"Ahem..." After listening to Meng Hailong's words, Bingpeng scratched his head vigorously, looking regretful.

He originally thought that honesty would make Meng Hailong trust him more, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Meng go first, although my brother has not participated in real horse racing, but his ability is there, you also saw it with your own eyes just now, if you can, I hope you can give him a chance, I believe he will not let you down." Bing Lianxue said with a smile.

Bing Lianxue has always hoped that Bingpeng can go to the Jockey Club to become a rider, because in that case, he will have a formal job.

Although the small farm is still relatively stable, it is impossible to make a lot of money.

With the change of time and the emergence of competitors, the business of small farms is bound to be affected.

It doesn't matter if Bing loves snow, her conditions are not bad, as long as she finds a better partner to marry in the future, her life will be stable.

But Bingpeng is different, he is a man, and he will marry a wife and have children in the future.

In this place of Xiangdao, if the conditions are not good enough, it is very difficult to marry a wife.

And as long as Bingpeng can perform well in the Jockey Club, in the future, there will naturally be no fewer people who hire him to be a knight.

I heard that the income of knights is not low, and the knights can also have a status on the side of Xiangdao.

As long as Bingpeng can infiltrate the Jockey Club, his future and Bing Lianxue don't need to worry.

Provided, of course, that he has to have this opportunity.

If you don't even have a chance to enter the arena, everything else is naturally not to be discussed.

Bing Lianxue has been working hard, but unfortunately, the people who keep their horses here either have their own riders or can't believe in Bingpeng's ability.

After all, they travel here from all over the world, and it is not easy to participate in a competition, and no one dares to take it as a child's play.

Knowing that Meng Hailong hadn't found a suitable knight yet, and didn't want to miss this opportunity again, Bing Lianxue quickly said again: "Meng go first, otherwise, you let my brother be a knight for you, during this time, your horses will be fostered with me for free, and I won't charge you a penny, do you

think this will work?" "Do you think I will be short of this money?" Meng Hailong smiled and said, "But... I don't lack that money, but I don't want to waste it when I can. Also, I'm actually more fond of helping others, so let him be my knight!"

"Ah..." Bing Peng thought he had heard it wrong, he exclaimed, and then hurriedly asked, "Mr. Meng, you... Do you really want me to be your knight

?" "Bingpeng, why don't you hurry up and thank Mr. Meng?" Before Meng Hailong could speak, Bing Lianxue preemptively spoke.

Hearing Bing Lianxue's words, Bing Peng reacted, he hurriedly thanked Meng Hailong, and was so moved that he almost knelt down for Meng Hailong.

"You don't have to thank me, remember to take good care of my horses, whether you can become famous in the Jockey Club depends on your performance. Meng Hailong smiled slightly.

Bing loves snow's thoughts, Meng Hailong sees through it at a glance.

Knowing that Bingpeng wanted to take the opportunity to become famous and gain people's attention, Meng Hailong also had his thoughts, and next, he didn't have to worry about whether Bingpeng would take good care of his horse.

If Bingpeng wants to win the race, he will definitely take care of that horse in the best form. In this way, Meng Hailong has nothing to worry about.

The matter has been decided, Meng Hailong did not stay in this small farm for long, and said goodbye to Bing Lianxue and their sister and brother, and Meng Hailong returned to the hotel.

Of course, when he went back, Meng Hailong had already picked out two sets of clothes and held them in his hands.

Lan Xinyan, who was waiting for Meng Hailong's return in the room, heard the doorbell, so she hurriedly walked over and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Lan Xinyan saw Meng Hailong carrying two sets of beautiful clothes in her hands, so she said with some surprise: "Brother Long, you... Shouldn't you just go shopping for clothes just now

?" "Otherwise?" Meng Hailong smiled and said, "I can't really let you wear this set of clothes all the time, right?"

"Brother Long, I just thought you were going to buy... Go buy that thing!" Lan Xinyan said with a little blush.

She felt that something would happen to Meng Hailong tonight, and she didn't want to get pregnant so soon, so she kept fantasizing that Meng Hailong was going to buy condoms.

But now, it seems, he didn't seem to have bought it back.

For the sake of safety, Lan Xinyan felt the need to remind him. However, after all, that thing made people feel shy, so she was embarrassed to say it directly.

Hearing Lan Xinyan's rambling words, Meng Hailong pretended not to understand, he frowned and asked, "Sister Xinyan, what do you think I'm going to buy?"

"I... I thought...... Thought you were going to buy... Buy...... Buy condoms. When she finished saying this, Lan Xinyan's pretty face was already as red as blood.

