was suddenly stopped by Meng Hailong and hugged by the waist, Lan Xinyan thought that he was trying to do something wrong, and subconsciously, she reached out to her waist and prepared to draw her sword to assassinate Meng Hailong.

However, just as she was holding the short sword at her waist, Lan Xinyan's heart was suddenly shocked.

Because, before she pulled out her short sword, Lan Xinyan suddenly saw that in the direction they were advancing just now, the yellow sand under the ground suddenly collapsed.

Moreover, the collapse of the yellow sand is still spreading to their side.

If you run slowly and get stuck in the yellow sand, you will die.

Shocked, seeing the camel also galloping behind them, Lan Xinyan was a little relieved.

The camel has been following her for several years, and although they can't communicate with each other, if the camel is killed, Lan Xinyan will definitely be sad.

Seeing the situation in front of her clearly, and knowing that Meng Hailong picked her up to save her, Lan Xinyan hurriedly removed her hand from the short sword.

Her physical strength, she knows.

If it weren't for Meng Hailong running with her, it is estimated that she would not be able to run away.

Realizing this, Lan Xinyan suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

This man who saved her twice in a row was misunderstood by her twice, but fortunately she didn't pull out her short sword just now, otherwise, it would be embarrassing.

Although Meng Hailong was holding Lan Xinyan in his arms, his speed of running was not slow at all.

Of course, in order to avoid arousing Lan Xinyan's suspicions, Meng Hailong still didn't use all his strength, he just maintained a similar speed, as long as they were not in danger.

The camel's speed was not slow, but it did not run far alone, but kept following Meng Hailong.

After running for two or three kilometers and feeling safe, Meng Hailong slowed down, but he didn't put Lan Xinyan down immediately.

Because, it feels good to hold Lan Xinyan, and he wants to take this opportunity to hug her for a while.

Lan Xinyan is not stupid, seeing that they are no longer in danger, but Meng Hailong is still holding her, knowing that this guy has bad intentions, Lan Xinyan hurriedly said: "Hey, it should be safe here, you can let me go quickly, I'll just go by myself." "

Are you sure?" Meng Hailong said with a smile, "I see you haven't eaten for a long time, right?" If you come down and walk by yourself, do you think you can get out of this desert?" "I

still have a big cow!" Lan Xinyan pointed to the camel and said.

The big cow is the name she gave to the camels, and she has been calling it for several years.

"Da Niu is also tired!" Meng Hailong continued, "If I guess correctly, this should still be in the heart of this desert, and it will take at least three days for us to get out of this desert."

"In the past three days, if there is no water source and no food, not to mention you and me, even camels will not be able to survive."

Meng Hailong analyzed seriously.

"Well, it's all the bad guys, or I wouldn't have lost my dry food and water. Lan Xinyan said angrily.

Two days ago, not long after Lan Xinyan walked into the desert, she met a group of bad people, who saw that she was single and wanted to bully her.

Fortunately, Lan Xinyan knows a little kung fu and carries a short sword for self-defense.

When those people wanted to scare her, Lan Xinyan suddenly drew her sword and stabbed one of them, scaring the rest of the guys away.

But soon, those who were frightened away also pulled out their short swords from their bodies and threatened to kill Lan Xinyan.

Seeing that there were many of them, for fear of suffering, Lan Xinyan hurriedly rode a camel and fled, and finally got rid of those people, but Lan Xinyan was depressed to find that the food and water she brought were lost.

Go back and look for it, she's afraid she'll run into those people again.

In desperation, Lan Xinyan had no choice but to continue to set off.

But because of her decision, she was just a little bit dead in the desert. Fortunately, when she met Meng Hailong, her fate took a new turn.

Listening to Lan Xinyan's words, Meng Hailong couldn't help but shake his head and said, "The food and water have been lost, and you dare to walk into this desert, it's just a shame."

"What can I do? I'm desperate too!" Lan Xinyan continued, "If I go back and look for food and water, if I meet them again, I will die even worse."

"You don't understand me, I'm a person who would rather die than be bullied like that by them. Lan Xinyan said seriously.

"It can be seen that you are a relatively stubborn girl. Meng Hailong was still holding Lan Xinyan because she didn't insist that he put her down.

Meng Hailong hugged Lan Xinyan and continued to walk forward, while asking curiously: "You are a girl, why do you want to cross the desert alone?"

