The old man was so angry that he was about to die.

"The Diwenka clan is ready."

Ke La stood on the arm of the giant rat man, raised his hunched body, and looked in the distance.

"I can't wait any longer. That despicable guy has taken action."

"My mother's oracle..."

"Use Diwenka as firewood... to stop the other god's layout."

Ke La looked at the dark foggy night and observed the piles of flesh and blood moving unconsciously under his feet.

"We have a new mission."

It waved its scepter and ordered the rat man, as huge as a mountain, to raise his body.

The heavy muffled sound filled the entire valley.

"Everyone, move out!"

With the order, in this absolute darkness, densely packed red eyes opened one after another, turning into red starlight in this lightless night.

The evolved rat warriors of the Diwenka clan stood up, quickly lined up, and moved towards their own squads in a messy but unexpectedly orderly manner.

One after another, the "holy sons" wrapped in flesh and blood were carried on the shoulders of the rat warriors, slowly moving towards the pre-dug tunnel.

The rat men dressed as priests used strange powers to sacrifice batches of old, weak, sick and disabled people who volunteered to sacrifice themselves, calling for more "holy sons" at the cost of their lives.

Teams of Diwenka rat men, each with their own duties, marched forward in a messy pace, with murderous, cold-blooded and fanatical faces.

"For Diwenka!"

"For Diwenka!"

"For Diwenka!"

The dark rat men like mountains raised their twisted heads and made terrifying and shocking cries.

Under this force, all kinds of flesh and blood monsters climbing all over the mountain responded to the call, either swallowing each other to construct super-large war beasts, or twisting unconsciously, carrying some special ratmen to move forward together.

If you stand on a high place... it would be a very shocking and terrifying picture.

Densely packed... this is a war in which the whole clan is out.

"A mere mortal life... the power of any god cannot be usurped by mortals."

"You are just his pawn... we are not."

Kela gently and respectfully stroked the arm of the giant ratman, standing more than 30 meters above the ground, a bit of biting sand and wind crossed its old cheeks.

"Make a break... let me, the last first-generation descendant of the Diwenka clan... let me, the servant favored by the god."

"Destroy everything of yours with my own hands."

Kela's turbid eyes revealed a trace of nostalgia, it coughed, and a large amount of black blood oozed out of its mouth and nose.

Even if it has the life power of "mother"... it can't hold on for long.

The life span of the Diwenka rat people is as short as a mayfly, and less than two years is the limit of the tribe.

With the power given by its mother, it lived for a long, long time, but for those humans, it was only one-tenth of its life.

It was so sad.

When all the rat people received the blessing of their mother and became a real civilization, Kela's body weakened for too long and lost the opportunity to evolve.

It recalled its past.

It was a long, long time in its memory...

At that time, it was still an unintelligent beast, hiding in a gloomy underground tunnel with its fellow tribe members, with cruel and murderous humans above and dangerous and poisonous underground creatures below.

"Mother... Thank you for your great power."

The mother's great power destroyed all creatures and turned them into followers. He swallowed the sky, encompassed the earth, and wrapped the world.

Enlightened the last early Diwenka tribe.

Since the birth of the new generation of the Diwenka clan, their destiny is to offer loyalty and sacrifice to their mother and clear all the enemies of their mother.

The border of the world is occupied by those humans. As long as they are killed... the world belongs to the Diwenka clan.

No, it belongs to the Diwenka civilization.


"Oh my God... Oh my God..."

"Nasha... I'm going to lose control..."

Vincent's face was distorted. He grabbed his clothes randomly, and his arms were covered with cracked skin moss.

His chest was emitting a strong light, as if it was going to pierce the darkness of this dark room.

At his chest, a horrifying scene appeared.

It was an eye of the storm...

Vincent's chest disappeared, replaced by an eye of the storm that twisted rapidly like a hole, emitting a scorching light, gradually cracking the host's skin.

"I can't bear it... I can't bear this kind of power now!"

"Nasha! Quick! Quick! It wants to resist me! It wants to control me!!"

Vincent lost his usual calmness, and his somewhat feminine face was extremely ferocious at this moment.

His woman... the woman who had always been by his side.

She was a middle-aged woman in a nun's robe with a pretty face, but she was extremely flustered at this moment. She almost frantically stuffed a large piece of mysterious substance into her lover's chest... that was the "reward" she had always given to Qin Ming.

With the large supply of mysterious substances, Vincent's ferocious expression gradually eased, and his chest quickly recovered under Nasha's "magic".

"Why hasn't she come yet..."

"Why hasn't she come yet."

With Nasha's support, Vincent was full of wind and limped towards the door.

Some broken black chains broke quickly under his drag.

"I'll go find her, damn it, damn it!"

"Why did I fail!"

"It shouldn't be... my method is obviously correct."

Vincent's face twitched, and he shook his head with a headache, trying to drive away some crazy voices.

In his head, a stream of incomprehensible, heavy and unspeakable words were gradually becoming clearer.

"He can't find my anchor point... why?"



Qin Ming stood in the wilderness, fighting with the "voice" in her head, causing her to be extremely exhausted. Even her body in the present world was limp in the patrol car, with her eyes closed and her neck tilted back. It scared Liu Wentao and he almost drove into the wall.

"Ha, it's really too dangerous..."

She has been balancing these two forces, but now she is like a stuntman balancing on a tightrope, with a sea of ​​fire and a mountain of swords under her. If she is not careful, she will either lose her mind and become a monster, or be forced by herself to return to an unknown existence.

Her efforts have been useful. This situation has been speculated a long time ago. Qin Ming is now very experienced in "balance".

With the strength of the body and the strength of the spirit, the joint improvement of the two powers will weaken the influence of the other party.

The girl maintained her body shape, but was shaking abnormally, jumping back and forth between the human appearance and the weird appearance of flesh and blood from time to time.

The white and tender simulated skin, the tentacles with black engraved inscriptions.

"It's so hard to live... I don't want to die yet."

She touched the white and exposed skin without the black fog clothes, and suddenly looked in the direction of Leighton.


Originally, I planned to outlast the idiot who couldn't even control his strength, but I didn't expect that the guy who looked feminine and steady was actually a radical.

The "bright group" is approaching, a lot of bright groups!

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