Seeing Ye Haiyan suddenly stand up, Meng Hailong was a little nervous.

She was by the river now, and it would be dangerous if she couldn't think of jumping into the river.

Because he was worried about Ye Haiyan's safety, Meng Hailong's eyes never left her. In this way, Ye Haiyan stood there silently, and Meng Hailong looked at her silently.

After a few minutes, the men who had come out to fish in the middle of the night also came over.

Seeing Ye Haiyan standing alone by the river, with tears on her face, the men were stunned for a moment, and then one of them said, "Beauty, what's wrong?" Who bullied you, tell your brothers, and your brothers help you get angry, what do you think?

"No thanks!" Ye Haiyan glanced at the men, turned around and was about to leave. However, she had barely taken two steps when a man reached out and stopped her.

After stopping Ye Haiyan, the man spoke: "Beauty, seeing that you are definitely being bullied like this, you are not happy to go back anyway, it is better to stay and drink some forgetful wine with us, so that you can forget all your worries and sorrows, how good is this!" "

No, thank you!" Ye Haiyan was about to bypass this man after speaking, but as soon as she bypassed this man, another man blocked her and didn't let her go away.

"Beauty, don't be in a hurry!" In addition, the man said with a smile: "As the saying goes, acquaintance is fate, and in the middle of the night, we can meet here, this is fate." Since fate has allowed us to meet here, there will definitely be some intersection.

"Yes, yes, my buddy is absolutely right."

"Beauty, look at it, the box I'm holding is Forget Worry wine, the price of this wine is not cheap, and others can't drink it if they want to!"

"I'm not uncommon with this wine, please get out of the way, I'm going home." Ye Haiyan had already seen that these people had bad intentions towards her, and she just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

However, those people saw that she was beautiful, and they would easily let her go.

The man holding a case of wine quickly opened it, and then he took out a bottle of wine from the box.

Holding the bottle of forgetful wine in his hand, the man quickly spoke again: "Beauty, you can go, drink this bottle of wine, and we will let you go."

"What if I don't drink it?" Ye Haiyan was a little angry, here in Xiaolong Village, no one had ever dared to be so arrogant.

"If you don't drink, we won't let you go."

"This is Xiaolong Village, aren't you afraid of retribution?" Ye Haiyan frowned and said, "You should have heard of the village chief of Xiaolong Village, right?" If the village chief knows that you are doing this kind of thing in the village, I am afraid that your fate will not be so good. "

Don't use the village chief to scare us, that village chief has a lot of opportunities, we haven't seen the village chief in Xiaolong Village all day, do you think he can manage this little thing?"

"yes, the village chief is not a god, I don't believe he can see us now."

"Anyway, I'd advise you not to mess around." Ye Haiyan was a little worried, after all, this was by the river, and it was still night, and few people would come here.

In addition, this place is quite far from the food city, if something really happens, even if she shouts loudly, it is estimated that no one will hear it.

"Don't worry, beauty, we won't mess around, but the premise is that you have to stay and drink with us."

"How? Have you thought about it? The man closest to him raised his arm and put it on Ye Haiyan's shoulder while speaking.

When he saw that Ye Haiyan was beautiful, he originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, but this man never dreamed that as soon as his arm was on Ye Haiyan's shoulder, he felt a huge force pulling him up.

In the next second, the man who tried to take advantage flew out like a cannonball, and he was thrown into the river with a "plop" sound, which frightened several other people who came with him.

Everyone stared at each other, and no one knew what had just happened.

Ye Haiyan didn't even move, and their partner flew out, which was quite weird. Even if Ye Haiyan secretly used some means to throw their partners into the river, this method was quite scary.

The rest of the guys automatically took a few steps back and distanced themselves from Ye Haiyan.

They all thought that Ye Haiyan had an ulterior secret, but as everyone knows, even Ye Haiyan herself felt weird.

She didn't know why, she just thought that there was a god to help, and when she saw the rest of the men automatically retreating, she didn't dare to stay here anymore, and hurriedly raised her feet and ran away.

Ye Haiyan didn't look back, but as soon as she ran far, there was another "plop" sound behind her, and another person fell into the river.

Hearing this voice, Ye Haiyan couldn't help but glance back.

When she turned around, she saw another man flying up in the air, his body arcing in mid-air, and then falling into the water, making a splash.

Three people fell into the river inexplicably, and the remaining guys were already frightened, and they wanted to run away, but they were not as lucky as Ye Haiyan.

