Blood-colored mycelium spread like poison on the corrupt land, and the rain washed away the rotten and foul-smelling smell of the air.

The gloomy midnight is filled with the repression of primordial fear.

A bloody mass of flesh and blood wriggled on the corpses of several rat people, and it stretched out a pair of gray and dark slender tentacles, pulling the decaying corpses and unconsciously sending them into the cracked bodies. Countless sharp mouthparts like steel needles can be vaguely seen in its body.

The crunching sour sound is the sound of bones being ground up, and as it eats, its body is undergoing terrifying changes... Unconsciously moving closer to the phagocytosis biological template?

Qin Ming swallowed his spit, even though he had a super endurance that was unimaginable to ordinary people, it was inevitable to be a little scared when he saw such a strange thing for the first time.

The response given by the body is safe.

Qin Ming lowered his pitch-black body and approached the flesh and blood creature in front of him little by little. He felt the excitement of his shell like never before. The black eyes that came out of the mimicry were completely dyed dark red...

After stopping five meters away from the strange creature, Qin Ming took a deep breath and slowly mobilized the strength of his body.

Feeling the strength gradually accumulated in his legs, Qin Ming made one last environmental observation.

A black streamer flashed, Qin Ming rushed out, clenched his fist in his right hand, and in an instant, he flew behind the strange body, surpassing the thousand-pound level punch and smashing into the mysterious soft flesh.


The small half of the body of the bloody and strange creature instantly burst, and the dark red and black pieces of flesh scattered.

"Si~" The meat ball emitted a piercing screeching sound, and the tentacles instantly expanded, instinctively pumping towards the black figure behind him.

Qin Ming shrank sharply, like origami, dodging the thick tentacles that pumped out the air explosion, looking at the rat man's head that was detonated by the tentacles, Qin Ming felt a cold sweat break out of his body. Discreetly dodge the violent strangulation of multiple tentacles.

Qin Ming quickly punched and slammed into the wound that the flesh ball was slowly recovering. The punch that is about to come out of the afterimage, smashing fiercely into the shell of the meat ball, the feeling of fist to flesh blow accompanied by the piercing scream of the meat ball creature makes the scalp numb.

Like bullet time, Qin Ming watched the pieces of flesh and blood exploding in front of him slowly splash.

Kicked sharply towards the mutilated flesh ball, "Die! Qin Ming "looked hideous" and kicked out this kick vigorously.

The flesh ball creature was like a balloon, withstanding a huge impact in an instant, and its self-healing characteristics could not keep up with Qin Ming's crazy attack, and it shattered with its mouth and stomach as the center.

The cracked corpse bloomed like fireworks, and the foul-smelling and rotten flesh and blood tissue impacted Qin Ming's light body, pushing him several meters away, and the minced flesh covered his pitch-black body.

Qin Ming stabilized his body, shook the somewhat dizzy "head" that was impacted, followed the body's instinct to walk towards the broken pieces of meat, and then forcibly endured the discomfort at the psychological level, stretched out his arm, and dug into the pieces of blood and flesh in the abdominal cavity of the meat ball with his extraordinary perception.

The pitch-black arm stained with minced flesh grasped a wriggling black semi-liquid solid substance and pulled out of the corpse.

Without waiting for the black substance to twist and struggle, Qin Ming's arm violently adsorbed it, like a sponge absorbing water, assimilating it into his body.

Qin Ming felt a squirming inside his body, a sense of power emerged, and now his five senses were keen, and he felt the slight comprehensive improvement of his body. And the distance from the incomprehensible existence seems to be a little more ....

Looking at the body that was getting closer and closer to the human body, Qin Ming narrowed his eyes and quietly walked towards the next "prey"...

--Qin Ming crushed the struggling black energy body in his hand, quickly absorbed the power to assimilate it, and after a burst of intoxicating pleasure, he let out a breath.

At this moment, the body had completely imitated the appearance of a human, at least in Qin Ming's own field of vision.

But the shell presents a very delicate and petite appearance, and the smooth black appearance is like flowing oil, shiny under the thunderous light. But it is such a seemingly weak "two-legged beast", and the terrifying power it contains after strengthening is estimated to be able to shred a car.

Looking at the soft body lines, Qin Ming felt a little strange.

"Is it too feminine?" Qin Ming looked at his body, and then shook his head. "There is no second sex characteristics, just poor imitation..." And

the analog voice gradually moved from the initially hoarse high-decibel noise to the neutral voice with stress.

"So, what the hell is this?" Qin Ming felt the energy surging in his body. Interfered by some unknown force, causing his physical body to be suspected of death. Resurrected in a strange and dangerous contaminated area.

After experiencing endless emptiness, Qin Ming now suspected that he was not even on Earth. The reason is the abandoned house in front of you, and the strange creature.

The overall architecture is very rudimentary, does not feel like a modern product, and although it is an abandoned house, at least on the outside, it does not look too old.

A house framed by wood and made of stone. More like a forest hut of a modern mid-forester.

"Hunting? Is it a hunter..." Qin Ming made a preliminary guess.

After transcendent perception that there was no threat, Qin Ming crossed the rotten fence covered with flesh and blood mycelium and kicked open the wooden door that was still intact.

The dust that swept on his face made Qin Ming frown and stop imitating his breathing. After waiting for a while, we entered the dilapidated house.

Judging by the preliminary judgment, this room has not been occupied for at least some years. Qin Ming touched the ash on the simple stone fireplace and looked around the room.

It was a small single room, some shabby wooden furniture, a thick layer of dirty, dirty beds, and quilts that seemed to be spliced together by the fur of some kind of creature.

There were some hard, dry mold lumps on the table that seemed to be food. There are also a few blackened fish with dry mold and mold hanging on the wall.

"Is it human? Or is it another intelligent creature..." After seeing the extremely humane mouse, Qin Ming was a little unsure of his judgment.

From exploring the altar to now, Qin Ming roughly guessed some situations.

A group of rat people with great intelligence, believing in some kind of extraordinary creature, try to carry the altar to do something.

An unpredictable event must have happened halfway through, causing him to seize the body of the creature originally born in the nest egg, and then an unknown amount of "pollution" occurred.

Creatures that are too close have no living mouth except for weird hyphae. And a very small number of creatures a little farther away, even rat people, have undergone strange alienation. Turned into various alienated creatures.

The farther away from the central area, the more threat Qin Ming felt, which was somewhat unreasonable.


Qin Ming narrowed his eyes and gently broke the iron rough cutlery in his hand.

"It's really curious..." Looking

at the dark and silent dangerous forest, Qin Ming stopped his idea of exploring.

"That's it, let's test a guess first."

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