"Hahaha!" The black jacket led by him, after listening to Meng Hailong's words, he first raised his head and laughed three times before he spoke: "Boy, you are the first person who dares to talk to me like this." Hmph, you must know that speaking wild words will not end well, I hope you don't let me down!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely not let you down, I will only make you despair..."

His figure flashed, and in an instant, he had already come to the front of the black horse coat in the leader, a hand poked out like lightning, and before the black horse coat in the leader could react, Meng Hailong's hand had already grabbed his throat.

With a little force, he lifted him up.

This scene happened so quickly that everyone didn't react, and even the people around who were watching the excitement were a little dumbfounded.

"Boy, are you looking for death?"

"Let go of our boss, or you will surely die." "

Boy, open your eyes and see clearly, this is in Xiangdao, not on the mainland, if you don't let go, you will really die..."

Before the words fell, Meng Hailong had already thrown out the black coat led by him and smashed over several black coats.

At the same time, as soon as his mind moved, a large area of wasps quietly appeared in mid-air. These hornets were naturally released by Meng Hailong from the spirit jade space.

Of course, except for Meng Hailong, no one can know how these hornets appeared.

Moreover, everyone's attention was on Meng Hailong just now, so no one noticed the sudden appearance of those wasps.

It wasn't until this swarm of wasps rushed down from a high place and began to attack those black coats that people discovered these hornets and immediately exclaimed.

When they see swarms of wasps, people subconsciously run away.

This hornet is already terrifying, not to mention, it is a swarm of hornets, and the black pressure is even more terrifying, and no one wants to become unfortunate because of the excitement.

Some people who hid in the house and watched the excitement through the glass window soon discovered that after those hornets appeared, they did not attack Meng Hailong and Lan Xinyan, but only attacked those black coats.

This is simply a miracle!

People who saw this scene with their own eyes couldn't help but secretly sigh in their hearts, this hornet actually knows how to punish evil and promote good, what is going on?

Not only were those people watching the excitement surprised, but in fact, Lan Xinyan was also particularly surprised.

When a swarm of wasps suddenly appeared, she screamed and hid behind Meng Hailong, for fear of being stung by the wasps.

She also knew that a wasp sting could be fatal.

But soon, Lan Xinyan saw a magical scene happen.

After the swarm of hornets appeared, they didn't even approach her and Meng Hailong, but just buzzed around those black coats, and the hornets kept attacking them.

It was as if the hornets had been trained to stare at the faces of those black coats.

In a blink of an eye, more than 20 black coats were all stung by wasps, and they couldn't run away, and their faces were swollen like pigs' heads, so painful that they lay on the ground and kept rolling for help.

But no one dared to come forward to save them.

Let's not say that they are Huaqiang's people, no one wants to have anything to do with them. Even the swarms of hornets are enough to make people afraid to approach.

The hornet's attack lasted for a few minutes, after which they flew high and faded from view.

"Brother Long, this... What's going on?" Looking at the black coats lying on the ground, Lan Xinyan couldn't help but ask.

"Sister Xinyan, this is retribution!" Meng Hailong said with a smile: "Good is rewarded with good, evil is rewarded with evil, these people are afraid that they have done a lot of bad things, and when the time comes, even the hornets will look at them unpleasantly!" "

If this is really the case, then... I'm afraid that no one will dare to do bad things in the future. Lan Xinyan said in disbelief.

"Yes, if you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself, this is the teaching left to us by the ancients. Meng Hailong smiled faintly, and then said: "The bad guys have been duly punished, Sister Xinyan, let's go, go to Disney to play." With

that, a taxi happened to drive up.

Meng Hailong raised his hand to stop the taxi, and then, he got into the taxi with Lan Xinyan in his arms and went to Disney.

Almost at the same time, a Mercedes stopped at the gate of Disney.

The car door opened, and a middle-aged man took the lead in getting out of the car, and after getting out of the car, he said with a smile on his face: "Chunhua, come on, come on, don't be angry, don't you always want me to accompany you to Disney? Look, I'm not doing anything today, I'll go to Disney with you." This

middle-aged man is none other than Li Huaqiang, the boss of Huaqiang Company.

At the gate of the airport before, when Chen Chunhua was stung by a wasp, Li Huaqiang was afraid of being implicated, so he left Chen Chunhua and ran away.

One of Chen Chunhua's faces was almost destroyed, but fortunately, she called an ambulance in time.

Because of this incident, Chen Chunhua made a fuss at home, and Li Huaqiang knew that he was at a loss, so he accompanied her to Disney.

