Sophie Fei is really happy, because, in recent years, with the extension of highways in all directions, people have gradually stopped using waterways, and the shipyard's business has plummeted.

Not to mention far away, let's just say that in the six months since she came to the shipyard, not a single ship has been sold.

Now, someone finally came to buy a boat, and Sophie Fei was naturally happy in her heart.

took Meng Hailong and Wu Xinwen to visit the shipyard by the way, Su Feifei enthusiastically introduced them, as long as it was the question raised by Meng Hailong, she knew everything and said everything.

Regarding Sophie's attitude, Meng Hailong is also quite satisfied.

Following her, after looking at the boat she said, Meng Hailong was also quite satisfied, and asked the price, although it was not cheap, it was finally within the range that Meng Hailong could accept.

"Manager Su, give me a discount!" Meng Hailong thought for a while and said, "I am very sincere in buying this ship, and after this ship is used, if the quality is good, I will come to buy a boat from you in the future."

"Mr. Meng, you can also see that the efficiency of our shipyard is not very good, and I am very happy to be able to sell the ship. But in fact, the price of this ship is really cheap, if you have to give me a discount, I can only give you a 9.9% discount. Sophie Fei said helplessly.

In order to be able to sell the ship, the price that Sophie Fei quoted to Meng Hailong was indeed very low.

Because she was worried that if she quoted the price too high, she would directly scare Meng Hailong away, even if she didn't make money, she would sell the ship, and only by selling the ship could the shipyard successfully get through the current difficulties.

"Okay!" Meng Hailong thought for a moment and nodded, although Sophie Fei gave him a nine-point and nine-point discount, it was much better to have a discount than not a penny.

After thinking about it, Meng Hailong opened his mouth again: "By the way, Manager Su, can you find someone to teach my brother how to drive a boat?"

Su Feifei patted her chest and said, "If Mr. Meng is sure that he wants to buy this ship, please come with me to the office, we will sign the contract, and then, Mr. Meng only needs to transfer the money to the shipyard's account, and the ship can be sailed away." "


Following Su Feifei to the general manager's office again, according to the process, the contract for the purchase of the ship was signed first, and then Meng Hailong went to the bank to pay the money.

This is also to enable Wu Xinwen to learn to drive a boat as soon as possible.

Because, only when he paid the money for the purchase of the boat, could Su Feifei arrange people to teach Wu Xinwen to drive the boat.

Wu Xinwen was left in Haiyang Shipyard to learn to drive a ship, and Meng Hailong drove his domineering road rage to the address given to him by Ji Yun.

Just now, when Meng Hailong came out of the bank, he received a call from Ji Yun to him, saying that the offline physical store of Fuyan had been repaired, and it would officially open for business in two days.

"Village Chief, didn't you say that if you don't buy a car, you can buy a plane if you want to?" As soon as Ji Yun saw Meng Hailong driving a road rage over, he said with a smile, "I'm still waiting for the light, and it seems that there is no hope for the village chief's plane!" "Don't

worry, there will be a chance." Meng Hailong said with a smile.

"Then I'll wait, village chief, you bought a plane, remember to take me for a ride!" Ji Yun also said with a smile.

The two soon walked side by side into the rejuvenation store.

The location of this store is good, next to the pedestrian street, across the road, it happens to be a high-end community, which can be described as a golden shop. was able to win this store, Meng Hailong had to admit that Ji Yun still had some skills.

"The rent here isn't cheap, is it?" Meng Hailong asked after thinking about it.

"Village chief, I don't need rent here!" Ji Yun said with some pride, "My father often said that before making an investment, you must make a long-term plan first, so that it is not easy to fail." In order not to have problems in the process of operation, I just bought this place.

Listening to Ji Yun's words, Meng Hailong couldn't help but admire this chick even more.

In terms of doing business, Ji Yun is indeed very good, and even Meng Hailong is naturally inferior.

At the beginning, Ji Yun took a fancy to the product Fuyan, and immediately registered the trademark first, and all the procedures were completed before it began to be sold.

Unlike him, he just knew that kimchi was popular and produced it directly, but he ended up being caught.

Ji Yun is different, the rejuvenation is here for her, not only does it sell well, but it also does smoothly, and there has never been any problem.

Ji Yun directly bought this store, which is indeed very far-sighted.

The market for remodeling is very large, and if it is a rented store, the landlord will increase the rent of the store if your business is not good.

When that time comes, you can't rent, you don't rent, you can't rent, and you can only be slaughtered in the end.