Even if you can't afford to take a plane, you can get around the desert by car and reach your destination, Meng Hailong just can't figure out why Lan Xinyan has to venture across the desert.


Meng Hailong ask, Lan Xinyan sighed, and then she spoke: "You probably don't know yet, right? There is no airport near here, and it is impossible to take a plane." As for taking a car, it's even more unthinkable.

After listening to Lan Xinyan's story, Meng Hailong finally knew that it turned out that in the surrounding area of the desert, there were terrifying cannibals.

It is said that cannibals would ambush on the side of the road, and they would use various methods to force passing vehicles to stop, and then hunt the people in the vehicles, using passing passers-by as their food.

Lan Xinyan didn't want to be eaten by cannibals on the spot, so she had no choice but to cross the desert and return to her hometown.

"I really didn't expect that there were really cannibals in this world, wouldn't the country know about it?" Meng Hailong said with a frown.

It stands to reason that the country will definitely not tolerate such a cruel thing, and it will not let it go, but, according to Lan Xinyan's account, cannibals have existed for many years.

This problem has not been solved, and Meng Hailong is a little puzzled by this.

"It's not that the country doesn't care, but it can't be managed!" Lan Xinyan said some things she knew, it turned out that a troop had come before.

However, the cannibals are good at hiding, and when the troops come, they suddenly disappear without a trace.

The troops have been stationed in this area for more than half a month, but they still found nothing.

In the end, this matter had to be stopped.

As soon as the troops left, the cannibals began to attack humans frantically, which made people frightened. The state really has no choice but to place warning signs around the area where the cannibals exist, so that everyone does not go near the area where the cannibals are located.

Listening to Lan Xinyan's words, Meng Hailong secretly thought in his heart that since the country couldn't solve this matter, then he might have to stand up.

Cannibals have completely subverted the traditional concept of human beings, and this kind of people must not stay.

Of course, Meng Hailong only secretly thought about it in his heart, but he didn't say anything about his intention to exterminate the cannibals.

Because he knew very well that even if he said it, Lan Xinyan would not believe his words.

"Who are you?" Lan Xinyan suddenly said curiously: "It's the first time I've seen someone with such good physical strength, you must not be an ordinary person, right?"

"Of course!" Meng Hailong said with a smile: "I said, I am a parachutist, we are professionally trained, and our physical strength is naturally much better than that of ordinary people." "

Did you really come to the desert because of parachuting?" Lan Xinyan was still a little skeptical of Meng Hailong's words.

"Then what do you think?" Meng Hailong said with a smile: "Sister Xinyan, you shouldn't think I'm a cannibal, right?"

"Who knows!" Lan Xinyan pouted and said.

"Hehe, are the cannibals as handsome as me?" Meng Hailong smiled, he looked up at the sun in the sky, and then said: "It's getting dark, let's find a place to rest as soon as possible

!" "It's dark before you can hurry, you let me down, I'll walk by myself!" Lan Xinyan continued: "Rest in the desert, if you fall asleep, it will be a dead end."

Lan Xinyan wasn't scaring Meng Hailong with this, because she knew very well that if they lay down, if the sandstorm came, they would be completely buried.

If you want to get out of this desert alive, you have to walk non-stop.

"You should take a break even if you don't sleep. Meng Hailong thought for a while and then said, "You and Da Niu will rest here for a while, and I'll go to the front to explore the way, and see if I can find something to eat by the way."

"You stupid, this is in the desert, what can you eat? unless you like sand. Lan Xinyan pouted and said, "It's all those people, if it weren't for them, I wouldn't be so embarrassed." "

Sister Xinyan, are you talking about them?" Meng Hailong suddenly pointed to the distance and spoke.

Lan Xinyan looked in the direction he pointed and saw a pair of centaurs walking towards them in the dust, and suddenly, Lan Xinyan's brows furrowed.

"It's them, it's really a narrow road!" Lan Xinyan said quickly: "Let's go quickly!

"Sister Xinyan, you and Da Niu go first, I'm waiting for them here." Meng Hailong put Lan Xinyan out of his arms, and said with a smile: "There are so many of them, they must have brought food and water." Since they bullied you before, it's my turn to bully them for you.

"Don't laugh, there are so many of them, and they all have weapons on them. As the saying goes, you are outnumbered! No matter how good your physical strength is and how strong your kung fu is, I'm afraid you won't be their opponent!" Lan Xinyan said anxiously: "If you don't want to die here, you can come with me!"

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