the history books and become an eternal legend in the future.

What's more, once this plan is realized, the people of West Pakistan will be able to live a better life, which is the most important thing.

Qiao Celin was very excited, very excited, and immediately went to do this, Meng Hailong did not stay in the palace for long, and after leaving the seeds of the best grapes, he left.

It was impossible for him to teach everyone about planting grapes in person, so on the way back, Meng Hailong took out his mobile phone and called Han Xuerou.

After the phone was answered, he said what he thought.

Hearing Meng Hailong say this, Han Xuerou said with some embarrassment: "Village Chief Meng, I'm afraid this matter is a bit difficult to handle!" In Han Xuerou's

eyes, the villagers of Liantang Village, they have stayed in Liantang Village for most of their lives, let alone going abroad, even Haiyang City has never left.

If they are suddenly asked to go abroad, it is estimated that everyone will be very embarrassed.

Meng Hailong is kind to everyone, he spoke, and everyone is naturally embarrassed to refuse, but when he goes abroad, not to mention whether there will be such a situation as not adapting to the soil and water, even in terms of language, it is also a big problem.

Han Xuerou expressed her worries, but after listening to her words, Meng Hailong said with a smile: "Xiaorou, don't worry, just because the villagers have never gone far away, so, let them come to Xiba, they will definitely be very interested." "

Village Chief Meng, how do you say this?" Han Xuerou asked with a frown.

"If you think about it, the villagers have lived in Liantang Village for most of their lives, and they must be very curious about the outside world, especially life abroad. Meng Hailong continued, "With such a mentality, I believe they will not reject going abroad."

"Of course, you can also do this, don't tell the villagers that this is what I mean, you just tell everyone that it is said that a group of instructors need to be hired abroad, and ask if anyone is willing to participate, and if they are willing, they can come to you to sign up."

After a slight pause, Meng Hailong continued: "Let's take a look at the situation first, if the villagers are unwilling to go abroad, then I will not embarrass everyone, I will find a new way to do this."

"Okay, I'll do what you say first, and see what the villagers want!" After the matter was decided, Han Xuerou chatted with Meng Hailong for a while before hanging up the phone.

Through this chat, Meng Hailong learned that Han Xuerou's parents called her every now and then and asked about things between them, which made Han Xuerou feel very distressed.

Because, she was worried that her false relationship with Meng Hailong would be exposed by them.

Meng Hailong actually has no better idea about this matter, although he also likes Han Xuerou in his heart, but he will definitely not marry her.

After all, he already has a fiancée like Liu Jinrui.

Anything in this world, except for emotional matters, Meng Hailong can handle it very well, but in terms of feelings, he can't handle it best.

After the phone call, Meng Hailong found a place where no one was and quietly came to the Lingyu space.

After coming in, he first came to the top of Lingshan, found the sweaty horse, and said to it: "Ma Ama, how is it, you live here, are you still used to it?"

Seeing that this sweaty BMW didn't make a sound for a long time, Meng Hailong opened his mouth and said to it again: "I can understand what you say, if you can also understand my words, just answer." Here, you can be good friends with other animals, and you can be good friends with me. This

time, the sweaty BMW finally made a sound, and it was actually blaming Meng Hailong, saying that Meng Hailong had killed its owner.

Hearing the words of this sweaty horse, Meng Hailong couldn't help but be a little surprised, he didn't expect that this horse would be so loyal.

Its owner is a villain, but it can be so loyal to a villain, in the future, once this sweaty BMW accepts him and makes him its new owner completely, then, Meng Hailong has absolute confidence, and this sweaty BMW will be even more loyal to him.

"Your master did not die at my hand, but at his own hand. Meng Hailong said unhurriedly, "If it weren't for him wanting to kill me, I wouldn't have killed him, I know you are very loyal to your master, but blind loyalty is not the same as loyalty, sometimes, right and wrong, black and white, still have to be distinguished."

Understood Meng Hailong's words, but the sweaty BMW didn't say any more, it just hissed, and then walked away.

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