The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next two days.

"...Why are you stopping me..."

"Damn it, what are you doing!"

William's face was livid. Looking at the defensive line of Reeves's private soldiers, he asked angrily, "I want to see Lord Reeves."

After seeing William's face clearly, the sergeants looked at each other. They also seemed a little at a loss. After three seconds of stunned, they let William go.


"Oh my God...My Lord..."

William looked at Reeves, who was surrounded by servants and doctors, and swallowed his saliva in shock.

Reeves lowered his head at this moment, with large pieces of rupture on his waist and abdomen, blood and some bone fragments were obvious, and the whole person was extremely weak.

"'s William..."


"Do you have anything to report?"

Edward's young face was extremely pale. He stood there at a loss, with only his father's figure in his eyes.

His father...the noble imperial lion.

The pillar of the Cavendish family was now in critical condition.

William shouted anxiously: " Miss Qin?"

"Why...why did you catch her?"

Reeves coughed, looked at William's slightly worried face with some surprise, and suddenly laughed.

"Oh my God..."

"Oh my God..."

"Oh my God..."

"From the beginning to the end, I was the only fool who was kept in the dark."

He coughed up a lot of blood, his face was sluggish, and his pupils were dim.

He looked at William and showed a forced and miserable smile.

"Lowei is right... we are all doomed."

"I am the fool."

"I am sorry for the people and their trust."

"I am sorry for you."

He took a deep breath, raised his body, and continued: "Listen, William."

"The people of Leyden lost their last chance."

"Vincent deceived me... He used up his last strength not long ago."

"There is no more light that covers everything."

"He is a cunning man, he is accumulating strength... He just."

"He just."

"Just one, lost."

"Lost jackal..."

"Like me."

"Save Leyden... Save our people."

"... God doesn't care about us at all..."

"We... are not as good as those mice..."

"Goodbye, my child."

He touched Edward, who was terrified beside him.

"I'm sorry... Angus."

Reeves' eyes were dim, and as his arms drooped, he completely lost his vitality.

His golden hair lost its luster, his eagle-like eyes lost their spirit, his face was pale, his beard was sloppy, and it was no longer the first time Qin Ming saw the "lion".

At the last moment of his life, he still had a desire to take everyone home.

From beginning to end, he just wanted to go home.

Just wanted to go home.

"No, no, no... Father?"


Edward's screams and the servants' panicked cries came out, William's face was confused, he stroked his chest with one hand, bowed slightly, and paid the highest respect to this imperial lion who was on his way to the end.

That was six years ago.

William will never forget the man sitting on a warhorse, wearing a shiny uniform, with a very simple blond hair, and exuding a noble atmosphere.

He sat on the warhorse, holding the helmet in one hand and reaching out to himself with the other hand.

From the moment his life was saved, William secretly made up his mind to be loyal to this kind and ambitious man until he was destroyed.

William was the son of a hunter, he was just a lowly hunter.

Along the way, he witnessed the passing of lives and the death of warriors.

No one complained...

"Our goal is to find the way home."

"Go home! Lead all the people to escape from this damn place!"

"Then let my friend the emperor give us another land, so we don't have to mess around with the Divenka ratmen in this shitty place anymore."

"William, I have a plan!"

"William, report the situation."

The people are willing to die for him.

William stood up, turned around, and left quickly.

"Goodbye, sir..."

"My faith is still firm... The gods have given up on us.


"Then we will regain His approval."




Edward knelt beside a still warm corpse. He was dressed luxuriously but looked ashen.

In his eyes, his father was always that powerful, whether in martial arts or conversation... In everything, he was a natural aristocrat.

Sometimes Edward felt inferior.

He hated that he did not inherit the power of Cavendish blood, and he hated that he was not even as good as an illegitimate child.

When he was in his teens, the world fell into silence, an unknown force enveloped Leiden, and the people fell into suffering.

Father was like a spiritual pillar who turned the tide and became the second belief of the people besides God.

He hated his own incompetence, and he envied Angus, the bastard.

He was afraid of Angus...

Angus was Like a weed, he grew up in hardships and in fire and water. His talent even conquered Priest Vincent.

He was afraid that one day, his father would abandon him and take over that guy.

So he bullied him, he wanted to destroy everything he had...

What Edward thought of as bullying was like a drizzle, and it had no effect on his half-brother.

He was narrow-minded from beginning to end...

Now his father's death suddenly made him lose a sense of protection, and a strong malice came from all directions, as if it was a torrent that was going to drown him.

He was very scared... He shouldn't have lived such a life.

He was afraid of those rats... He was even more afraid of the evil spirit that took away his mother.

"Master... Don't be afraid."

"We swear allegiance to you, and we will protect you until the last moment."

"This is the highest promise we swore to Cavendish. "

"Now please stand up... Don't get close to the body of the Lord..."

The soldiers around him were determined, and they gathered around him like a human wall.

These were the last strength his father gave him...

"Divinka ratmen... Are they coming?"

Edward said tremblingly.

"Yes... My Lord."

"The priest will find a way... Lord Reeves may just be confused for a moment."

"Confused for a moment... That's why he said blasphemous words."

"He is a noble warrior, and the gods will forgive his impoliteness."

The sergeant's eyes showed some confusion.

"Is that so?"


"The rats... are coming."

Red eyes lit up.

"Defend... defend Leiden."

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