Listening to the hornet's report, Meng Hailong's brows couldn't help frowning tightly.

On the way to the hospital before, Meng Hailong had already learned from the mouths of the two cannibals that there were probably only a dozen cannibals in the vicinity. However, now a dozen cannibals suddenly appeared out, which really surprised him.

But an accident is an accident, and this matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

In particular, those people on the other side are still sharpening their knives, and I am afraid that there is something to do.

Meng Hailong planned to make a preemptive strike before they took action, and after asking the specific location of those people, his mind moved, and he soon came to the vicinity of the location that the hornet said.

After coming here, Meng Hailong hurriedly opened his clairvoyant eye, and after a careful search, he quickly found the people that the hornet said.

There were about a dozen of them, and like the cannibals before them, they wore tattered clothes, their hair was long and messy, and their appearance was extremely ugly.

When Meng Hailong saw them, they were walking towards the place where Lan Xinyan's family lived, and it seemed that they should have received the news and knew that there were people over there, so they rushed to Lan Xinyan and them.

The purpose of these people is obvious, they also want to catch Lan Xinyan's family and treat them as a meal.

Meng Hailong came over for the purpose of eliminating the hidden dangers brought by these people.

Of course, before that, he wanted to ask a few things clearly.

Because of this, Meng Hailong did not directly kill them, but only used some means to knock these people unconscious.

After knocking these people out, Meng Hailong walked out of the spirit jade space.

At the same time, he also brought out some small insects with transparent bodies from inside.

It took Meng Hailong a few minutes to put those small transparent insect winds into the nostrils of those people, and after controlling their thoughts, he managed to wake them up.

After waking up these people, Meng Hailong began to question.

The things he wanted to know were nothing more than things related to cannibals.

Dragging one of the guys, Meng Hailong asked coldly

, "Are you going to go there, what are you going to do?" "We're going to the other side of the mountain, there are people there, we need food." The cannibal man said honestly.

"Is there anyone on the other side of the mountain?" Meng Hailong looked curious, if this cannibal person was not mistaken, then the place they were going to was not Lan Xinyan's home.

Because, their home is not on the other side of the mountain.

"Yes, there's a group of people there, we've planned to get them tonight. The cannibal man continued: "Those people are digging the ground on the other side of the mountain, and I'm afraid they are going to do bad things again.

Hearing this person's words, Meng Hailong felt a little depressed in his heart, he also felt that others were doing bad things, didn't they do bad things?

However, if what this person said was true, then things were really a little weird.

Knowing that cannibals are infested and very dangerous in this area, there are still people who come here to dig, is there anything more valuable than life

? Meng Hailong suddenly thought of a possibility, the group of people he met in the desert, weren't they looking for

treasure? Could it be that those people who are digging now are digging for treasure?

If this is really the case, then their speed is too fast!

Meng Hailong originally thought that he would wait for him to deal with the affairs of Lan Xinyan's family before looking for the treasure, but now it seems that the treasure is likely to have been taken first.

Meng Hailong asked a few more questions, and seeing that this person couldn't answer, he turned his target to another person.

After asking a few similar questions, Meng Hailong's words changed sharply, and he asked again: "How many people like you are besides you?" "

No, I don't know, our team is so many people, as for whether there are other places where there are our kind, I don't know." "

Well, now, you can go and die!" Meng Hailong said this coldly, and his figure disappeared from the spot.

The next second Meng Hailong entered the spirit jade space, those people of the cannibal clan fell down one after another, and after their brains were invaded by Gu worms, they had no chance to live.

After dealing with them, Meng Hailong soon returned to the place where Lan Xinyan and they lived.

At this time, it had been a few hours since he left.

After coming back, seeing that Lan Xinyan hadn't rested yet, Meng Hailong felt a little sorry for her.

Knowing that Lan Xinyan didn't sleep because he was worried about him, Meng Hailong hurriedly walked out of the spirit jade space.

When he walked to the door, he raised his hand and knocked lightly on the door, and said, "Sister Xinyan, I'm back." Lan

Xinyan in the house, she was still worried that Meng Hailong didn't know when she would come back, and suddenly heard Meng Hailong's voice, not to mention how happy she was.

As soon as she jumped from the chair, Lan Xinyan jumped up, and then, she quickly walked to the door and hurriedly opened the door.

