Inside the elevator, everyone was stunned by the scene that was happening in front of them!

This little nurse was too active, too bold, and too open, right?

Some people couldn't help but shake their heads after seeing this scene.

Although Meng Hailong said the words, he didn't really want the little nurse to kiss him, he just wanted to cut off the little nurse's idea of making friends with him, but he never thought that the little nurse would be so open.

was cold, he was really kissed, and Meng Hailong was a little at a loss.

Fortunately, at this time, the elevator also came to the floor he was going to, and as soon as the door opened, Meng Hailong hurriedly dodged and ran out.

The anxious voice of the little nurse came from behind him, "Handsome guy, don't run, you still owe me a kiss..."

Meng Hailong ran to Liu Dahai's ward in one breath, and when he heard that he was coming, Liu Jinrui was already standing at the door of the ward and waiting.

Seeing that Meng Hailong was running over, Liu Jinrui only thought that he was anxious about them, and couldn't help but feel a little more moved.

But seeing Meng Hailong holding a large bouquet of golden roses in his hand, Liu Jinrui felt a little confused.

"My dear, for you. Meng Hailong ran to Liu Jinrui and handed the rose in his hand to Liu Jinrui in a gentlemanly manner.

"Why did you suddenly send me flowers?" Liu Jinrui caught the flowers and asked a little confusedly.

"Don't think about it, I just suddenly remembered that we have known each other for so long, but I have never sent you flowers, I just want to make amends. Meng Hailong said very seriously.

"I don't blame you for not sending me flowers, look at you, it's such a waste to send so many golden roses all at once. Looking at the ninety-nine golden roses in her hand, although Liu Jinrui was a little distressed, she lacked beauty in her heart.

Meng Hailong was right, they had known each other for so many years, and he really hadn't sent her flowers, let alone roses, not even morning glories.

As a woman, Liu Jinrui, like everyone else, also loves flowers.

However, as she said just now, Meng Hailong never sent her flowers, and she never blamed Meng Hailong.

Because she felt that as long as Meng Hailong was really good to her, it would be enough.

As for flowers, they're just an ornament.

In order to reduce expenses, Liu Dahai lived in an ordinary ward, and a total of three patients were admitted to the small space.

Of course, in addition to the patient, there are also family members. As a result, the wards are a bit crowded.

Holding ninety-nine golden roses in their hands, Liu Jinrui and Meng Hailong had just walked back to the ward, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the ward.

Including Liu Dahai, he also looked surprised.

The golden rose is now almost a household name, and of course, the golden rose is famous not only because of its peculiarity, but also because of its high price.

It is precisely because of the high price that it will become a luxury for many people to be able to have a golden rose.

In the ward, everyone saw Liu Jinrui holding such a large bouquet of golden roses, and their eyes widened in surprise.

Others are hard to find, Liu Jinrui holds ninety-nine flowers in his hand, and he can really envy people to death.

"Xiao Liu, is this your boyfriend?" A woman next to her looked at Liu Jinrui, then at Meng Hailong, but finally couldn't hold back and asked.

She looked at Meng Hailong, she didn't look like she was very rich at all, if this person was just a flower gift, she believed it even more.

Seeing Liu Jinrui nodding, the woman didn't say anything more, things completely subverted her thoughts, and she had nothing to say.

In these days, people with gold necklaces around their necks are not necessarily rich, people who dress like peasants, sometimes they are rich and rich.

After Meng Hailong came in, he said hello to Liu Dahai, and then, he took out a tomato from the plastic bag he was carrying and handed it to Liu Dahai, and said with a smile: "Uncle, taste it, this is grown in our village, and it tastes good." "

When others come to visit the patient, they usually bring apples, but Meng Hailong is carrying tomatoes and cucumbers, and most of the people in the ward feel strange when they see this situation.

Seeing others looking at him with strange eyes, Meng Hailong couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Anyway, there were a lot of cucumbers and tomatoes brought, so he simply sent some to everyone's hands in the ward.

At the beginning, everyone refused one after another, but when they saw Liu Dahai praising while eating, people secretly thought in their hearts, is this cucumber tomato really so delicious?

Driven by curiosity, someone also picked up the tomato that Meng Hailong gave him and took a bite.

After this bite, the expression on the person's face instantly became colorful.

It's delicious, it's really delicious, he has lived for decades, but he has never eaten such a delicious tomato, no wonder Liu Dahai eats "smack".

A tomato the size of a fist was swallowed by this person in just two or three bites.

