"To be precise, your father wasn't killed because he saved me, you can't put such a big hat on my head. Guo Xiaoai continued: "Last night, a few of them sneaked into the gold mine in violation of regulations, and I haven't held them accountable!" "

So, are you trying to cheat?" The young man was obviously a little unhappy, and looked like he wanted to hit someone.

"I don't think I need to cheat, right?" Guo Xiaoai continued: "Your father sneaked into the gold mine late at night and was killed by someone else, although he wanted to tell me that there were other people in the gold mine, but they themselves did something wrong.

"If they hadn't dived into the gold mine in the middle of the night, I'm afraid this unfortunate thing wouldn't have happened. Guo Xiaoai said confidently.

Originally, out of humanitarian aid, she planned to give the victims' families a sum of compensation, at least to ensure their family's livelihood.

However, the young man in front of him had to force her to admit that his father died because of her, and Guo Xiaoai didn't dare to wear such a big hat.

If she admits it, then I'm afraid there will be endless troubles coming to her door in the future.

If the other party just asked for money, Guo Xiaoai could give it to him, but the young man forced her to admit that she was still his father's murderer, Guo Xiaoai couldn't accept it.

Originally, Guo Xiaoai planned to wait until she went to the gold mine, and when everyone was ready, she would reason with the family, but now it seems that they can't wait.

Or maybe they're worried that things will change when they get to the gold mines.

But no matter what, Guo Xiaoai will definitely not be blackened by this black pot. Money can be given, but the black cauldron must not be carried!

" My father has been buried in the gold mine in order to save your life, and now you still treat us like this, how do you make my father's undead accept all this?" The young man roared and said: "Since you want to cheat and die and refuse to admit it, then I can only call the police for help."

"I believe that our police in Xiba will be able to get justice for us. After the boy finished speaking, he took out a mobile phone from his pocket and made a gesture to make a call.

He thought that this would scare Guo Xiaoai, he thought that Guo Xiaoai was not a native of Xiba, and he would definitely be afraid of the police here.

It is said that the people of Huaxia are most afraid of trouble.

The boy thought that Guo Xiaoai would adhere to the principle that more things are better than less, and quickly admitted that his father died because of her.

As long as she admits it, then, his next plan can be implemented smoothly.

However, when he took out his mobile phone and made a gesture to call, Guo Xiaoai not only was not the slightest nervous, but she was even very calm.

"Hey, I'll give you another chance, and if you still won't admit it, then I'm going to call the police. The young man pretended to be kind and continued: "You are from Huaxia, I advise you not to make too much trouble. If the police come, it won't do you any good.

"If the police don't come, it won't do me any good. Guo Xiaoai continued: "Hurry up and call the police! This matter will be decided by the police! Maybe the police will judge your father as a thief! Your father broke into the gold mine in the middle of the night without permission, and this behavior has already constituted the crime of theft. "

You are from Xiba, and you should be very clear about the laws of Xiba. Once your father is convicted of theft, then, unfortunately, not only will you not receive half a penny in compensation, but you will even have to pay for your father's actions. "

You..." The young man was speechless by Guo Xiaoai's words.

Indeed, his father sneaked into the gold mine late at night, and if he was really investigated, he would most likely be convicted of theft.

If he is really convicted of theft, then the consequences are really serious.

"I'm a very upright person, your father has been working with me for a long time, he has an accident in the gold mine, no matter what the reason, I will give him a little compensation, but this does not mean that his death has anything to do with me. Guo Xiaoai continued: "At this point, I don't think there is any need for us to continue talking.

"Two choices, first, you call the police, all cause and effect are left to the police to decide, who is responsible, then who is responsible. If the police decide that I am responsible, I will be responsible no matter what.

"But if the police decide that it is your father's fault, unfortunately, I can only tell you that I will not give you a penny. "

There's a second option.

"This second option is more straightforward and more realistic, but I don't think you will accept it. Guo Xiaoai continued: "If you are willing to accept it, I can take out a kilogram of gold and give it to you, which can be regarded as a tribute to your father!"

Based on the current gold price, the total value is more than 300,000.

Such a sum of money is already a huge amount of money in the country of West Pakistan. As long as you don't spend it indiscriminately, you can eat it for a long time.

Of course, if you only live on this money and do nothing, then no matter how much money you have, there will be a day when you will be emptied.

