Since being injured that year and picking up a life, Aunt Lan has become deaf and mute, and it has been many years.

She has been playing the role of a deaf person all these years.

Seriously, Aunt Lan also longs for the day when she can return to normal, because she wants to communicate with her family so much.

Unfortunately, such an opportunity never presented itself.

Now, there is finally such an opportunity in front of her, although this opportunity is still accompanied by high risks, but Aunt Lan still decided to give it a try.

She didn't want to continue to be deaf and mute!

After reading the piece of paper written by Lan Xinyan, Aunt Lan took her pen from Lan Xinyan's hand and wrote a few big words on the back of the paper: "I am willing to accept

this operation!" "Brother Long, since my mother is going to have this operation, let's work hard for you again!" Lan Xinyan was the first to speak: "Brother Long, do we need to prepare something before this surgery?"

You only need to prepare the surgical equipment!" Meng Hailong continued: "The hospital near here

is there, you should know, right?" "I know, Brother Long, I'll take you there tomorrow!" Lan Xinyan said quickly: "The hospital is a hundred kilometers to the east, if you ride over, you should be able to get there in one day." "

Oh, then you rest early, and we'll leave early tomorrow morning." Meng Hailong nodded and said.

"Okay, Brother Long, that... You can sleep with my brother tonight!" Lan Xinyan quickly explained: "There is no extra room at home, so I can only wronged you."

"It's okay, I still want to go out for a walk later, and I don't think I'll come back to sleep tonight." Meng Hailong didn't want to sleep in the same room with Lan Xinping, he just wanted to go out and see if the group brought by the middle-aged man had gone away.

Tomorrow he and Lan Xinyan will go out to find a surgical kit, if those people suddenly turn back, then Uncle Lan and they will be in danger.

This family is very good, Meng Hailong can't bear to watch them die, so before leaving, he still has to ensure the safety of Uncle Lan's family.

Hearing Meng Hailong say that he would go out for a walk later, Lan Xinyan frowned and said, "Brother Long, where are you going to go in the middle of the night?"

"I didn't go there either, I just walked around, and by the way, I found some herbs for Uncle Lan to use." Meng Hailong smiled and said, "Sister Xinyan, you don't care about me, I'm going to go tomorrow, you should go to bed quickly." "

Xinyan, you still don't know your brother-in-law's mind, he doesn't want to sleep in the same room with me!" Lan Xinping said at this time: "Brother-in-law, don't listen to Xinyan, you can sleep in her room tonight, anyway, we all recognize you as my brother-in-law." "

Brother, are you still my own brother?" Lan Xinyan's pretty face was flushed with shame, and when she threw down this sentence, she ran away shyly, ran back to her room, and closed the door, but she didn't lock the door.

Despite this, Meng Hailong decided to go out for a walk.

It's not that he doesn't like Lan Xinyan, but because, some things are more important, and if he causes Lan Xinyan's family to be killed in order to get Lan Xinyan, it won't be the best ending.

Knowing that Meng Hailong was determined to go out, Lan Xinyan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. However, Meng Hailong had no intention of hitting her body, and Lan Xinyan felt that he was a decent gentleman.

Such a man is more reliable!

What Meng Hailong decided, eight horses couldn't pull back.

Although Lan Xinping and Uncle Lan both tried their best to stay, he still insisted on going out, and after saying goodbye to them, Meng Hailong walked decisively towards the door.

Since he couldn't convince him, Lan Xinping had no choice but to send Meng Hailong to the door. Watching his figure disappear under the night sky, Lan Xinping had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He shook his head and sighed, then closed the door and went back to the back room.

After Meng Hailong walked out of a distance, he was sure that he would not be seen, and as soon as his mind moved, he had already come to the spirit jade space.

Through the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong quickly found the group of people from before.

The men did not continue their journey at night, they pitched their tents in the woods, and two dozen people were gathering to discuss things.

One of the men said with a big grin: "That little girl just now is really good-looking, that girl, not only has a good-looking face, but also has a very good figure, damn, if we can catch her, we won't be too lonely along the way!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, tsk..."

The other man picked up and said, until now, he still felt palpitations when he remembered the scene when the middle-aged man was burned into black charcoal by lightning.

"Split... Split a yarn! If the thunder is going to split, we will be chopped to death a long time ago! Now that I think about it, I think the old man was unlucky.

"Damn, this thing is too evil, isn't it? said that the thunderbolt was really struck by thunder, and the old man didn't know what bad things he had done, and even God wouldn't let him go."

"In my opinion, this incident must be just a coincidence! We are a little stupid, we are also scared like this, and we have wasted a good opportunity." "

Why don't we kill back and snatch that girl over, and my brothers will be happy, what do you think?" said the man who had just spoken again.