After the door opened, seeing Meng Hailong coming back safely, as soon as she was excited, Lan Xinyan threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly, as if Meng Hailong would disappear from her eyes as soon as she let go.

Lan Xinyan took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, and Meng Hailong naturally would not refuse.

He also stretched out his hands and hugged Lan Xinyan tightly, because he knew very well in his heart that at this time, no words could compare to a powerful hug.

This powerful hug can give Lan Xinyan a great sense of security.

The two hugged each other silently, and after about three minutes, Lan Xinyan reluctantly left Meng Hailong's arms.

When leaning on Meng Hailong's arms, Lan Xinyan had a strange feeling, as if the whole world was quiet, and this feeling made her feel very safe.

Lan Xinyan really hoped that she could stay forever at that moment, but there was still her family in the house, and in front of her family, Lan Xinyan was embarrassed to continue to hug Meng Hailong.

After the two separated, Lan Xinyan blushed and said, "Brother Long, why have you been there for so long, haven't you encountered

any trouble?" "Well, I didn't have any trouble when I went out, but then, we may have a little trouble!" Meng Hailong's brows furrowed slightly.

At that moment just now, he, who had a keen sense of hearing, suddenly heard a sound of footsteps. Although the sound of footsteps was very slight, it still did not escape Meng Hailong's ears.

The area around here is deserted, and it stands to reason that no one will come. Because of this, Meng Hailong felt that the sudden footsteps would most likely cause them trouble.

If it weren't the cannibals, they would probably be the ones digging for treasure on the other side of the mountain.

Hearing Meng Hailong say this, and seeing him frowning again, Lan Xinyan hurriedly asked, "Brother Long, what trouble will we have? Could it be that the cannibals are coming again?" "

I don't know what the trouble is now, but you don't have to worry about it, Sister Xinyan, no matter who comes, I won't let you be bullied again." Meng Hailong said very seriously.

By the time he finished speaking, Meng Hailong's clairvoyant eyes could already vaguely see the traces of those people.

Because the distance is still relatively far, even under the perspective eye, Meng Hailong has not been able to see the appearance of the other party's people clearly.

In a vague way, he could only confirm that there were five people walking towards this side.

Judging by the pace at which they walked, their physical strength should not be very good, because they are not moving fast, but rather slowly.

Since their physical strength is not good, then Meng Hailong does not have to worry about their arrival.

"Sister Xinyan, you take care of Uncle Lan and Aunt Lan, I'll go out and have a look. Rest assured, I'll be back soon. Meng Hailong was a little anxious to solve this matter, so he planned to take the initiative to meet him.

After saying that, Meng Hailong turned around and walked to the door.

Seeing that he was going out, Lan Xinyan hurriedly said, "Brother Long, you wait! You can take this pistol with you, you can defend yourself."

While speaking, Lan Xinyan had already taken out the pistol that Meng Hailong had given her before.

Meng Hailong didn't pick up the pistol, but grinned and said: "Sister Xinyan, this thing can be used for self-defense in your hands, but it becomes meaningless in my hands, you put it away, I don't need it."

"How can you not use it?" Lan Xinyan said anxiously: "The cannibals have bows and arrows, you hold this gun, if they shoot arrows at you, you can watch the gun fight back." "

Sister Xinyan, have you forgotten how I killed those cannibals before?" Meng Hailong smiled and said, "To deal with them, a few stones are enough." "

Okay, I'm out, you lock the door, before I come back, you just stay in the house, no matter who knocks on the door, don't open it!" Meng Hailong said seriously, and then, he left without looking back.

Facing the direction those people were coming, Meng Hailong ran quickly.

A distance of a few kilometers can be a long walk for those people.

However, Meng Hailong, who has a spirit jade space, is different. He walked to a place that Lan Xinyan couldn't see, and then, just with a thought, he had already appeared behind those people.

Appearing here, Meng Hailong completely saw the appearance of those people, and because of this, his brows furrowed slightly.

He saw that the people in front of him were all wearing camouflage uniforms, as if they were from the army, but from them, Meng Hailong couldn't feel the temperament of a soldier.

The men didn't notice that there was an extra person behind them, and they were still moving forward.

Meng Hailong didn't want them to come into contact with Lan Xinyan's family, so he suddenly said, "Who are you? What do you want to do here?"

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