"Here it is again..." Qin Ming rubbed his sour eyes, dropped the smartphone in his hand, and the voice in his mind appeared again.

Since the Eye of the Storm appeared six years ago, he has always heard something different in his head. During this period, he sought out a psychologist who survived, and in the end only got a mentally debilitating judgment. The sound is indescribable, sometimes shrill and harsh, sometimes low and suffocating.

The tortured Qin Ming seemed to gradually lose his smile, and he found that he was too calm, so calm that even he felt "fear".

Replace...... Qin Ming felt that he was being assimilated by something, and he once thought that he was crazy. In the past six years, the voice has become louder and louder, until recently, Qin Ming found it in horror.

He understood....

That sound seems to be blurred a thousand times, dull and strange sounds, as if something indescribable is close to your ears, tearing your eardrums, going straight into your brain, annihilating your soul...

"Come back..." Qin

Ming's eyes were bloodshot, his head was buzzing, his handsome cheeks were twisted in pain, and his throat let out a low roar like a wild beast.


What a headache! Qin Ming groaned, and suddenly found in horror that his body was not under his control, step by step, like a machine, he pushed open the door.

A rare moonlight reflected on his body, it was late at night....

Qin Ming fell violently from the 3rd floor, but strangely did not make any sound, severe pain instantly covered the whole body, and the legs made a toothache sound, but still like a machine, unconsciously walking on the legs.

"Ah..." Qin Ming's eyes were torn, and the mental and physical pain hit his brain together.

The new city was dead silent in the middle of the night, and a strange figure slowly moved, leaving trails of blood.

"Come back..." The whisper gradually became clear, causing Qin Ming's vague consciousness to awaken like a return light.

The empty block was shrouded in moonlight, and as the whispers got closer and closer, Qin Ming felt a chill running through his bones spread throughout his body, and a desperately suffocating light blue light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Then a huge whistling sound came violently with the frantically spreading wind field, and the roar instantly shattered Qin Ming's eardrum.

Looking at the supernatural phenomenon highlighted in front of him, Qin Ming muttered, "The eye of

the storm..." His shaky figure was still moving towards the eye of the storm, and at the moment when his body dissipated, Qin Ming took one last look behind him. A shattered body fell with a bang.

At the moment of losing consciousness, a deep black substance like gum crawled out of the eye of the storm and violently covered Qin Ming's body, burrowing into his bloody body like a sponge absorbing water.

The eye of the storm was shrouded in an ominous black, which existed for only a second, and was gently brushed away like dust.

Except for a faintly shiny corpse on the ground, everything that was destroyed around was no different from the original...


"Do you believe in God?" Wang Kai took off his isolation suit, looked haggard, lit a cigarette, and looked at the assistant next to him.

The assistant's face was extremely fanatical, as if he had seen something beyond his comprehension, and he said hoarsely: "Believe, believe." The

assistant stared at the strange piece of flesh isolated in the bulletproof glass chamber, staring at the expansion and contraction of its body.

"Only God can create creatures out of thin air... This is a miracle. The

assistant muttered, "Sir! As long as we have this power, we may, no, we can definitely regain the world, and our superiors will absolutely approve our in-depth research.

Wang Kai rubbed his neglected hair, and his indifferent pupils faintly revealed a hint of joy.



Qin Ming felt like he was crazy, he seemed to fall into a whirlpool that never ended, under the dotted light was dead silence and boundless black, he was like a lonely boat, the scenery in front of him was the same, like a slide, like a horse lantern.

He couldn't feel the weight, he couldn't feel the time, he couldn't even think, he floated like a corpse.

I don't know how long it took, he floated like this, until his consciousness returned little by little, and the five senses gradually appeared.

A sense of emptiness and loneliness surged into his heart, but he felt that he was regaining a new life, a real new life.

Like a baby, born of an ethereal, soul from nothingness, false flesh....

I don't know how long it took, Qin Ming felt the beating sound like a heart, and felt the distortion and transformation of the soul level.

The staccato words "motherhood..." and "soul..." spread out from the center of his consciousness like seedlings.

In this empty and lonely endless darkness, he grew like a sapling.

"Come back~"

Qin Ming suddenly sobered up, he seemed to feel the sound, the real sound.

The roaring thunder nourished his near-collapsed spirit like a sweet rain, and Qin Ming felt the true entity.

The body seemed to be bound in some medium, he stretched his shell madly, the desire for light in his heart was infinitely amplified, as the obscure damping sense of the shell gradually faded, Qin Ming struggled, he could feel that he was only one step away from freedom.

A pair of ink-black and delicate arms suddenly broke through the darkness in front of him, and the fleeting thunder and lightning illuminated Qin Ming's vision, and Qin Ming struggled violently, emitting a sour and hoarse roar, like an uncivilized beast.

With the force of his body, the obstacles in front of Qin Ming were like adults who broke through their cocoons.


The thunderstorm continued, and with the help of a bright light source like the sun, the ink-black humanoid crawled out of the bloody nest eggs in front of them.

Qin Ming stretched out a pair of pitch-black hands and pulled himself out of the nest egg little by little.

Feeling the sound of heavy breathing in his chest-like organs, he came back to life.

A sense of weakness envelopes its whole body, and the instinct of its shell tells it that it needs to eat.

And food, is what seems to give birth to its own flesh and blood nest eggs.

Qin Ming followed his instinct like a wild beast, crawled towards the nest egg, cracked his strange dark body, and frantically gnawed the flesh and blood in front of him with a "blood basin mouth".

The originally creepy flesh and blood tissue, after "eating", made Qin Ming feel extremely happy, the kind of nourishment that ran through the soul...

It needed more and more, and Qin Ming suddenly found that as his body unconsciously ate the nest eggs, his spirit became more and more awake, and his "rational" perception gradually returned.

The memory of the dead flooded into his brain like a tide, and the severe pain once made him faint, and his body "ate" more ferociously.

"I'm Qin Ming." A hoarse and sour sound came out. "I'm Qin Ming."

As the body strangely devoured nest eggs that were several times larger than the size of the body, Qin Ming gradually regained the control of this body.

After trying for more than ten minutes, the pitch-black humanoid finally reluctantly stood up.

A pair of dark eyes slowly appeared. As deep as the vast universe, the empty eyes gradually appeared a little brighter.

In the endless torture, Qin Ming seemed to have overcome something by chance and found himself.

"I, I'm human." ......

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