After listening to Guo Xiaoai's words, the young man hesitated for dozens of seconds, and at the instigation of others, he gritted his teeth and nodded, and said: "Okay, then I'll choose second!"

made this choice, for fear of being laughed at, the young man said again: "I am looking at my father's face, but he has also worked with you for a while." If you really want to make a fuss, you may not win. Of course, my father probably doesn't want to see me fight with you. Forget it, give me the gold!"

"Before I give you the gold, we need to sign an agreement. Guo Xiaoai is not stupid, the young man in front of her has a lot of ghost thoughts, and she also has to think about the way back, so as not to have trouble in the future.

The two sides stood on the side of the road and began to discuss the terms of the agreement.

Seeing that it was almost over, Guo Xiaoai asked Guo Xiaoqing to write out the agreement on the computer, then copied it in the mobile phone, and went to find a printing shop outside, so he printed out the paper agreement.

After printing the agreement, both parties read it again and confirmed that there were no mistakes, Guo Xiaoai took the lead in picking up the pen, signing the agreement, and pressing the fingerprint.

The boy did the same.

After this process was completed, Guo Xiaoai took out a few gold bars from her bag.

Although the gold mine collapsed, there was actually a lot of gold hidden in her house, but no one knew about it.

Because he promised to give this young man a kilogram of gold, when he came over, Guo Xiaoai quietly filled a few gold bars in his bag.

After giving the gold bar to the young man, Guo Xiaoai opened his mouth and said to him again: "I have already given you the gold bar, your father's matter, let's stop here! When I find your father's body, I will arrange a funeral for him." You leave your phone number and I'll call you then.

"No," said the young man, shaking his head, "since you are going to arrange my father's funeral, you will take care of everything." When you are buried, don't forget to leave a monument and send me the location and photos. When the

boy had finished speaking, he put the gold bar in his pocket and turned to leave.

Looking at his back, Guo Xiaoai couldn't help but shake his head and sighed: "Village chief, look, this person's conscience has been eaten by a dog!"

Just now, he was clamoring for justice for his father, and when the benefits were in hand, he didn't even participate in the praise. It is also a sorrow to have such a son.

"Let's go! there's no need to let this villain affect our mood. Meng Hailong put his arm around Guo Xiaoai's waist, and the two soon came to the gold mine.

At this time, many people had already gathered near the gold mine. These people all worked in the gold mines, and they came here early in the morning, and they wanted to come and start work, but they thought that as soon as they came to the gold mines, they saw that the gold mines, which were good yesterday, had collapsed overnight.

Everyone still doesn't know what happened last night, so some people even feel a little lucky, but fortunately they didn't work overtime to mine last night, otherwise, everyone would have been buried.

Seeing Guo Xiaoai coming, everyone was bustling, asking long and short questions, and the most concerned thing was nothing more than the issue of wages.

Seeing that the scene was a little chaotic, Guo Xiaoai hurriedly shouted: "Everyone be quiet, can you listen to me for a few words?"

"Miss Guo, you don't have to say anything, we just want to know if the salary will be paid?"

After clearing his throat, Guo Xiaoai tore his throat again and shouted: "Ask yourself, when did I, Guo Xiaoai, treat you badly?" "

The salary will definitely be paid to you, if I wanted to run away, I wouldn't be here now." Guo Xiaoai continued: "Although the gold mine has collapsed, there is still a lot of gold under the gold mine, and in the future, our work will be even harder, I hope you can stay, as long as you are willing to stay, everyone's wages will increase by 20 percent."

After all, there has been an accident like the collapse of the gold mine, and others don't know about it, so they will definitely not come here to mine again.

There is still a lot of gold under the gold mine, but if you can't find someone to

mine it, what's the use of more gold?" "Miss Guo, is what you said true?" "The gold mine has collapsed, it's too dangerous, what if a similar accident happens again and buries us all alive?"

"Yes, Miss Guo, you better give up!"


have raised their opinions.

Some people are eager to try it because the attraction of a high salary is too great.

But many more said they didn't dare to take risks, after all, life is only once for everyone. If you lose this only opportunity, no amount of money you make.

Guo Xiaoai was a little helpless, and after thinking about it, she said: "It's impossible to give up, if you are afraid of danger, I can accompany you to the mine, so you should be at ease, right?"

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