But when you buy the storefront, it's a different story. As long as there is no problem with the product, no one can drive you away from here.

After giving Ji Yun a thumbs up, Meng Hailong said again: "Ji Da Beauty, can you buy another store near here

?" "What, village chief, do you want to open a store too?" Ji Yun looked at Meng Hailong very curiously.

"I'm just a farmer, do you open a shop to sell cow dung?" Meng Hailong said jokingly, "A few old classmates have opened a restaurant, I think they are too small, if there is a good place nearby, introduce them to it."

"It's really happy to be a classmate with the village chief!" Ji Yun sighed, and then said, "To be honest, this area is not suitable for catering, in addition to the fume pollution produced by catering, there is another reason, the developer has turned this area into a boutique shop, except for a few American fast food restaurants, there are no big stores." "

Oh!" Meng Hailong just nodded slightly, but he didn't dwell too much on this matter.

"Village Chief, my store only sells one product, do you think it's too monotonous?" Ji Yun thought for a while and said, "It is impossible to introduce other brands of cosmetics, so I am afraid that this problem will have to be handed over to the village chief to solve it." "

I heard that after the cow dung is mixed with water, it can be used as a mask, and it also has the effect of whitening, I will let you try it on the whole day, if it is successful, there will be one more product!" Meng Hailong said with a smile, needless to say, his words quickly attracted Ji Yun's eyes.

At noon, Meng Hailong and Ji Yun had a meal together to enhance the cooperative relationship, and then he went back to the village first.

As for Wu Xinwen, he stayed in the shipyard and continued to learn to drive a ship.

Driving a very domineering road rage, on the way back to the village, Meng Hailong had only walked half the way when he received a call from Xu Weiguang.

On the phone, Xu Weiguang told Meng Hailong in an anxious tone that two more people in Liujia Village were injured, but this time, the injured person was not because he was stung by a wasp, but because he didn't know what he was bitten.

The situation of those two people was very pessimistic, although they were not stung by wasps, but the situation was the same as last time, after Ye Lao saw their situation, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

After hanging up the phone, Meng Hailong raised the speed of the car to the fastest, saving people is like fighting a fire, he can't care so much.

After returning to the village, Meng Hailong found a group of people gathered at the door of his yard to watch the excitement, knowing that the two injured people must be in his yard.

After parking the car, Meng Hailong hurriedly ran to the yard.

When the onlookers saw Meng Hailong returning, they all made a way. When Meng Hailong walked into the door, he was immediately stunned.

The injured were two young men, about twenty years old.

The two young men were already unconscious, covered in blood, very terrifying, and on them, Meng Hailong saw some wounds, which were even more shocking.

The whole piece of flesh was bitten off, and blood kept flowing out of the wounds, and Ye Lao was directing several villagers to press on these wounds separately, trying to help stop the bleeding.

Unfortunately, the bite hurt the major artery, and the most pressing was to slow down the bleeding a little, but it still didn't help.

"Little village chief, it's good if you're back, save our children!" As soon as the two women saw Meng Hailong, they ran over and knelt down at his feet, crying and shouting.

Needless to say, these two women were the mothers of the two young men.

"Get up quickly, I'll do my best, you're wasting my time by crying like this!" Meng Hailong said angrily.


the two women heard this, they quickly wiped away their tears and retreated to the side, not daring to cry anymore, delaying Meng Hailong's time.

Seeing them walk away, Meng Hailong walked quickly to the two young people, opened his clairvoyant eyes, and at the same time took out a silver needle and began to administer needles to them to stop the bleeding.

After learning Ye Nantian's set of acupuncture techniques, if it was just some less serious skin trauma, Meng Hailong was completely sure that they would recover in a short time.

However, the injuries suffered by the two young men were not skin wounds, but fatal wounds.

Looking at their current situation, whether they can save their lives, Meng Hailong doesn't even have the slightest confidence, let alone want their injuries to recover in a short time.

The silver needle quickly pierced into the bodies of the two young men, and the bleeding from the wound was quickly controlled, but unfortunately, Meng Hailong still failed to pull these two people back from the ghost gate in the end.

Because of excessive blood loss, the brain failure of the two of them, and the necrosis of all the organs of the body, even if Hua Tuo is alive, he will not be able to come back to life.

Seeing Meng Hailong shaking his head and standing up, the two women who had just knelt down in front of him cried loudly, and threw themselves at Meng Hailong, shouting: "You killed our child, you have to give us an explanation." "

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