"I don't think it's worth taking this risk just for that chick to go back

!" "Damn, don't you know that there are no women in this area? I haven't done anything for more than half a month

, are you not good at that?" "You can't do it!" "If you don't do

it, why don't you want to be tempted by women?" Moreover, that girl is so beautiful, you are not even interested, you must not be able to do it.

"I can't do it? Just kidding!" The man who was scolded immediately said: "Okay, kill it back, kill it back, but you have to let me go first, I want you to see it with your own eyes, I don't can't do it."

Meng Hailong stood in the Lingyu space, and he heard the conversations of those people outside clearly.

Knowing that these people were fighting Lan Xinyan's idea, Meng Hailong felt very angry, he secretly thought in his heart, fortunately he chased after him, otherwise, when he and Lan Xinyan went to the hospital tomorrow, these people would be killed, and Uncle Lan and they would really be killed.

Since these people are uneasy and kind, Meng Hailong will naturally not be soft.

Standing in the spirit jade space, with a wave of his big hand, in an instant, a large number of wasps suddenly appeared in the tent of the gang.

In addition to the wasps, Meng Hailong also threw a lot of poisonous snakes and scorpions and the like, and these poisons, densely packed, were distributed on the ground in the tent.

There are wasps in the air, poisonous snakes and scorpions on the ground.

These things appeared out of thin air and scared the people in the tent half to death, and they subconsciously pulled out their pistols, only to find that it was impractical to use guns to deal with these poisons.

A few guys were stung by wasps, bitten by poisonous snakes and scorpions, broke down emotionally, shot indiscriminately, and killed several accomplices.

In just a few moments, more than half of the two dozen people had already fallen.

Some of them were shot and fell in pools of blood, while others were bitten by poisonous snakes, causing them to fall to the ground foaming at the mouth.

But whether they fell from being shot or poisoned, their fate is the same, and after they fall, they never have a chance to get up again.

After all the twenty or so people fell to the ground, Meng Hailong took the hornets and those poisons back into the spirit jade space. Then, he walked out of the spirit jade space.

After walking out, Meng Hailong first sent those people's horses into the Lingyu space, and then walked into the tent and took away all the pistols and bullets on their bodies.

After doing this, Meng Hailong returned to the Spirit Jade Space.

Anyway, it's okay, Meng Hailong made a move, and the secret book he had taken from the gray-robed Taoist priest automatically flew into his hand.

This secret book records some information related to the cultivation of immortals.

Meng Hailong opened this secret book and read it for a while, and found that the things recorded in it were very interesting, and they were also very reasonable.

Since Meng Hailong had seen with his own eyes that the gray-robed Taoist priest could control the flying sword, he did not doubt the authenticity of the immortal cultivator.

Especially after reading this secret book, Meng Hailong became even more interested in cultivating immortals.

The beginning of the secret book records some information on cultivating immortals, and in the middle is some precautions in the process of cultivating immortals.

The name of this immortal cultivation method is called the Heavenly Dao Sutra.

The reincarnation of heaven is the law of the operation of all things in the universe.

Cultivating the Heavenly Dao Sutra, comprehending the reincarnation of the Heavenly Dao, and absorbing the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon, you can surpass the limits of human beings, break the shackles of the physical body, and achieve the legend of immortality.

The more Meng Hailong watched, the more excited he became.

He originally wanted to try to cultivate the Heavenly Dao Sutra, but unfortunately, time did not allow it. Because, at this time, the sky is already bright.

At dawn, he and Lan Xinyan had to go to the hospital.

Meng Hailong didn't want to delay this matter, so in the end, he didn't go to cultivate the Heavenly Dao Sutra, but walked out of the spirit jade space.

When he went out, Meng Hailong took a horse by the hand.

With this horse, Meng Hailong quickly returned to the door of Lan Xinyan's house.

Early in the morning, from a long distance, Meng Hailong saw that Lan Xinyan was already standing at the door of her house and waiting, looking forward to his return.

When Meng Hailong saw her, Lan Xinyan also discovered him.

In the past night, Lan Xinyan actually didn't sleep well, because she had been thinking about Meng Hailong in her heart, not only worried that he would be in danger if he went out in the middle of the night, but also worried that he would not come back if he left.

Because of worry, Lan Xinyan didn't sleep well all night.

She had already gotten up early in the morning, Meng Hailong didn't know that in fact, when the sky was just dawning, Lan Xinyan was already standing at the door waiting for him.

Seeing Meng Hailong come back, Lan Xinyan grinned at first, and then, she ran over quickly, and when Meng Hailong jumped off the horse, Lan Xinyan hurriedly threw herself into Meng Hailong's arms.

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