"I'll go, village chief, don't make trouble, if the village chief's wife hears this, in case she misunderstands, it will be terrible! Village chief, what I just said means is that I will help you design your wedding." Luo Lin continued, "Your village chief's wedding, if it is recorded, maybe it will be popular all over the world

!" "Sister Lin, you are playing against our idea!" Meng Hailong frowned and said, "I don't want my wedding with Jin Rui to be used for commercial purposes, and please Sister Lin, you can understand." "

Village Chief, what do you think of me? is it a mercenary capitalist?" Rowling pretended to be angry and said, "That's what I just said, and I didn't really want to use your wedding to collect money, why are you so nervous?" "

Sister Lin, since you don't have any plans in this regard, then okay, I'll leave the wedding matter to you to take care of, anyway, I can't take care of it alone." Meng Hailong smiled and said, "That's it, I'll continue to be my hands-off shopkeeper."

Meng Hailong said that he would continue to be his shopkeeper, but in fact, it was not like that.

Marriage is definitely going to be married, but in the Lingyu space, he can't let it go. The new little desert, he needs to spend time studying.

Only when the small desert becomes a big desert can the spirit jade space be perfect.

In addition to marrying Liu Jinrui and having children, Meng Hailong's greatest wish is that one day, the area of the Lingyu space can be as large as this world.

If this wish is realized, then it is only a matter of his mind to go to any corner of this world.

What kind of experience will that be? Meng Hailong is looking forward to it.

Based on the analysis of some past experiences, Meng Hailong felt that if he wanted to turn this small desert in the Lingyu space into a big desert, the condition needed might be to collect sand from deserts around the world.

As long as the sand of those deserts around the world is gathered, this small desert in the Lingyu space is estimated to be able to continue to expand, constantly improve, and finally reach a perfect state.

Of course, this is just Meng Hailong's speculation, and whether this is the case or not remains to be studied.

In order to confirm this matter, Meng Hailong left Xiaolong Village again.

Of course, this time he left, he had explained to everyone, at most it was a month, and he would not delay too much time outside.

In this regard, although Liu Dahai was a little dissatisfied in his heart, he didn't say anything.

Today's Meng Hailong is no longer the hairy boy of the past, as long as he stomps his feet, the entire Xiaolong Village will be shaken for three days.

Although he Liu Dahai is Liu Jinrui's father, he also knows in his heart that he has no power to restrain Meng Hailong at all.

Anyway, as long as Meng Hailong doesn't delay the wedding, this time, if he delays the wedding, then he will be angry.

I could see Liu Dahai's thoughts, and before leaving, Meng Hailong specially said a few words to him, telling him not to worry, and promised that he would definitely come back in no more than a month.

After listening to Meng Hailong's words, Liu Dahai's mood was slightly better.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Meng Hailong left in a helicopter, this time, he planned to go to the desert.

The helicopter flew in mid-air, and Meng Hailong suddenly had a bold idea, that is, he flew into the Lingyu space with the helicopter, if he could do this, then he could shorten the time on the road a lot.

Thinking of this, Meng Hailong tried to move his thoughts, if someone below was paying attention to his helicopter at this time, he would definitely be surprised to find that the helicopter in the air had suddenly disappeared.

Meng Hailong drove the helicopter into the Lingyu space, and then, through the Lingyu space, his helicopter soon appeared in another place.

Moving forward in this way will not only save Meng Hailong a lot of time, but also, save a lot of fuel.

It didn't take long for Meng Hailong to appear in the middle of a desert in Huaxia.

When he came here, Meng Hailong did not drive the helicopter outside, but parked it in the Lingyu space. After all, the place he came to was a desert, and a sandstorm could blow at any time, and if he parked his helicopter in the desert, he might be covered by yellow sand if he wasn't careful.

This is the first time Meng Hailong has come to the desert, however, he has a lot of reliance, even if it is the first time to come to the desert, Meng Hailong has nothing to worry about.

If someone else is in the middle of the desert, once they lose their way, they may not be able to go back. However, Meng Hailong had a spirit jade space, so he didn't need to worry about this at all.

