The old man was so angry that he was about to die.


Gu Junjie's voice suddenly appeared in Qin Yue's mind.

She looked at Tang Shiya who was walking in front of her, slowed down her pace and "responded": "What's wrong?"

"Your child, your family is flying, flying."

"Uh, I mean, they have grown wings."

Qin Yue immediately connected with the families scattered in various places in the southern area, and found an interesting phenomenon.

Some families seem to have gained new biological powers because of the power extracted from the mother body.

The black twisted monster, the hard black bone armor wrapped the soft flesh, the huge and hideous eyeballs, the hideous mouthparts hidden under various parts, and the slender claws that are conducive to flying attacks.

There is also a pair of wings full of feathers...

The little guys faltered and flapped their wings, learned from their failures, and finally floated up with the help of these wings like sharp blades.

"It's a good thing... The training project of the aerial clan can also begin."

Qin Yue disconnected the link with some warmth. Seeing the growth of the clan made her, the main mother, feel very happy. Although she always wanted to eat a few to taste the taste, Qin Yue was not one of those stupid guys after all.

"Have you received the indicators?"

"The General Administration of the Jiuan Measures Bureau sent the indicators for tonight's press conference."

"Look at your backstage."

Tang Shiya's voice sounded.

Qin Yue turned on his mobile phone and carefully observed the message sent by the General Administration.

The evening public meeting will be held at 20:00 standard time. At that time, it will be broadcast live simultaneously in the five districts of southeast, northwest, and central. No social people were invited, but there will be an open-air podium, which means that anyone who is interested can listen to this meeting on the spot.

The Jiuan City Government, the Jiuan Public Security Bureau, the Jiuan Military Group, the Jiuan New Network Company, and the most important Jiuan Special Measures Bureau will announce some information about the disaster tonight.

"In order to prevent riots and unrest and other phenomena that endanger the safety of municipal workers, the operators who are now in the central area and can move can voluntarily go to accept patrol arrangements."

"There is compensation, thank you for your hard work... These municipal workers are still very important, because people in various districts have a tendency to move closer to the central area, and there may be sudden changes."

"We must pay attention to this turmoil, be tolerant of ordinary people, and try to appease them."

"Note: If there are people who hurt operators, instigate riots, take advantage of the fire to rob and humiliate the weak, the operators can take non-lethal measures."

Qin Yue turned off the phone and nodded to Shi Ya.

"I'm free anyway, so I might as well go and take a look. I'm also curious about how the Measures Bureau explains the concept of weirdness to the public."

"The current power is not stable, and the number and strength of extraordinary operators are still relatively weak. The current situation is basically forced to do something."

Tang Shiya responded: "It makes sense, or it's because of the uncertainty of weirdness..."

"This is the largest-scale weirdness I've ever seen."

Shiya suddenly approached Qin Yue and carefully looked at the girl's beautiful and calm face.

"You don't look like a girl at all! You're just a battle maniac."

"That's tens of thousands of weirdness... Just seeing it makes people creepy, and you actually rushed in..."

"The feeling of being surrounded is terrible."

Qin Yue recalled that she was hit by the "crushing" feature and had a comminuted fracture all over her body, and even "died" once because of it.

So the girl immediately put on a pitiful look, pursed her lips lightly, and curled up with her hands clasped together.

"It's scary. I almost died of fright."

Some ethereal voices with a slight tremor gently poured into Tang Shiya's ears, directly hitting her potential attribute of "kindness".

Shiya stretched out her arm and rubbed Qin Yue's head.

"Do you know how scary it is? Huhu! Don't go there next time."

Qin Yue still looked pitiful, but if you look closely, you will find that her eyes are not afraid at all, and there is a faint smile in her dark and deep pupils.



"You are laughing! You are laughing!"

"You are a heartless, black-bellied bad woman! Take my move!!"

"Huh! Don't touch me!"

Playful sounds rang out...

It's ironic...

Since becoming a superhuman, almost every superhuman has gradually discovered that they are not familiar with the sadness between ordinary people.

The pain and suffering are becoming more and more dull and desensitized. They are losing empathy and preparing for better evolution...except for a few determined people.

Extraordinary humans and ordinary humans are becoming two groups...


"Please, please save me!!"

"I don't want to die! Save me!!"

Li Shijie is wearing a type II combat protective suit. The black uniform is full of oppression, and the dark observation window exudes a suffocating sense of oppression.

Li Shijie pushed a young man away and turned to screen out the vulnerable groups among the isolated people.

"You are useless even if I give you a chance. If you want to live, go and fight for it yourself."

"Do you really think I am your savior?"

"Come, listen to my command. I only treat people over 55 years old and under 12 years old, regardless of gender."

"For the rest of the polluters, I advise you to hurry up. The pollution will gradually spread to the whole body. If you want to live, follow these operators to deal with it chronically."

The huge isolation room is full of strange people. Some people have grown deformed wings, and some have grown a few twisted bird feet... Everywhere is a combination of absurdity and weirdness. The netherworld is twisted like a picture of hell. Under social pressure, the reports here have never stopped. Almost the entire Jiuan New Network is concerned about these polluted people.

It is impossible to conceal it. It is not only a matter of influence, but also the Jiuan government has a hand in it...

"Why! You can save us! You just need to touch the child to cure him! This is unfair!!"

"Yes! We need rescue! You come and cure him! You come and cure him!"

"What a bullshit collective treatment, I think you want to give up on us, take us victims out and shoot us."

People do lose control of their emotions when facing death. The desire for life and the fear of phenomena comparable to alienation are all weights on their spirits.

This situation is understandable. After all, no one wants to give up the opportunity to live.

Li Shijie's power must be pushed to the forefront, giving the people an expectation and giving the Jiuan government an uncompromising attitude.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's not how you ask for help."

"I'm a doctor, I'll save whoever I say. See your position clearly."

"Submit to the collective arrangement!"

"Line up in three seconds, I'll pick the wounded at the front."

"Of course, you're not qualified to ask for my help."

Li Shijie sneered, and after a brief silence, people rushed to the planned location of the queue like crazy.

No one can morally kidnap Li Shijie, not because of his indifferent attitude, but because of his price...

But children... children are the last foundation of civilization...

"Blue needles really shouldn't be used in these places... It seems that Shengping's centralized system has great advantages."

"But that kind of life will never be as free as Jiu'an..."

Li Shijie sighed.

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