Abnormal items

Chapter 74 It turns out that the third story has been told from the beginning

"Who? Who's the next story?" Julie asked.

"The old man is our next story." Android replied.

"Old man, your parents took great pains to prevent you from falling in love. They gave you such an unprecedented face." Jie Zuo drank tea and kept talking.

"It doesn't matter what you say. I've been here for I don't know how many years. I've met many people who are more venomous than you, but I'm still sitting here."

After the old man finished speaking, he looked at Android in the distance: "Brother, you are quite smart. You may make some achievements in the future, but it's a pity that you have no future. Hahahaha."

"Are you from Dunhuang? There are so many murals." Jie Zuo responded.

Android watched Jie Zuo and the old man facing each other, and wanted to go up and help, but now he has been uneasy because of Xi Wei's tragic death, and he was afraid that in the past, it would hinder Jie Zuo.

"It's okay. Just keep talking. I want to see how many days you can survive here."

"Pa" Jie Zuo deliberately broke the tea cup: "Old man, please give me more tea."


The old man went to get a new tea cup for Xie Zuo, and Xie Zuo took off his shoes and put them on the table.

"Uh." Even though she was far away, Julie could smell a strange smell and hurriedly covered her nose.

"Listen to mom, don't let her get hurt..." Jie Zuo sang at the top of his voice, and the harsh singing voice made people feel particularly uncomfortable.

Not to mention the old man, even Android felt irritated in his heart and wanted to block Jie Zuo's mouth.

"Okay!" the old man shouted. Jie Zuo closed his mouth and looked at the old man helplessly: "Are you angry?"

"Not at all. Do you think I can't do anything to you?"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, the whole room changed. The walls began to close in the middle, and the colored ground seemed to come alive, with rough waves rolling back and forth.

The Androids and others were standing on it, unable to stand firmly. Jie Zuo sat on the chair, rocking back and forth along with the rolling ground: "If everything started over again, would you still love me..." While shaking, he sang with both hands. He also raised it to the top of his head and waved his flower hand.

"Don't stop, the brackets are over."

"What the hell are the parentheses!" Android was lying on the ground, being thrown up and down constantly.

"Xiaotan! Are you Xiaotan? I am Feng Bujue." Xie Zuo's flower hand flew up.

"Who is Xiaotan? Who is Xiaotan!"

"Impossible, the one who doesn't forget to complain under such circumstances must be you Xiaotan!"

The walls stopped moving halfway when they were closed, and the space suddenly became much smaller.

Just when Android felt like his internal organs were about to be shaken out, the ground finally stopped moving.

"Ugh." Android lay on the ground and vomited, and Julie passed out again.

Jie Zuo walked to Android and looked at Android who kept vomiting: "Pulse rolling, pregnant with two boys. It's hopeless. Let's go to the morgue."

"Wait a minute, why did you send me to the morgue when you got pregnant? No, I'm a boy and my pulse is so bad!" Android touched his mouth and stood up unsteadily.

Jie Zuo gave Android a thumbs up: "You are very talented, learn how to cook from me!"


Android looked around, but there was no old man around. Just as he was wondering, he heard the voices of a man and a woman coming from the wall: "Android? Is that you Android?"

Android was stunned when he heard the voice, and tears fell unconsciously from his eyes.

"Android, where are you? Android!" The voice became louder and louder. Then a monster squeezed out from the wall - the monster looked like three people stuck together, with three heads on its body. The middle head looked like a melted wax figure, but it could still be barely recognized that it was an old man. There are six hands on the body and six legs.

The head on the left is that of a middle-aged woman, but her eyes are gone, leaving only dark holes. On the right is a middle-aged man. Like the woman, there are only dark holes for his eyes.

"Android? Is it you Android?" the head on the left called.

Android's lips moved, and hot tears kept pouring out of his eyes.

"Child? Are you still here?" the head on the right asked tentatively.

"Child, please leave quickly! Don't worry about us!" The middle-aged woman's words were full of motherly glory, which made people feel warm.

"I..." Just as Android was about to reply, the heads on the left and right let out a scream at the same time, and then the two heads began to melt, and the old man's face slowly became clear.

"Child, let's go quickly..." Before he could finish his words, the two heads had turned into a puddle of pus and dripped on the floor.

Jie Zuo quietly picked up the teapot on the table and put it behind his back.

Finally, only the old man's face was left: "Android, are you just looking at me like this?" The old man's face was full of mockery.

Android froze on the spot, staring blankly at the pus on the ground.

"Oh, yes, you can only watch. You used to look stupidly, and you still look stupidly now." The old man kept saying mockingly.

"I...I'm going to kill you!!! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill you!" Android bent over and roared, tears kept flowing out.

"Come on, come on, I'm right here, come on." The old man opened his hands and looked at Android with a smile.

The Android dived and rushed towards the old man.

"Pa!" The old man was stunned. He stopped midway and looked back to look at his left side, then fainted and fell to the ground.

Jie Zuo kept throwing the action, and the teapot he had just hidden was thrown accurately on the back of Android's head: "Take advantage of my doctor Jie Zuo's knowing blow!"

"Bah bang bang." The old man clapped his hands: "It's awesome. Now all your friends have fainted and you are the only one left. Are you so confident in yourself? By the way, you are so courageous. You are not afraid of exploding." Powder?”

"Aha, I hit him with love, how could it be judged as an attack? It's ridiculous." Jie Zuo wiped his nose and put his hands on his hips, looking at the old man.

"Then why don't you attack me with love?"

Jie Zuo looked at the old man's appearance and said, "Sorry, I can't fall in love with the human centipede." "

The old man's face twitched: "Just be tough."

"I'm not weak in other areas. Just ask your father-in-law when you get home. Oh, I forgot, you are an orphan." Jie Zuo sneered.

"Humph" the old man snorted coldly, and his whole head began to melt, and at the same time, new heads began to grow slowly on both sides.

"Mr. Xie Zuo, how are you doing lately!" A scarred face appeared on the left.

"Who are you?" Xie Zuo asked.

"Hahaha, I just said that boss doesn't recognize you, boss, look at me." On the right is a beautiful woman, but there is a big scar running diagonally across her entire face from top to bottom.

"Oh~~I have no impression." He unbuttoned his left button and pressed his nose.

The two heads began to melt, and then new heads grew, and the new heads melted again, and then new heads grew...

In a short period of time, various heads appeared on the left and right sides of the old man. These heads were male and female, old and young, some cared about Jie Zuo, and some cursed Jie Zuo.

Jie Zuo stood there, always remaining calm, as if he really didn't know these people.

After a long time, "Old man, I'm curious, will anyone remember you like you? Whether alive or dead? You have always been someone else's friend or lover. What about you? Do you have one?"

"I... of course I have..."

Stranded in the Abyss, a book written by a big guy

It’s still a seedling. Can you support me more?

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