The mirror image of Wang Yin and the customer was very vivid when they first appeared, and their words, actions and gestures were out of tune with the rigid and mechanical behavior afterwards.

And now the replicas that suddenly appeared are most likely the same product...

Ma Qiang captured the spirits of the people who had touched the reflective surface in the restaurant and forged an identical mirror scene. People did not realize that they were affected by this strange power. They ate and drank as they should, but indirectly provided some sensibility for the "customers" and "Wang Yin" in Qin Ming's eyes.

"This guy is more terrifying than Ma Qiang."

Qin Ming thought. "Its power is to imitate everything about its victims, from movements to sounds to emotions, replacing the creatures in the world bit by bit."

Qin Ming suddenly got goosebumps, recalling the "Liu Zi" and other replicas of the victims who communicated without any obstacles.

These guys are essentially mirror monsters in human skin.

"Oh my god..."

If this guy quietly replaces, it can be a child's father, a senior government official, a chef, or even a dog or a cat...

"The source of its triggering rules is the expression of real emotions. This thing is a master of imitation in the literal sense."

At this moment, there are only 12 people left in various places, standing in panic and despair, not even daring to move, for fear that they will be the next to die tragically.

It took nearly three minutes, and an obscure and hoarse sound like sawing wood came into everyone's ears.

"... Want to live? If you want to live, kill her?"

"As long as you can kill her, I, I, I will let you go..."

This obscure voice laughed strangely like a newborn baby.

"Let you go, let you go... Hehe."

Qin Ming narrowed her eyes, and her dark and deep eyes revealed a dangerous meaning. She looked at the light that appeared beside her like a searchlight with an indifferent expression, feeling the gazes full of desire for survival, like looking at prey.

"You, you? Time is running out. During this period, I, won't kill you?"

The strange mixed voice of men and women came again, until the first person moved his steps, the desperate crowd seemed to grab the absurd life-saving straw, and slowly approached the seemingly fragile and easy-to-pull beautiful girl in the distance.

"I will remember this grudge."

Qin Ming thought silently, and glanced at Gu Junjie who was at a loss and caught in an ideological struggle.

"Whether he lives or dies, I think this guy knows it himself..."

Qin Ming kicked him hard, threw him a smartphone and a small package in a very obscure way, and turned around and ran towards a complicated alley in the assimilation zone.

Gu Junjie got up and looked at the smartphone the girl threw to him. The first sentence in the memo was: "Believe me, don't panic, don't make any noise..." The last sentence was: "Either you have a chance to die here, or you die miserably here."

He quickly read it, his mouth twitching slightly. Facing such an outrageous supernatural phenomenon, he could still maintain a certain rationality at this moment, which was enough to prove that this middle-aged mustache was not an ordinary person.

Gu Junjie swallowed his saliva, opened the sealed package in his hand, and revealed a thing he had never seen before...

After discovering that the conditions would not be triggered, the crowd shrouded in fear rushed to the alley frantically, and pairs of eyes eager to survive quickly swept every corner.

"Its goal is to assimilate me... just like my body. We have to find a way to lure him out."

Qin Ming leaned against the wall, thinking quickly about countermeasures.

"This method is too extreme, I might die..."

She took a breath, rubbed her fair and clean pretty face, and took a deep breath.

Considering the worst possibility, Qin Ming finally tried to contact the body on standby in the other world, and stiffly moved his twisted arms.

"Gu Junjie? I hope you are a smart man, otherwise... you will die miserably."

Qin Ming looked at the stiff-faced and brisk-stepping mustache in the crowd who were getting closer and closer.

"Jiuan Superman, kill the mutant!"

A crisp and tender girl's voice suddenly echoed, and Qin Ming tried his best to show a sunny and gentle smile, and instantly appeared in the sight of the crowd.


After a touch of weird and illusory color, a beautiful puppet-like

The girl's dark eyes stared at Qin Ming's eyes.

"Jiuan Chao..."

"Super nm!"

Qin Ming suppressed his tyrannical strength, kicked the delicate girl in front of him, and slowly raised the hand cannon in his hand.

Qin Ming's eyes showed a hint of madness while resisting the pain in his abdomen, and his delicate and beautiful face was covered with a touch of enchanting color.


With a loud bang, the girl's brain and blood splashed all over the wall, and her body was pushed by the powerful impact force, and she collapsed sideways.

The crazy crowd around felt their breath choked, and a feeling of luck and fear surged wildly in their hearts, and they all laughed as if relieved.

Gu Junjie tried his best to restrain his fear, and his stiff face was filled with shock.

"This is simply a lunatic!"

He felt a trace of despair in his heart. He didn't expect that the "good method" of this beautiful girl was such a powerful and gorgeous suicide show?

I was such a fool that I actually believed her lies. A monster would appear next to her.



"You lied to us!"

Except for Gu Junjie who was standing alone, the others who suddenly appeared in front of me all showed strange smiles.

"Hehe? Of course I will let you go..."

The childlike laughter was extremely creepy at this moment...

I will indeed let people go... but not them.

The broken flesh exploded one after another, and even eyeballs could be seen flying in the bursting flesh. The visual impact and mental blow finally broke Gu Junjie's defense. He showed a desperate expression of death and completely opened his "heart".

"I'm done!"

An identical figure appeared in front of Gu Junjie, and his mind went blank...

"You only have one chance to survive... Throw this at him!"

The girl's still stiff face twisted mechanically, as if she was out of tune with the "new humans" who were talking around her.

An incomprehensible creature came late, slowly crawling out of the shiny surface of a trash can.

Its huge body, as illusory as a crystal, crept madly towards Qin Ming's fallen body, and Ma Qiang smiled sinisterly with a twisted face...

A slender arm decorated like a mirror picked up the silent body of the girl and slowly sent it to a cracked bloody mouth.

"Fuck your mother!"

Gu Junjie moved, and he threw the unknown object in his hand fiercely, accurately throwing it into the mouth of the mirror nightmare.

With the crisp sound of the safety popping out, a light blue smoke burst out instantly.


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