"Village chief, are you getting married too?" Jocelyn said with some surprise: "I'm sure I'll be there then, not to add face to you, I just want to get some light."

"Then it's decided, and I'll call you when the specific time comes." If it's an invitation, I won't send it over. "

In China, for a festive day like a wedding, it is common to send invitations to guests, and without invitations, people will not come to the wedding.

The exception, of course, is that the relationship is particularly good.

Although Qiao Celin is the king of Xiba and his status is extraordinary, with Meng Hailong's relationship with him, even if he didn't send him a post, Qiao Celin would definitely go to the wedding.

In particular, Meng Hailong once saved their lives.

Later, he cured his wife's infertility, just like the rebirth parents of their family.

Seeing Meng Hailong standing up, Qiao Celin hurriedly said, "Village Chief, are you really in a hurry to leave?" Then when you're done with your errands, we'll have to drink it.

"There will be a chance." After Meng Hailong finished speaking, he walked to the outside of the palace, Guo Xiaoqing's phone still couldn't get through, he was very worried about Guo Xiaoqing's safety, and he still had the heart to stay here to eat, drink and have fun.

After saying goodbye to Jocelyn, Meng Hailong left Xiba, and through the Lingyu space, he soon came to the border of Xiba.

It's a small desert.

Meng Hailong had never been to this desert before, so when he saw this desert, he walked out of the spirit jade space, planning to bring some yellow sand into the spirit jade space by the way, maybe it could make the spirit jade space change.

Coincidentally, as soon as Meng Hailong walked out of the spirit jade space, his mobile phone rang.

Meng Hailong took out his mobile phone and saw that the call was from Qiao Celin, and he couldn't help but secretly rejoice, because he felt that Qiao Celin should have news of Guo Xiaoqing.

hurriedly answered the call, and then, Meng Hailong spoke: "Your Majesty, do you have any news of a little love?"

"Village chief, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to listen to first?" Jocelyn's voice soon came from the other end of the phone, and his tone was a little serious, which made people involuntarily feel a trace of worry in their hearts after listening to it.

"Let's hear the good news first!" Meng Hailong said without hesitation.

"The good news is that the girl you asked me to find has news!" After a slight pause, Qiao Celin continued: "And the bad news is that this girl named Guo Xiaoqing was caught by the people of the S organization.

"They just posted a threatening video online, demanding that the Huaxia leaders must release the core of their organization within a day, or they will kill Guo Xiaoqing."

"Organization S? Can you find out where they are? Meng Hailong hurriedly asked.

A day is not a long time, but it passes in a blink of an eye. Therefore, Meng Hailong must race against time, and he must find Guo Xiaoqing before she is hurt.

"S organization, is a terrorist organization, in the world, they have committed many terrorist attacks, almost every country regards this organization as a thorn in the side."

"We in Xiba have also been attacked by this terrorist before, and although the consequences of that terrorist attack were not too serious, we have been working to find this terrorist organization ever since."

"Village Chief, before I called you, I had already confirmed with the people of the National Security Bureau, and the people of the S organization are very likely to be active on the Huaxia border now."

"Of course, I can't guarantee whether this news is accurate or not. After all, those terrorists are very good at hiding, and if you want to confirm their exact location, village chief, I suggest you contact your Huaxia Security Bureau, they have more advanced equipment and intelligence systems.

"Okay, I got it!" Meng Hailong responded simply, then hung up the phone, and quickly found Long Qianchou's number and dialed it.

After the phone was dialed out, it rang several times before it was connected, and Long Qianchou's voice came from the other end: "Village chief, do you have something to do with me?" "

Uncle Long, it's urgent." Meng Hailong didn't hide it, he said quickly: "Uncle Long, I need to know the exact location of the S organization, can you help me contact someone from the Security Bureau?" "

Uh, village chief, why are you also on the same page as the S organization?" Long Qianchou said in surprise: "The girl in the video, shouldn't it have anything to do with you?" Long

Qianchou is not stupid, Meng Hailong called him at this time, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he asked about the S organization, and after a little guessing, Long Qianchou had already guessed the reason.

"Uncle Long, you guessed it, the girl's name in the video is Guo Xiaoqing, and she is my best friend. I found out that the S organization is probably hiding on the border of Huaxia, Uncle Long, you hurry up and help me confirm, I need to know the exact location of the S organization's hiding.

"Don't worry, as far as I know, the Security Service has already started to deploy operations after receiving the video threat, and that girl will be fine."

Long Qianchou said unhurriedly.