Just a few steps after running, another man flew into the river.

Ye Haiyan stared blankly at the incredible scene in front of her, until she saw that everyone had fallen into the river, and then hurriedly quickened her pace to leave this place.

The men who were thrown into the river were all so frightened that their legs were weak, and although they were not hurt much, they drank a lot of water after falling into the river because of fear.

Seeing them struggling in the river, Meng Hailong felt particularly relieved.

These people just deserve it, it's not that he doesn't allow others to pursue Ye Haiyan, it's just that those people's behavior is too much.

Ye Haiyan had already made it clear that she didn't want to stay and drink with them, they still had to forcibly leave her, and even took advantage of her.

If they hadn't gone so far, Meng Hailong might not have punished them.

Seeing that Ye Haiyan had already gone away, Meng Hailong did not follow her again. Since Ye Haiyan didn't do anything stupid when she was by the river, it is even less likely that she will do anything stupid after she goes back.

Of course, Meng Hailong still has his thoughts on this matter.

Isn't He Jiayi's kid very capable? He likes Tonnie, okay, then let him get his wish and live with Tonnie.

With a thought, Meng Hailong quickly returned to the door of his house.

At this time, Liu Jinrui, Zhao Qingqing and Liu Meng were chatting with big names in the house, and when they saw Meng Hailong coming back, Liu Meng hurriedly said: "Village Chief, you came back in time, I'm leaving, you can take my place."

"Sister Meng, it's still early, let's play a few more games!" Meng Hailong smiled and said, "It just so happens that I still have something to discuss with you." "

Is it about the Little Dragon Group?" Liu Meng asked curiously.

"No, it's about Food City." Meng Hailong didn't hide it, he quickly told everyone about Ye Haiyan and He Jiayi, and at the end, he said his own handling opinions.

After listening to Meng Hailong's words, whether it was Liu Jinrui, Zhao Qingqing, or Liu Meng, several of them were deeply disgusted by He Jiayi's approach.

Zhao Qingqing took the lead and said: "I really didn't expect He Jiayi to be such a person. Fortunately, Swallow didn't have anything to do with him, otherwise, Swallow would have suffered a big loss.

"Swallow has given a lot of affection to him, and that's the biggest hurt to her." Liu Jinrui said thoughtfully.

"Village Chief, I'll drive that guy away tomorrow, and won't allow him to set foot in Xiaolong Village for half a step in the future. If he dares to find fault, I will let him come in and leave horizontally. Liu Meng said through gritted teeth.

"Sister Meng, in fact, you don't have to be so ruthless, just teach him a lesson, after all, he is also my old classmate, and besides, He Jiayi also helped me when I was in the most difficult time." Meng Hailong was still a little soft-hearted after all, that is, he was thinking about the love of being a classmate, so Meng Hailong did not deal with He Jiayi in person.

"I see!" Liu Meng nodded, and then said again: "Village Chief, what you want to say is finished, right?" If nothing else, then I'll go first.

"Sister Meng, I'll send you down the mountain!" Meng Hailong said with a smile.

"No, no, village chief, you're still at home and play cards with the two of them!" Liu Meng hurriedly said: "If the two of us leave, the two of them will be left with big eyes and small eyes!"

"Sister Meng, the mountain road is not easy to walk, and it is night again, you don't come often, the road is not familiar, let's let Brother Hailong send you down the mountain!" Liu Jinrui said at this time: "Qingqing and I should also go to the bath."

"That's it, that's okay!" Liu Meng turned his head to look at Meng Hailong, and then said with a smile: "Village Chief, then you can send me down the mountain!"

After saying goodbye to Liu Jinrui and Zhao Qingqing, Liu Meng walked down the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain accompanied by Meng Hailong.

Halfway through, Meng Hailong thought about it and said, "Sister Meng, help me keep an eye on it during this time, I plan to find a place near Xiaolong Village to build a hospital, and it is best to find an experienced designer to help design." "

Wait, village chief, I heard you right, did I?" Liu Meng stopped, she turned her head to look at Meng Hailong, and then said with a surprised face: "The school project has not been completed yet, the village chief, you are preparing to build a hospital again, this speed of development... Wouldn't it be too fast?

"Is it fast? I don't think it's going to be fast! Meng Hailong smiled and said: "There is no conflict between the school and the hospital itself, and we are not short of funds. Sister Meng, you just have to do what I say, when you are short of money, just tell me. "

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