The raindrops fell like a tangled mess.

Qin Ming felt the coolness and slowly exhaled.

Its figure was getting closer and closer to humans. Somehow, Qin Ming discovered that this strange body was really catering to his "humanity" rapidly, not transformation, but imitation. The claw-like black arms already had the prototype of human arms, and the body gradually shrank, already close to the height and body of humans, but more like the body of human women. The skeleton was slightly petite.

It was like a human, unconsciously imitating.

As his strength gradually recovered, Qin Ming's vision gradually improved. The night that was originally pitch dark now became clearer and brighter like a night-vision animal, and the sound of raindrops became more subtle, thunder in the distance, and some high-frequency roars that made people tremble and ache. Qin Ming found that all his five senses were enhanced.

"It's incredible..." He muttered to himself, looking at the blackened slender arms, feeling the sound gradually approaching the frequency of human vocal cords.

This supernatural phenomenon happened, but Qin Ming seemed to be mentally prepared at the subconscious level. What he paid more attention to was that a long-standing sense of being restrained faded away.

He seemed to feel that the strange feeling in his mind had weakened in the past six years, and the instinct conveyed by the body told him that the flesh and blood tissues that he had swallowed seemed to contain some mysterious power, which was closely related to it. The more he swallowed, the stronger the body would be. The sense of restraint in the brain would be further weakened, and perhaps one day he would completely get rid of that "voice".

Qin Ming was very surprised to find that he was actually afraid. That feeling that had disappeared for many years made him regain the feeling of being a human being.

The reason why he was persuaded to leave the Explorer Corps during those years and returned to Jiu'an to be a security guard was because he was too perfect, too perfect. Perfection is scary.

Qin Ming retracted his thoughts, opened his eyes, and looked around. First, confirm where he was.

Bloody and fleshy hyphae crawled all over the place where he was born, and there were piles of animal corpses wrapped and digested by hyphae around him?

After confirming that the bloody and fleshy hyphae were harmless, Qin Ming closed his sense of smell with a little disdain. This innate ability seemed to be very useful. After approaching the corpse, the rotten and dilapidated smell was as nauseating as a corpse explosion.


Qin Ming looked at the corpse in front of him with some doubts. It was a huge rat like an upright creature. The gray hair that was rotten and shed looked very sparse, and the rat's head looked very weird.

Too human. Qin Ming thought so. The mouse's face was already severely rotten, but Qin Ming could see a hint of fanatical smile. Its scarlet eyes were now cloudy and gray.

"Is it kneeling?"

Qin Ming only noticed at this moment that the huge mouse body hidden under the colony was kneeling.

Did it die in an instant? Or... Qin Ming thought of the powerlessness he had felt before being controlled.

Qin Ming checked all the corpses and hyphae around him. They were all this kind of gray-skinned mouse. Because of their human-like behavior and structure, they were called rats.

The body seemed to be uninterested in these dead things. Qin Ming's rare bad taste was at work, thinking that his body needed this kind of flesh and blood.

After a complete inspection of the place wrapped in hyphae, Qin Ming found that it seemed like the altar recorded in classical history.

The rats' worship, the unknown strange utensils meant sacrificial props.

"Is there really a supernatural being?" Qin Ming thought silently. "At least it's an incomprehensible biological concept..."

Related to his own experience, strange resurgence, and creatures he had never seen before.

"The moment I was involved in this existence, I might have no way back." Qin Ming narrowed his eyes, and a crazy idea quietly took root in his heart...

Qin Ming felt the surging power of his body, and after jumping on the spot, he easily exceeded 4 meters.

He punched hard, and his fist rushed out slowly in his field of vision. The raindrops seemed to be shattered by the punch as if they were slowed down ten times, turning into scattered water splashes that slowly scattered.

When he punched out, Qin Ming's enhanced five senses seemed to feel that the punch had amazing power, which was a feeling beyond the thousand-jin level. This punch could easily kill a cow.

What shocked him even more was that his thinking accelerated. This kind of super-speed sensing of nerves... No, perhaps it doesn't involve ordinary biology at all.

In the biological world, perhaps only dynamic vision can explain this phenomenon.

"What a terrifying ability." Qin Ming murmured. "It's simply a perfect creature..."

It's time to explore the outside. Qin Ming looked at the surroundings wrapped in flesh and blood mycelium. At first, it was born from this flesh and blood altar, and it had obtained some information, but the outside of this altar was still unknown. Moreover, he seemed to feel the taste of "food".

Picked up a slightly rotten wooden long stick from a moldy ratman. Qin Ming cut through the fragile mycelium bit by bit.

Opened a hole as high as a person, threw away the cracked long stick, and for safety reasons, he did not go out rashly.

Because he saw the dilapidated and simple residence in the distance with his keen five senses, rising from the ground, densely covered, and towering amazing trees. In the rainy night without light, it sent out dangerous signals crazily.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Ming closed his eyes and explored the things in the outside world with the extraordinary perception of his body.

Qin Ming's perception was filled with a black and blurry space, and a bunch of dark red colors of different sizes appeared in front of him. Some of them were extremely bright and flashing, and instinctively represented dangerous "food", while the lighter colors represented safe "food". The strong desire to eat in the body influenced Qin Ming's calm mind, and subtly modified Qin Ming's common sense as a human being.

"It's really full of dangers..." Qin Ming opened his eyes, and after seeing several very abstract bright balls, he got goose bumps.

The relationship between hunters and prey is two-way. The prey you think may have sharper teeth, and the weapons you have always believed in may not be the peerless Bible that has changed every time like adults.

Qin Ming hid his breath and quietly sneaked into the dangerous water like a crocodile in hunting mode.

It slowly approached the nearest "prey" that was judged to be safe.

The top priority is to follow instincts, become stronger, and then conduct further investigations. Before that, be cautious.

This hard-won opportunity, this opportunity to step into the extraordinary, may only come once...

Qin Ming felt the irresistible pleasure after his body approached the "food", just like adrenaline made him clearer, and he almost suppressed his sense of existence to the extreme.

Approaching the nearest prey little by little, he sneaked into the dark forest, feeling the tiny sounds from the prey.

A pair of human eyes were obscurely covered with a strange red, and he became more sober.

"I am Qin Ming, I will live." Qin Ming thought.

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