"Uncle Long, there will be conflicts, and there will be casualties. If you can provide me with information related to Organization S, I can help you eliminate this terrorist organization. Meng Hailong said solemnly: "Time is running out, Uncle Long, I need your help." "

Alright! Village chief, pay attention to your mailbox, as soon as there is news, I will send all the information I have obtained to your mailbox, first of all, bye! Long Qianchou hung up the phone after speaking.

Putting away his mobile phone, Meng Hailong didn't leave, just stood in place and waited quietly.

At this time, he could not enter the spirit jade space yet. Because, the mobile phone does not have any network in the Lingyu space, and once he enters, he can't accept emails.

Since Long Qianchou had promised to help, he would definitely not break his promise.

While waiting, Meng Hailong made some yellow sand and threw it into the Lingyu space, however, the desert inside the Lingyu space still did not show any changes.

From this point of view, the land in the Lingyu space seems to have reached its limit and can no longer continue to expand.

Finding this situation, Meng Hailong couldn't help but be a little disappointed. Originally, he thought that the Lingyu space could be expanded to be as big as the earth!

Meng Hailong even fantasized that one day in the future, when the area of the Lingyu space expanded to the maximum and could cover the entire earth, he would be able to go from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere in an instant.

What would it be like if this dream came true?

Unfortunately, according to the current situation, it is estimated that such a situation is impossible. Because, the desert seems to have reached saturation, and new areas have never appeared.

Meng Hailong had never been entangled in the matter of the Spirit Jade Space, but this time, he was really entangled.

Meng Hailong, who was depressed, couldn't help but shake his head and sigh just now, but at this moment, in his sight, he suddenly saw a cactus that was stubbornly surviving in the desert.

"By the way, could it be because of this?" A certain thought flashed quickly in Meng Hailong's mind, and in the next second, a faint smile appeared on Meng Hailong's face.

Thinking that this should be the case, Meng Hailong hurriedly took out the tools from the spirit jade space, dug out the cactus in the desert, and planted it in the desert in the spirit jade space by the way.

After planting this cactus and pouring some spiritual spring on it, Meng Hailong hurriedly walked out of the spiritual jade space.

Anxiously opened the mailbox, and saw that the mailbox was still blank, and still hadn't received the email from Long Qianchou, Meng Hailong began to feel a little anxious again.

Guo Xiaoqing is still in the hands of the S organization, and I don't know if those crazy guys will bully Guo Xiaoqing?

He was anxious and wanted to call Long Qianchou again, but before the call could be dialed out, a call came in first.

Staring at the caller ID displayed on the mobile phone screen, Meng Hailong's brows couldn't help frowning. Because, this number on the caller ID is very special, it looks like a foreign number.

Although there were some doubts in his heart, Meng Hailong still answered the phone quickly.

After the phone was connected, a very suppressed voice soon came from the other end: "Village chief, I was caught by the terrorist organization, and they locked me in a small black room. Come and save me, I may only have ten minutes.

Although this voice was extremely depressing, Meng Hailong could still hear it, the other party was none other than Guo Xiaoqing.

After Guo Xiaoqing was caught by terrorists, he was imprisoned in a small black room.

Just now, when a guy opened the door to check on her situation, Guo Xiaoqing successfully attracted the attention of that person with her beauty.

After tricking that person into the small black house, Guo Xiaoqing took the opportunity to knock him unconscious and found a mobile phone from him, so he was able to call Meng Hailong for help.

If she hadn't taken the initiative to attack that person, there might have been another day to survive. However, when something like this happens, Guo Xiaoqing doesn't have much time left.

The terrorists outside will surely soon find out about the anomaly.

Although Guo Xiaoqing now has a chance to escape from the small black house, she doesn't dare to run at all, because the firepower of those terrorists is too fierce, and once she is found to be trying to escape, she will be hit into a hornet's nest by their bullets.

The only thing Guo Xiaoqing can rely on now is Meng Hailong.

If Meng Hailong can't find her in a short time, then she will be more than lucky. When the terrorists outside find out that she knocked someone unconscious, they will definitely punish her severely.

At that time, it is difficult to say whether he will be killed or insulted countless times.

After listening to Guo Xiaoqing's words, Meng Hailong hurriedly said: "Xiaoqing, don't panic first, find a way to delay time as much as possible, and I will find out your location as soon as possible."

After saying that, Meng Hailong hurriedly hung up the phone and dialed Yike's number as quickly as possible, allowing him to determine Guo Xiaoqing's location as quickly as possible.

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