"Village Chief, why are you here?" Seeing the person who pushed the door in, a look of surprise immediately flashed on Zhao Ziyu's face.

Just now, after receiving Zhou Bing's call, he thought about calling Meng Hailong, but before the call could be made, Meng Hailong came.

"Director Zhao, if I don't come, I'm afraid the national women's basketball team will be ruined in your hands. Meng Hailong said lightly: "As a coach, he asks the players to be united, but what he does in private is chilling. sued indiscriminately without asking the reason, and even framed others, something like this happened to the women's basketball team, do you think I can't come?"

The surveillance video in the training ground was artificially turned off, but Meng Hailong filmed the previous scene with his mobile phone.

As long as you know basketball, you can see from the video taken by Meng Hailong that the girl named Ma Li suddenly threw the basketball at Zhao Yuting, and she had no intention of passing the ball at all, she made it clear that she deliberately used the basketball to smash Zhao Yuting's face.

After watching this video, Zhao Ziyu was also very angry, he slapped the table and said angrily: "Village chief, I have lost my eyes, I shouldn't have transferred this guy Zhou Bing to be the coach of the women's basketball team." Fortunately, the village chief, you found the problem in time, and I will deal with him now.

After Zhao Ziyu finished speaking, he left the office and walked straight to the training ground of the women's basketball team.

At this time, Zhou Bing was still reprimanding Zhao Yuting on the training ground, and suddenly saw Zhao Ziyu coming over angrily, and Zhou Bing hurriedly showed a smile to meet him.

It's a pity that he still thinks

that Zhao Ziyu is Zhao Yuting, and he is angry! The athletes of the women's basketball team around him also think that Zhao Ziyu is here to deal with Zhao Yuting, and they all look gloating.

However, in the next second, everyone was stunned!

Zhao Ziyu walked up to Zhou Bing, without saying a word, raised his foot, and kicked Zhou Bing's stomach. Because he was defenseless, Zhou Bing was immediately kicked by Zhao Ziyu.

Zhou Bing, who fell to the ground, was a little stunned by Zhao Ziyu's kick.

The athletes of the women's basketball team around were also stunned, and no one thought that things would develop like this.

Zhou Bing is the coach of the women's basketball team, but he was kicked over by the director of the National Sports Bureau.

After kicking Zhou Bing, Zhao Ziyu scolded angrily: "Zhou Bing, I thought you had some talent in basketball, so I promoted you and asked you to be the coach of the women's basketball team." But

how did you repay me, how did you repay the country?" "Think about it yourself, what stupid things have you done?" Zhao Ziyu said angrily: "If the village chief doesn't find out the problem, if it goes on like this, the women's basketball team will be destroyed in your hands." "

What stupid thing did I do?" Zhou Bing looked dazed, he got up from the ground, touched his head, and said after a while: "Director Zhao, I don't understand what you're talking about." "

Take a good look at this video yourself!" After Zhao Ziyu finished speaking, he put the video he copied from Meng Hailong's mobile phone for Zhou Bing to watch.

After Zhou Bing watched the video, Zhao Ziyu opened his mouth and said very seriously: "As a coach, as far as this matter is concerned, do you say that what you are doing is right?"

"Zhao... Director Zhao, I was wrong!" Zhou Bing lowered his head and continued apologetically: "Director Zhao, I am not doing my job well, and I am willing to accept the punishment.

"Okay, if you can recognize your mistakes, from tomorrow onwards, you will no longer be the coach of the women's basketball team. Zhao Ziyu said categorically, after speaking, he turned his head to look at the players of the women's basketball team, and finally, his eyes fell on Yao Lan's face, and said: "Yao Lan, as the captain of the women's basketball team, not only did you not unite the players, but also made an obstacle and split the relationship between the players, you say, how should I punish you?"

"Director Zhao, I... I know it's wrong, in the future, I will definitely not do it again in the future, Director Zhao, you give me a chance!" Yao Lan was scared, seeing that Zhou Bing was directly expelled by Zhao Ziyu, she was really worried that she would not be able to keep her career.

"You have to figure it out, this is the national team, I've given you a chance, but you don't cherish it, you want another chance, it doesn't exist. Zhao Ziyu continued: "Yao Lan, I now officially inform you that you have been expelled, starting tomorrow, oh no, from now on, you don't have to participate in training anymore. "

And the girl named Ma Li, who was also fired.

"As for the others, if you have any opinions about my punishment decision, you can complain to the leaders at the next higher level. If you don't have a problem, you have to accept my arrangement. Zhao Ziyu continued: "The new coach will be in place soon, the new captain, and when the coach comes, he will be selected from among you, so decide, if anyone is not satisfied, he can report to the superior leader at any time."

