The two of them were very close, and the two were very close.

"William... just watch."

"A qualified hunter needs more than just a calm mind."

"The God of Hunting is an ancient and mysterious god."

"Hunter is the first ancient profession for humans to explore the world."

"We are born adventurers, although we are now in a very bad state..."

"Do you know where your gray hair came from?"

"Because we are descendants of the oldest hunting tribe... we are wanderers in the northernmost part."

"Our lost clan and culture are much stronger than those nobles..."

"Praise the lost God of Hunting. (Ancient language)"

The man's drunken words made the boy's eyes widen.

His eyes were full of longing.

Until an extremely fierce female voice came.

"You are a bastard who only knows how to drink. You may not bring back anything good. How could your old man have a useless son like you."

"You are here to make history?"

The drunken man looked away, "Say, what are you talking about! An ignorant woman..."

William's mother was big and strong, and she was a good farmer. She grabbed the man's ear with her rough palm, cursed some useless words, and pulled William's father away from him.

William did not doubt his father's words.

William's grandfather did it...

"The God of Hunting will give His blessing to the craziest and most powerful hunter."

"Hunters are born in the wilderness... and die in the wilderness."

Little William will never forget that day.

Grandpa was covered in blood, and his face was scratched with deep blood marks. His old but still strong body was as steady as steel.

That day, the people in the town saw a strange sight.

An old man walked towards him step by step, carrying a huge beast on his back... Teeth as thick as arms, limbs as thick as tree trunks.

Grandpa died the next day.

He couldn't take me to his hunting lodge...

With the appearance of alienated animals, no one could step into the fertile forest in the distance... The dusty hut also fell into silence with a village.

His father was an alcoholic and only taught William hunting skills.

William did not become a qualified and experienced hunter as he wished, he became a scout captain who lost everything...

Only two eyes blessed by the gods and a strong body were revealed since he was born...


William suddenly opened his shining eyes, his thoughts were extremely clear at this moment, and the world in his eyes seemed to have turned into lines.

All the trajectories, all the dynamics, the wind blowing, the rat people moving, Qin Ming's struggle, some of the evil spirits that were still alive...

His eyes began to show a trace of deathly gray.

William took a deep breath and immediately stood up.

After confirming it, he locked onto a tiny dot that exuded a strong smell...

That was the direction of the rat mother, and that was the direction where Kela showed her body.

That was the direction to break the situation, the direction to help Qin Ming get out of trouble.

He pulled out a spear that was tightly inserted into the human corpses around him, and then quickly lowered his head to avoid several winds that attacked any creature indiscriminately.

"Kela... It's called Kela..."

"Not only will I bite off your ears..."

"I also want you to be buried with the people of Leiden..."

"You, damn, tyrannical, selfish beast!"

William exerted force on his legs and feet, and jumped quickly on one foot. His dusty cheeks were extremely focused, and only a pair of sharp eyes were shaking rapidly.

He dodged the tentacles derived from the evil spirits beside him, stepped on the head of the Diwenka ratman, and moved towards the extremely huge body of the rat mother at an extremely fast speed.

Kela was in a low mood at the moment, and his life was at its weakest.

He was very sad.

He had seen the rise of the Divenka clan...

All the ratmen were his children, and every meaningless death crushed the heart of this loving father like a heavy hammer.

He had planned to be the first to be buried with them...

"Humans are all fools..."

"Stealing the power of the gods brought irresistible revenge."

"This angry fire of karma also burned my children..."

"As long as there are children alive, everything will be there."

"The merciful mother will accept us."

Kela smiled slightly, and a sincere smile appeared on his old face.

A sound of breaking through the air broke the silence, and at the same time

At the same time, there were also the worried screams of the rats.

Kela's face choked. It didn't know what happened. The loss of vision and the danger of life had made it lose its sense.


A large mouthful of blood mixed with organ fragments spurted out violently. Kela's breath choked, and his two outstretched arms trembled and touched his chest.

It was a cold piercing object...

"Cough cough..."

Just two seconds ago.

William broke through the defense line of the remaining rats, his gray hair fluttering, and his face finally stained with a hint of hideousness.

His footsteps were fierce, and the extremely powerful force even shattered the ground.

Time seemed to slow down...

In William's eyes...

He exerted force with his arms, using his body inertia and his own physique, aiming at the small black dot.

The slowed howling of the Divinka rats around him, the windy whistling sound.

William's bright eyes were stained with a hint of dull gray, and his vision was quickly lost. The consequences of using abilities at all costs can sometimes be heavy... but sometimes they are extremely effective.

"Without arms... I can still shoot arrows."

"Without eyes... I am still a hunter."


The spear was stained with a hint of light, breaking through the air, like a stream of light that pierced through the darkness, and fiercely sank into Kela's chest and pierced its heart.

William's gray eyes were stained with a smile, and his vision was blurred to the extreme...

Suddenly, his face choked.

"Great father, kill you! Damn pig! Damn pig! (Diwenka language)"

It was a heart-wrenching wail.

William looked at the large torn wound in his abdomen, and a spear used by humans fiercely pierced his abdomen.


William coughed up a mouthful of blood, turned his head suddenly, and immediately met the sight of a somewhat blurry ratman.

The ratman guard was full of hatred, and his red eyes revealed a monstrous sadness. Most of its limbs were broken by the building materials, but it was still standing behind William at this moment.

William coughed up a mouthful of blood, broke the long spear at the waist and abdomen amid the screams of the ratman guard, and stabbed it into its head.

Blood spurted... The ratman guard screamed, and slowly lost his life. Only a large amount of tears made William fall into a trance.

"Can ratmen be sad?"

His eyes, which were about to go blind, suddenly lit up and looked at the black box on the ratman's waist...

"You are here..."

William took off the small black box tremblingly and collapsed on the ground powerlessly.

The howling of the extremely angry ratmen around, the evil spirits surrounding them...

"Look... I hunted down their king..."

"I killed the king of the Diwenka ratmen..."

William hugged the box in his hand tightly, let out a breath, and leaned against the broken wall of a house with a depressed look.

"My faith is still firm."

"The gods seemed to look at me... Maybe it's an illusion..."

William looked at the suddenly swollen wind, at the moment when the Diwenka ratmen and evil spirits were blown away in front of him.

The rat mother's huge palm slightly opened...

A black figure gradually expanded.

"Send, send you here..."

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