"Why, you don't want to leave, do you?" Meng Hailong continued: "Since you don't want to leave, then stay here forever like them!"

After saying that, Meng Hailong stomped his foot.

The soles of his feet stepped on the handle of a long knife, and suddenly, the long knife flew up in the air, impartial, and landed right in Meng Hailong's hand.

Seeing Meng Hailong walking towards him with a knife, for fear of being killed, the man hurriedly said: "Don't kill me, I'll go, I'll leave now..."

Looking at his back as he gradually moved away, Meng Hailong's face couldn't help but show a sneer. It is said that evil is rewarded with evil, and this is the end of their evil deeds.

After the man left, Lan Xinyan said, "You scared me to death just now, I thought you were really going to surrender!"

"Fool, am I that kind of person?" Meng Hailong smiled, and then said again: "Are you hungry? Let's split up and look for food on them."

"Okay. Lan Xinyan answered, and then, she took the lead in running towards the corpse of one of the men.

After some searching, they found that these guys didn't have much food and water with them. However, Meng Hailong has his own methods.

In the spiritual jade space, there are spiritual springs and all kinds of food, which is everything.

Before, he couldn't take it out of thin air, but now it's different, and he can excuse himself by saying that these things are found from those bad guys.

While searching for those people, Meng Hailong's mind moved, and he instantly took out a few bottles of spiritual spring from the spiritual jade space, as well as some biscuits and other things.

Lan Xinyan searched the bodies of several people, and found only a bottle of water and two breads except for a few packs of cigarettes, and nothing else.

When she saw that Meng Hailong had found several bottles of water, her eyes couldn't help but light up.

In this desert, it is not too important whether there is food or not, the most important thing is water, as long as there is water, they can survive.

Meng Hailong casually threw a bottle of spiritual spring to Lan Xinyan, and then, he opened one of the bottles and fed it to the camel.

After drinking the spiritual spring that Meng Hailong gave her, Lan Xinyan only felt full of strength, and all the tiredness before seemed to be swept away.

The camel was the same, after drinking the spiritual spring that Meng Hailong fed it, it actually stretched out its tongue and licked it on Meng Hailong's face.

Seeing their intimate appearance, Lan Xinyan felt ridiculous.

After drinking the spiritual spring and eating some biscuits, they continued on their way, marching quickly towards their goal.

On the way, seeing Meng Hailong constantly taking out the map to check, Lan Xinyan grinned and said, "Hey, don't you think what that person said is true, right?

In the desert, what ancient cities will be there?" "Well, you're right, there really won't be any ancient cities in the desert, because this ancient city should be next to the desert." Meng Hailong had been studying that map for a long time, and after analysis, he came to such a conclusion.

Since the desert is subject to sandstorms all year round, the sand is constantly blown away by the wind, so the desert will gradually move.

After so many years, the original ancient city is no longer in the desert, but should be on the edge of the desert.

If his guess was correct, then Meng Hailong felt that after finding that treasure, it would be easier to dig it.

Regarding Meng Hailong's analysis, Lan Xinyan didn't take it to heart at all, because she felt that the ancient city could not exist.

Even if the ancient city really exists and is found by Meng Hailong, what can it do? The treasures in the ancient city, after they are excavated, still have to be handed over to the state.

Seeing that Lan Xinyan was not interested in the treasures of the ancient city, Meng Hailong never mentioned this matter again.

It was already getting dark, and then the moonlight continued on their way. Eat some biscuits when you're hungry, and drink some spiritual springs when you're thirsty.

What puzzled Lan Xinyan was that the bottle of water in Meng Hailong's hand seemed to never be finished.

Her bottle of water had already been drunk, and she poured half a bottle from Meng Hailong, but there was still half a bottle of water in that guy's bottle, which made her feel very weird.

Lan Xinyan expressed her doubts, and Meng Hailong frowned after hearing this, and said, "Sister Xinyan, I don't know what you said! Anyway, I drink it like this, but the water has always been there, so it is estimated that God is secretly helping us!" Of course, Lan Xinyan

will not believe that this is God helping them in secret.

She deliberately kept an extra eye on it, and along the way, she was paying close attention to Meng Hailong's bottle of water, but she paid attention to it for a long time, but she never found anything.

Except for seeing that the bottle of water could never be drunk, Lan Xinyan didn't make any other discoveries.

They walked day and night for two days and one night, and at last they saw the edge of the desert, the yellowish trees.

