"Goodbye, brother!" Meng Hailong waved his hand, saying goodbye to Zhao Tianming, and then, he pulled Lan Xinyan to the hall of the airport.

At this time, the time happened to be five o'clock in the evening.

There is still an hour left before boarding, that is, they have twenty minutes left to check in.

Lan Xinyan came to the airport for the first time, and she didn't understand many things, so she just blindly followed Meng Hailong.

Seeing the entrance ahead, everyone passing by needs to be checked, and Lan Xinyan is still carrying a pistol, if she walks over with a gun, she will definitely be arrested.

Realizing this, Meng Hailong hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "Sister Xinyan, give me the gun on your body, otherwise, you won't be able to pass the security check."

"Oh, good. Lan Xinyan reached out and took out the pistol on her body as she spoke, she didn't think much about it, so after the pistol was taken out, she handed it directly to Meng Hailong.

Although her movements were quite fast, the people around her still saw it.

Among them, a young woman dressed in a believable dress screamed and shouted, "Gun... Guns... They have

guns on them...""Ah..."

As soon as they heard that Meng Hailong and Lan Xinyan had guns on their bodies, the people around them instantly scattered as if they had exploded, and they all fled in all directions, all for fear that they would be implicated.

Meng Hailong didn't expect things to develop like this, his brows furrowed slightly, and he hurriedly took the pistol from Lan Xinyan's hand and stuffed it into his pocket.

But despite this, the two of them were targeted by the police at the airport.

Hearing the woman's shout, more than a dozen policemen immediately rushed over from all directions, and these policemen all pulled out their pistols and pointed them at the two of them, making Lan Xinyan's face pale with fright.

"Don't move, put your hands up. After more than a dozen policemen surrounded Meng Hailong and Lan Xinyan, the leader shouted coldly: "Hurry up, you'd better be honest, otherwise, we will shoot you to death according to the law." "

Brother Long, what should I do?" Lan Xinyan encountered such a thing for the first time, and she hurriedly asked, a little overwhelmed.

"Do as they say!" Meng Hailong was calm, he didn't look nervous at all, but seemed calm.

With that, he slowly raised his hands.

Learning from Meng Hailong's appearance, Lan Xinyan also hurriedly raised her hands, but her psychological quality was not as strong as Meng Hailong, knowing that the pistol was hidden on Meng Hailong's body, her heart had always been uneasy.

After Meng Hailong and Lan Xinyan both raised their hands, several policemen quickly approached them and prepared to search them.

These policemen at the airport are all male policemen, and they want to search Meng Hailong's body, and Meng Hailong naturally has no opinion. However, if they want to search Lan Xinyan's body, Meng Hailong will have an opinion.

When the two male policemen were about to search Lan Xinyan's body, Meng Hailong hurriedly shouted: "Wait, you can't treat my girlfriend like this, it's okay to search my body, but, please call a policewoman over!"

"I suspect you are terrorists now, you kid better be honest, don't play tricks with us, otherwise you will suffer." The policeman at the head shouted, "Raise your hands and be inspected by us."

"I didn't say that I wouldn't accept your inspection, but wouldn't it be inappropriate for you big men to search my girlfriend's body?" Meng Hailong also said a little unhappily: "If you have to do this, I will complain to you." "

Search him first, the woman was handcuffed, and the headquarters was notified to send a policewoman. The policeman at the head gave the order, and then several policemen split up.

Two of them took out handcuffs and handcuffed Lan Xinyan's hands behind her back.

The other two policemen surrounded Meng Hailong and began to search him. Soon, they found a pistol from Meng Hailong's pocket.

When the pistol was found, several policemen around immediately raised their vigilance and clenched the guns in their hands one after another, for fear that an accident would happen.

"Captain, this... It's a toy gun. The policeman who was responsible for searching Meng Hailong's body looked at the gun in his hand, and then said with some embarrassment.

"What's going on?" the policeman hurriedly walked over, took the toy gun, and after studying it for a while, he gave another order to let the two policemen under him continue to search, and search carefully.

However, after another search, they found nothing.

Meng Hailong, except for the toy gun, there was nothing else.

Lan Xinyan, who was still next to her, was a little shocked, only she knew that the pistol she handed to Meng Hailong was a genuine pistol, but in the eyes of these policemen, how could that pistol become a toy gun?

Lan Xinyan naturally didn't know that Meng Hailong had a spiritual jade space on his body.