After eating, the man looked at Meng Hailong and said, "Brother Careful, just now you said that these tomatoes were grown in your village, can you tell me, are you from that village?"

"Xiaolong Village, I know, is the village that grows that delicious cabbage. The man said quickly, "I heard that the Chinese cabbage grown in your village is not retailed, and these tomatoes and cucumbers are not retailed either?"

"Yes!" Meng Hailong nodded and said, "Whether it is cabbage or these melons and fruits, the current output of our village is not large, only enough to provide a fixed hotel, so until now, we have no intention of producing and selling it ourselves." "

Hailong, I have always had an idea, our Liujia Village is adjacent to your Xiaolong Village, have you ever thought about expanding the scope of planting?" Liu Dahai took the opportunity to speak, "The land in our village is not less than that of Xiaolong Village, and the soil is also more fertile, if you have such an idea, after you go back, I will convene a meeting of the villagers and operate according to the model of your village, what do you think?"

Uncle, it's not that I don't want to expand the scope of planting, it's just that, to put it mildly, the villagers of Liujia Village are not like the villagers of Xiaolong Village, I'm afraid they are not easy to manage!"

Meng Hailong is telling the truth.

The same is to ask everyone not to enter the mountain, after experiencing the incident of being stung by a wasp, the villagers of Xiaolong Village are very obedient, and no one goes up the mountain again.

However, there were still people in Liujia Village who went up the mountain and lost their lives. This incident has fully demonstrated that the people in Liujia Village are not so easy to manage.

In particular, Xiaolong Village is also just starting now, and Meng Hailong does not dare to blindly expand the planting scope at this time.

Only develops within the scope of Xiaolong Village, at least everything is still under his control.

After a little explanation, Liu Dahai didn't force it, and he also understood what Meng Hailong said, as the village head of Liujia Village, he Liu Dahai was not sure that he would be able to make the villagers of Liujia Village obey his command, let alone Meng Hailong.

After chatting with Liu Dahai for a while, Meng Hailong left.

Liu Jinrui sent him to the elevator entrance, and wanted to kiss him to show his gratitude, but seeing that there were too many people waiting for the elevator, this idea had to be dispelled.

Anyway, Liu Dahai can be discharged from the hospital in two days, and when he goes back, he will be compensated for it.

Coming out of the hospital, Meng Hailong originally planned to go to Ye Haiyan and get together, but as soon as the car started, he received a strange phone call.

On the phone, the other party identified himself, said that he had a problem with his eyes, and asked Meng Hailong if he could receive free treatment, and after getting Meng Hailong's affirmative answer, the man said that he was coming over immediately.

Finally waiting for someone who is willing to try new eye drops, Meng Hailong is naturally happy.

The idea of going to Ye Haiyan and them to get together was temporarily dispelled by him, and he drove the road fighter and hummed a ballad, and he soon returned to Xiaolong Village.

Soon after Meng Hailong returned to Xiaolong Village, the two of them rode a dilapidated motorcycle and found his doorstep.

Huahua barked a few times when she saw the stranger, and got Meng Hailong's consent, so she let the person in.

One of the two people who came to the door was the one who called Meng Hailong not long ago, and the other person was a relative of this person.

Because this man has bad eyes and can't drive a motorcycle, he has to ask his relatives to send him here.

This person's name is Zhang Donghui, he is about 50 years old, according to his own introduction, his eye is a cataract, and after the hospital examination, he said that he needs surgery to cure it.

However, the cost of the operation was too high for a farmer like him to afford.

In the past two days, he often heard some young people saying that there is a place where you can treat eye diseases for free, and you can also reimburse the round-trip expenses.

"Uncle, my treatment is very simple, it is to use some eye drops for you, but I can't guarantee that these eye drops will cure your eyes, what I can guarantee is that these eye drops will not cause any harm to your eyes.

Although Meng Hailong has great confidence in the eye drops he has concocted, and he also has a lot of hopes, he still does not dare to guarantee whether it will produce good results.

He has to say the ugly words first, otherwise, if this eye drops don't work by then, maybe people will trouble him.

"Village chief, to be honest with you, I also came with the attitude of a dead horse as a live horse doctor, anyway, I don't have the money for surgery, your eye drops can cure my eyes, I am grateful to you, if it doesn't work, I will definitely not blame you."

Listening to Zhang Donghui's words, Meng Hailong couldn't help but be moved and said: "Uncle, just for your heart, I promise you that if my eye drops can't cure your eyes, I will pay you how much the operation costs." "

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