Seeing that he was about to walk out of the desert, Meng Hailong asked curiously: "Sister Xinyan, what are you going to do after you get out of this desert?" "

Of course, continue to plant trees!" Lan Xinyan told Meng Hailong that their family did not originally live near the desert, but because her father did something wrong when he was young, offended some people, and feared that he would be destroyed by the enemy, so they hid near the desert to live.

In order to withstand the sandstorms, the most they do throughout the year is to plant trees. Because, in their opinion, only by planting enough trees can they withstand sandstorms and effectively stop the further expansion of the desert.

Knowing that Lan Xinyan crossed the desert to buy seeds for her father, Meng Hailong couldn't help but give her a thumbs up.

This girl, although she is young, has the courage and perseverance that others do not have, even if she doesn't look at her face and figure, she is also great.

It took another half a day for them to finally get out of the desert.

Meng Hailong followed Lan Xinyan through a slightly sick wood, and they came to the door of several bungalows.

This is Lan Xinyan's home.

When they came back, it was time to finish eating, Lan Xinyan's family was staying in the house, and suddenly heard a movement at the door, Lan Xinyan's brother, and Lan Xinyan's mother, they hurriedly opened the door and ran out.

Seeing that Lan Xinyan was really back, Aunt Lan's tears fell instantly.

She pounced on Lan Xinyan excitedly, and the mother and daughter hugged each other tightly, but they didn't say more than half a word between them.

Meng Hailong felt strange, such a scene should have endless words, but the two of them were silent, which was a bit abnormal.

After opening the perspective eye and taking a closer look, Meng Hailong soon found that Aunt Lan was actually deaf and mute, no wonder they just hugged and didn't say a word.

"Xinyan, nothing happened on the road, right?" Lan Xinyan's brother Lan Xinping looked at Meng Hailong again at this time, and said: "Xinyan, did you bring this gentleman back? Who is he? Do you know him?" "

Brother, his name is Meng Hailong, he is a parachutist, I have encountered several dangers in the desert, and it was because of his help that I had a chance to survive." Lan Xinyan continued: "What about Dad? How is his condition? Has it improved?"

"No!" Lan Xinping said with a sad face: "Our Dad's situation... It's getting worse and worse, last night, maybe because of the fever caused by the inflammation of the wound, the fever reached close to forty degrees in the middle of the night, I'm really worried..."

Although Lan Xinyan said this, she still couldn't help but shed tears of worry.

A few days ago, Lan Xinyan's father was planting trees when he was suddenly attacked by a vulture, and two long cuts were torn on his hands and feet.

If Lan Xinping hadn't arrived in time and chased away the vulture with a shotgun, I was afraid that he would have been eaten by the vulture as food that day.

Although Uncle Lan picked up a life, however, this was not a good thing for him.

The wound was inflamed, the fever was repeated, and I didn't know how many antibiotics I had used, but Uncle Lan's condition still did not improve, and it was still aggravating.

Lan Xinyan's family was already worried, but they had nothing to do.

There is only one family in the vicinity, and if they want to go to the hospital, they have to walk for many days, for fear that they will be killed on the way before they send Uncle Lan to the hospital.

Seeing Lan Xinyan burst into tears, Meng Hailong said: "Sister Xinyan, I know a little about medical skills, otherwise, you can take me to see Uncle Lan, maybe I can cure his illness!" "You still know medical skills

?" Lan Xinyan was a little overjoyed.

After experiencing these two days and one night, Lan Xinyan gradually felt that Meng Hailong was a very reliable person, and his skills seemed to be very good.

Now hearing him say that he can heal, Lan Xinyan's heart can't help but burn hope.

She was a little excited, and after getting Meng Hailong's affirmative answer, she didn't care so much, and directly took Meng Hailong's hand and walked to one of the rooms.

When Lan Xinyan pushed open the door of this room, Meng Hailong saw a dying man lying on the bed.

His breath was faint, like a lamp that was about to run out of oil, and the flame of life could be extinguished at any moment.

This situation was very critical, so after entering, Meng Hailong didn't ask too much, and directly opened the perspective eye and checked Uncle Lan's whole body.

After some inspection, Meng Hailong spoke: "Uncle Lan's situation is not optimistic, if I am not mistaken, the wounds on his hands and legs should have been scratched by vultures."

"The habits of vultures, as you should know, are that they eat carcasses, whether they are human or animal.

"This vulture that scratched Uncle Lan, it should have been without food for a long time, so it will take the initiative to attack Uncle Lan. Meng Hailong continued: "Maybe the corpse that this vulture ate before carried some kind of virus, so after Uncle Lan was scratched by it, he was also infected with that virus. "

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