After he took the pistol from her just now, it seemed to be stuffed into his pocket, but in fact it was thrown into the Lingyu space, and then he hurriedly took out a simulated toy gun from the Lingyu space.

Anyway, there are a lot of this kind of thing in the spirit jade space.

Nothing else could be found from Meng Hailong's body, so the policeman at the head asked, "Don't you know that you can't carry

a toy gun on a plane?" "Sir, I really don't know!" Meng Hailong put on an innocent look and said: "This is the first time we have come to take a plane, and I still want to take this little toy to give to the children in Xiangdao!

"Imitation guns are not allowed to be brought in the first place, if you don't understand, you can check on the Internet, you increase the workload for us like this, if the circumstances are serious, I have the right to arrest you." The policeman at the head continued: "We will confiscate and destroy this imitation gun, you go and stand next to it, wait for our female colleague to come, and check if your girlfriend is carrying contraband."

"Oh, good. Meng Hailong didn't say much, smiled and nodded, and then he walked to the side and stood and waited.

Because it involves the issue of firearms, the police department also attaches great importance to it.

Soon, a policewoman was dispatched. Walking to Lan Xinyan's side, the policewoman hurriedly started to search, of course, the result of the search, naturally nothing was found.

Unable to find contraband on Lan Xinyan's body, the policewoman nodded to the policeman in charge.

Seeing her nodding, the policeman at the head said: "You can go, remember, before the next flight, it is best to understand what you can and can't bring, don't add such a workload to us."

"Okay, we remember. Lan Xinyan hurriedly nodded in response, and then, she walked quickly to Meng Hailong, holding Meng Hailong's arm, and the two left quickly.

After walking out of a distance, Lan Xinyan glanced back at the policemen just now, and saw that they had all dispersed, and the distance between them and them was already very far, Lan Xinyan couldn't help but speak: "Brother Long, how did that gun become a toy gun?"

"Shhh!" Meng Hailong hurriedly stopped a silent gesture, and then added: "Sister Xinyan, that's just a magic trick I played with them, really the gun is still on me!" However, don't mention this matter again, lest there be trouble later. "

Oh!" Lan Xinyan nodded obediently.

They soon walked to a machine that automatically printed boarding passes, Meng Hailong first took out his ID card, scanned it on the machine, and soon, the boarding pass that belonged to him was automatically printed.

With this machine, the work efficiency of the airport has been greatly improved.

After getting the boarding pass, Meng Hailong opened his mouth and said to Lan Xinyan: "Sister Xinyan, it's your turn, you also take out your ID card, and according to what I just did, you can print out the boarding pass."

Hearing Meng Hailong's words, Lan Xinyan hurriedly took out her ID card, followed Meng Hailong's example, and put her ID card in a specific position, and then she raised her hand and touched the button to print the boarding pass.

Just like just now, a boarding pass that belonged to her was quickly printed.

No sooner had the two men printed their boarding passes than they heard the radio saying that their flight was ready to board. They hurriedly lined up to pass through the security check with their boarding passes and ID cards, and then followed the crowd and boarded the flight to Xiangdao.

Meng Hailong is okay, it is not the first time he has taken a plane, but Lan Xinyan is different, she looks a little nervous when she takes a plane for the first time.

Especially when the plane just took off, because of the impact of the air current, the plane shook a little, which scared Lan Xinyan, and she couldn't help but exclaim.

Hearing Lan Xinyan's exclamation, a flight attendant hurriedly came over to inquire about the situation.

Lan Xinyan said a little embarrassed: "It's okay, it's okay, it's the first time I've taken a plane, but I'm just a little nervous, I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"Okay, then I won't bother you, and you can call us at any time if you need help." The stewardess said with a smile, and then she turned to leave.

A woman sitting in front of Lan Xinyan couldn't help but whisper: "Today's girls are really hypocritical, and they are coquettish when they have a boyfriend by their side, really."

Hearing her words, Lan Xinyan's pretty face immediately turned red with shame.

Seeing Lan Xinyan is embarrassed look, Meng Hailong gently held her little hand and said to her: "Sister Xinyan, leave her alone, you just think she is farting." "

Hey, boy, who did you say was farting?" The woman sitting in front of Lan Xinyan was immediately unhappy after hearing Meng Hailong's words.

The woman turned her head and looked at Meng Hailong with malicious eyes, and then said, "Do you know who I am?

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