It felt like this moment was the most shy time in her life.

"Sister Xinyan, what am I buying that thing for?" Meng Hailong said with a smile: "You forget one thing, I know medical skills, as long as I don't want you to get pregnant, then, you will definitely not get pregnant." Knowing

that Lan Xinyan was very embarrassed now, Meng Hailong stopped teasing her, and after handing over the two sets of clothes in his hand to Lan Xinyan, he hurriedly said: "Sister Xinyan, come, you change your clothes and try to see if they fit."

"Okay. Lan Xinyan nodded obediently, and after taking the clothes, she hurriedly walked to the bathroom and changed her clothes.

In fact, before taking out these two sets of clothes, Meng Hailong had carefully measured Lan Xinyan's figure with his see-through eyes, so the two sets of clothes he took out were very suitable for Lan Xinyan to wear.

Putting on the first set of new clothes, Lan Xinyan walked out of the bathroom and stood in front of Meng Hailong, she turned around twice, and then said: "Brother Long, how do you think my clothes look good?"

"Good-looking, so good-looking!" Meng Hailong was full of praise.

"Then I'm going to change to another set. Lan Xinyan said shyly, and then she turned around and went back to the bathroom, changed into another set of clothes, and walked out again.

Still standing in front of Meng Hailong, after turning around a few times, Lan Xinyan asked again: "Brother Long, what about this set?" "It's good-looking!" Meng Hailong

said badly: "However, Sister Xinyan, if you don't wear clothes, you should look better."

"Brother Long, you're so annoying!" When she finished saying this, Lan Xinyan's pretty face turned red again, and she walked gracefully and quickly returned to the bathroom.

Meng Hailong thought that she was going to take a bath, but unexpectedly, in the next second, Lan Xinyan appeared in his sight in the form of a primitive person, so shocked that Meng Hailong's eyes almost fell off.

"Brother Long, didn't you say that I look better when I don't wear clothes?" Lan Xinyan buried her head in her chest, a little ashamed and embarrassed.

In this life, it was the first time in her life that she appeared in front of a man with such a posture as she is now. It takes a lot of courage for her to do this.

Of course, this is because she likes Meng Hailong too much.

"Good-looking, Sister Xinyan, now you are more beautiful than ever. Meng Hailong's throat was a little thirsty, even if he had read countless women, he was also thrilled at the moment.

After saying that, Meng Hailong walked over to Lan Xinyan gently.

The previous performance on the stage of the café was once again vividly interpreted by them. And at the most critical moment, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps at the door of the room.

Immediately after, the doorbell rang.

Meng Hailong and Lan Xinyan are both coming to Xiangdao for the first time, and here, they have no relatives and no friends. It stands to reason that no one should knock on the door at this time.

The good thing was disturbed, Meng Hailong was about to open the clairvoyant eye to see that it was the thing that didn't have long eyes and was ringing the doorbell, but at this moment, the person outside opened his mouth and shouted loudly: "The police are rounding, open the door quickly, otherwise we will break down the door and go in." "

Ahh Brother Long, you... You go down quickly, the police are doing a round, let's get dressed!" Lan Xinyan looked anxious, she had seen the news before, and the police would bring a camera when they were rounding, in case they were filmed without clothes, it would be troublesome.


Hailong didn't want to become an Internet celebrity because of this, so after learning that it was the police who rang the doorbell outside, he got off Lan Xinyan and helped Lan Xinyan get dressed as quickly as possible.

Afterwards, Meng Hailong put on a bathrobe for himself.

As soon as he had done this, the door to his room was slammed open, and several police officers in police uniforms rushed in from the outside.

"I now suspect that you are engaged in illegal transactions here, take out your ID cards and get them checked. The policeman at the head yelled.

Being blocked by them like this, Meng Hailong's brows couldn't help frowning.

The police uniforms they wear are different from those of the police in the mainland. But the temperament of these people, as well as their attitude, made Meng Hailong feel that they were not policemen.

"Boy, ID card, did you hear that?" The policeman at the head saw that Meng Hailong didn't take out his ID card immediately, and he shouted again.

"Oh, give. Meng Hailong was still unsure of the identity of the other party, so he had to take out his ID card and see what the other party wanted to do.

Seeing Meng Hailong take out his ID card, Lan Xinyan also followed his example and handed over the ID card to the policeman at the head.

Just as Lan Xinyan handed over her ID card, Meng Hailong had already noticed that the policeman at the head of the police looked at her with a greedy color.

Although he only glanced at Lan Xinyan for a short time, it was this glance that had already exposed his true nature.

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