"In addition, I want to remind you again, since you have come to the national team, you must unite and train hard, sports, especially basketball, the most important thing is the strength of the team, if you can't unite as one, how can you win the game?"

"Director Zhao, we know that we are wrong!" Soon after Zhao Ziyu's words were finished, a girl took the lead in standing up, she blushed and looked guilty.

"Zhao Yuting, I'm sorry, it's all our fault, we shouldn't have excluded you all the time!" Another girl stood up, and in front of Zhao Ziyu, she took the initiative to walk in front of Zhao Yuting and sincerely apologize to her.

"Actually... Since coming here, I've always wanted to be able to get along with everyone, maybe... In the past, I didn't do well enough, but in the future, I will work harder to not hold everyone back. Zhao Yuting said with some excitement.

Although these teammates have been ostracizing her in the past, she has no grudges.

Seeing that everyone took the initiative to apologize to her, Zhao Yuting was also very moved, and the knot in her heart that had been in her heart was finally untied at this moment, and in the future, she would be able to participate in training even more.

"That's what I want to see the women's basketball team, come on, the future of the country is in your hands. Zhao Ziyu's tone became a little softened, and he also cheered everyone on, which was in stark contrast to the resolute side just now.

Encouraged by him, all of the people present, except for Zhou Bing and Yao Lan, had a feeling of high morale.

Seeing that Zhao Ziyu was leaving, Zhou Bing hurriedly chased after him.

After catching up with Zhao Ziyu, Zhou Bing hurriedly said: "Director Zhao, I know that the matter just now was not handled properly, but that little thing will not be enough to expel me, right?" "

You are secretly glad to be expelled by me, this is already the best result, you may not know that what you have done has angered the village chief, if the village chief punishes you, hum, what will be the consequences, you can make up for it yourself!"

Throwing down these few words, Zhao Ziyu turned around and walked away.

Zhou Bing was stunned in place, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time, who was the village chief? He thought for a long time before he finally remembered.

As a person who devotes himself to sports, it is impossible for Zhou Bing not to pay attention to sports events.

And the last Olympic Games held in Xiba, Zhou Bing has also been paying attention, the national team can have such a superior performance in the Xiba Olympics, everything is inseparable from the credit of the village chief.

Zhou Bing also knows these things.

However, some time has passed, and what the village chief has done in Xiba has slowly been forgotten by the people with the passage of time.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhao Ziyu mentioned it that Zhou Bing remembered such a person as the village chief.

Thinking of some of the village chief's thunderous methods, Zhou Bing only felt that his scalp was numb for a while, if he really angered the village chief, then it would really be a good thing to be expelled by Zhao Ziyu.

Zhou Bing didn't harass Zhao Ziyu again, he quickly returned to his office, packed up his things, and left willingly.

Yao Lan, who was expelled with him, was different, she felt that what she had done was not enough to be expelled directly, and at most she was removed from the position of captain.

Yao Lan felt that Zhao Ziyu's dismissal of her was too much, and she even suspected that there was any improper relationship between Zhao Ziyu and Zhao Yuting.

However, she did not go to Zhao Ziyu to reason, but went directly to a certain department of the state, intending to complain to Zhao Ziyu.

Zhao Ziyu was not worried about being complained about at all, he walked back to the office quickly, originally wanted to chat with Meng Hailong, but when he returned to the office, he found that Meng Hailong had already left.

In the video, Ma Li threw a basketball and did not smash Zhao Yuting, but smashed herself into the hospital, which is too weird.

Zhao Ziyu originally thought that he could get an answer in Meng Hailong's mouth, but unfortunately, Meng Hailong had already left, and he didn't know when the answer would be revealed.

Meng Hailong actually hasn't left the National Sports Bureau yet, but the place he is in now is in the Lingyu space.

punished Zhou Bing and Yao Lan, as well as the vicious Ma Li, Meng Hailong was a little worried that they would turn around and take revenge on Zhao Yuting, so he didn't dare to walk away for the time being.

Only by staying here can Meng Hailong ensure Zhao Yuting's safety.

Under Meng Hailong's watch, Zhou Bing quickly packed up his baggage and left.

As for Yao Lan, this woman with a bad stomach, her fate is much worse than Zhou Bing's. originally wanted to go to a certain department to complain about Zhao Ziyu, but on the way, she had a car accident.

Because she has always been indignant in her heart, she is still worried about her dismissal, so Yao Lan was distracted while driving.

When passing through an intersection, Yao Lan didn't notice that a red light was displayed in front of her.

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