After appearing in the desert, Meng Hailong did not delay time, and immediately grabbed a handful of yellow sand from the desert and threw it into the spirit jade space.

As he had guessed before, when this handful of yellow sand landed on the small desert in the Spirit Jade Space, the small desert really underwent some subtle changes.

Although this handful of yellow sand did not make the small desert expand much, it has at least proved one thing, Meng Hailong's thinking is correct.

Sure that his train of thought was correct, Meng Hailong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, he had been worried that with the change of the spirit jade space, the rules might also change, but now it seemed that his worries were completely unnecessary.

Because it was his first time in the desert, Meng Hailong was curious about everything here.

He didn't leave the desert right away, but planned to wander around it and satisfy his curiosity. In addition, the desert is sparsely populated and unpredictable, maybe he can find some novel treasures in this place!

Thinking of the treasure, Meng Hailong opened his perspective eye and looked around, wanting to see if there would be a legendary ancient city buried under the yellow sand in this desert.

However, after the clairlight eye was opened, Meng Hailong was a little disappointed. The reason is actually very simple, as soon as his clairvoyant eyes opened, the scene he saw was still yellow sand except for yellow sand, and there was nothing worth his nostalgia at all.

Meng Hailong quickly closed his clairvoyant eye and prepared to escape into the spirit jade space and continue to find the next desert.

But just before he escaped into the spirit jade space, the naked eye suddenly saw a sandstorm blowing in the distance, and the yellow and clear patch, like the billowing smoke produced after the explosion of a bomb, swept towards him.

The first time he encountered a sandstorm, Meng Hailong felt very novel.

Because his current location was still far away from the sandstorm, Meng Hailong, who couldn't wait, hurriedly escaped into the spirit jade space, and through the spirit jade space, quickly came to the center of the sandstorm.

Meng Hailong stood in the Lingyu space, opened his perspective eyes, looked at the sandstorm outside, and couldn't help but feel that the power of nature was too powerful.

In a powerful storm, the yellow sand on the ground is blown up and moves with the storm, which is called a sandstorm.

Feeling the power of the sandstorm, Meng Hailong quietly calculated in his heart that if humans encountered a sandstorm in the desert, even if they would not be buried by the yellow sand, they would definitely be hit by the sand.

In the rolling yellow sand, a silver-white object suddenly appeared, and when he saw this object clearly, Meng Hailong couldn't help but be shocked. Because, after the yellow sand on the ground was constantly scraped away, this silver-white object became even more conspicuous, it turned out to be an airplane.

Seeing this plane, although Meng Hailong was surprised in his heart, his sanity was still there, and he knew that his body could not withstand the attack of the sandstorm, so he did not leave the Lingyu space immediately, but waited until the outside was completely calm, and then he stepped out of the Lingyu space.

What appeared in front of Meng Hailong's eyes was a silver-white plane.

Although he didn't know where the plane came from, since it appeared in the desert and was covered by yellow sand, it was probably due to a malfunction during the flight and was forced to land in the desert!

Although this thing was very strange, Meng Hailong still decided to go in and find out. Of course, before stepping into this plane, Meng Hailong did not forget to check it with his fluoroscopic eye first.

After making sure that there was no danger inside the plane, Meng Hailong passed through the Lingyu space and came to the interior space of the plane.

After appearing inside the plane, Meng Hailong's no-do wrinkled tightly.

He soon found out that it was a private jet.

There were more than a dozen bodies on board, presumably suffocated to death after the plane was buried in yellow sand.

Moreover, on the plane, there are a lot of tusks, it seems that this is a dark organization that hunts elephants, and they deserve their bad luck.

The value of ivory was so high that some people went to the cost of killing elephants to get ivory. Such acts are strictly prohibited by the State.

Wanton hunting of elephants can even be punished by death.

Meng Hailong originally didn't want to touch those ivory, but after thinking about it, these ivory were left here, either buried in the yellow sand, or taken away by later people.

No matter what kind of result it is, it is not what Meng Hailong wants to see.

Because of this, after thinking about it, Meng Hailong finally put the ivory on the plane into the spirit jade space and hid it.

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