Seeing that Chen Chunhua was still sulking in the car, Li Huaqiang hurriedly said again: "Chunhua, don't be angry, I have already sent someone out, and there will be good news soon, when my people arrest that kid, you can do whatever you want to do with him." "

I'm going to skin him, I'm going to cut his flesh, I'm going to have 10,000 wasps sting his face, and I'm going to make them pay a thousand times the price, can you do it?" Chen Chunhua said viciously.

"It must be done!" Li Huaqiang patted his chest and said loudly: "Chunhua, don't be angry, this time I sent more than 20 people over, and that kid will definitely not be able to escape." I'm going to find someone to get a wasp now, and when the boy is caught, I'm going to pick his skin, cut his flesh, and sting him in the face with a wasp, so that he might as well die." "

Pity my face... I don't know when it will get better!" Chen Chunhua said very aggrievedly: "Hua Qiang, I don't want to be so ugly, when the injury on my face is healed, you will accompany me to go abroad for plastic surgery."

"Okay, as long as you don't get angry, go there." Li Huaqiang said resignedly, these days, he was scared by Chen Chunhua.

If Chen Chunhua is just an ordinary woman, then forget it. But she is also a woman with a background, Li Huaqiang can have such a status today, and Chen Chunhua's family has contributed a lot. If she is in a hurry, Li Huaqiang is afraid that he will also suffer.

After listening to Li Huaqiang's words, Chen Chunhua was a little happier.

She got out of the car, gently grabbed Li Huaqiang's arm, and then they walked into Disneyland together.

Li Huaqiang and Chen Chunhua had just walked into Disneyland, and Meng Hailong and Lan Xinyan also came.

The two got out of the taxi and walked straight to the ticket office, Meng Hailong bought two tickets with WeChat scanning code, and then pulled Lan Xinyan in.

Thinking that it cost thousands of yuan just to buy tickets just now, Lan Xinyan said with some distress: "Brother Long, the tickets for this place are so expensive, why didn't you say it earlier?" If I knew that the tickets here were so expensive, I wouldn't have come in to play!" "

It's not expensive, it's not expensive, Sister Xinyan, as long as you can have fun, I don't think it's expensive to spend more money." Meng Hailong said with a smile, and this is actually what he said in his heart.

Disneyland is indeed a great place to have fun, there are all kinds of theme parks, it is very creative, it is a young, energetic place.

Accompanied by Meng Hailong, Lan Xinyan played most of the park and had a great time.

When it was close to noon, they happened to come to the restaurant near the park and heard a "grunt" from Lan Xinyan's stomach, Meng Hailong hurriedly said

: "Sister Xinyan, let's go to the restaurant to solve the problem of food and clothing first, and then continue to play when we are full!" "Brother Long, it must be very expensive to eat here, or forget it!" Lan Xinyan continued: "Let's play for a while, and then let's go eat outside!"

"It's the same to eat there, the restaurants in this area should be very expensive, but you have to eat if it's expensive!" Meng Hailong smiled and said, "Let's go! Since you come out to play, don't worry about the money." Besides, I'm not a person who lacks money, and I won't get poor after eating an expensive meal.

After saying that, Meng Hailong pulled Lan Xinyan into the restaurant in front of him.

Because the restaurant is inside Disneyland, and it is noon at the moment, most of the tourists who have been playing all morning are already hungry and dizzy, and there is no other choice, people can only come to this restaurant to eat, so the business of this restaurant is naturally very good.

The store was crowded with people, and it was almost full.

Meng Hailong's eyes were sharp, and after entering, his clairvoyant eyes swept and immediately found the only empty position.

Finding this empty position, Meng Hailong pulled Lan Xinyan and hurriedly walked over. However, what he didn't expect was that as soon as they sat down at this table, Meng Hailong heard a discordant voice.

The man said coldly: "Chunhua, you have to believe me, I have really sent more than twenty people to arrest that kid." I didn't lie to you, I've investigated the origin of that kid. He just came from the mainland, his name is Meng Hailong, and here on Xiangdao, that kid not only has no relatives, but he doesn't even have friends. "

This person, except for his skills, has no background. But you have to know that no matter how high your martial arts are, you are afraid of kitchen knives. He's the kind of guy I'm going to kill him, it's something that can happen every minute. Li Huaqiang continued: "The people I sent out haven't replied to me yet, probably because they haven't found that kid yet

!" "Haven't you already investigated clearly? It's been a long time, there's no reason why you can't find someone!" Chen Chunhua said a little unhappily: "Huaqiang, you won't be deceiving me again, right?"

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