The rat demon sent out a signal of courtship, and its huge body frantically pounced on the jumping girl, crushing a large area of ​​houses. Qin Ming had no way out. If she wanted to kill this guy, she could only do it in this cleared area. Although she didn't care about the lives of the people here, there was no need to watch them die. These human beliefs made Qin Ming respect them from the bottom of his heart. Seeing that the attack was ineffective, the rat demon's trembling body split into large pieces of thick black bone spurs, and a dangerous breath came from the black spurs. Thousands of black thorns were fired at the same time, piercing the petite Qin Ming like a rainstorm, and the scene was once noisy and deafening. The sound of shattering. Black thorns that broke through the speed of sound pierced into the ground like cannonballs, shaking up large pieces of broken slag.

Qin Ming was unable to dodge, and faced with the sudden black thorns that attacked him, he was nailed to the ground like a hornet's nest.

Large pieces of flesh and blood flew everywhere, and a trace of indifference could still be seen on the girl's cracked cheeks, and her whole body was pierced with black thorns as thick as her arms.

"It hurts..."

Her body gradually disintegrated, turning into a mass of dark black strange flesh and blood like a stream, and the dense and san tentacles pulled out the black thorns that were deeply embedded in the flesh and blood one by one, until the whole body was completely out of control, and a distorted human face slowly emerged.

"I have never seen a new power... with a tendency to pollute."

Qin Ming felt the mysterious curse power in his body that was as harmless as drizzle, and showed a dangerous smile.

Her body released a lot of black smoke crazily, and the thick and ominous expanding black fog quickly enveloped the severely damaged area.

Qin Ming no longer maintained his human appearance, and completely transformed into an incomprehensible existence.

It was a dark figure, with a soft and classical black luster covering her body, thousands of soft and silky rune tentacles forming her legs, and a pair of slender and weak black and red arms connecting an incomprehensible body.

The Rat Demon completely lost his perception, and fell into the desperate darkness with the black fog.

First, a huge arm and its origin were quickly torn apart, and then the legs...

The Rat Demon howled in pain, but found that his wounds could not be healed again. At this moment, he no longer dared to force the behavior of "communication" with the noble female, and it burst out the power of his whole body.

The sharp black thorns stabbed frantically at the environment from all directions, trying to use this destructive power to slow down Qin Ming's hunting.

Qin Ming's weird body was full of tiny black thorns. With his body bursting and broken, he happily tore off the skin on the back of the rat demon and pulled out its dark, disgusting and hideous spine. This giant monster really had a skeleton to support its body.

The rat demon fell to the ground as if paralyzed. No matter how much he tried to stimulate his own healing power, it was useless. He could only be teased by the butcher like a slaughtered animal.

Qin Ming's body was once again immersed in the black fog. This time... it was his death.

Accompanied by the indescribable noble existence, it instantly crawled towards the limp head of the rat demon. Tens of thousands of tentacles pierced into the wide-open eyes like an electric drill and pierced deeply into its head.

Qin Ming felt the great satisfaction in his body and increased the supply of pure and extraordinary energy in the world.

The rat demon was like a deflated balloon, visibly declining. No matter how the remaining arm slapped Qin Ming on the head, it was still useless.

Qin Ming's smashed body often recovered in an instant, tightly attached to the rat demon's head, and brutally smashed its skull to facilitate better eating.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

The rat demon screamed miserably, its vitality became weaker and weaker, and the feeling of weakness became more and more serious as its arms broke apart. As Qin Ming gradually pulled out his tentacles and restored his twisted appearance, it was thrown away like a garbage bag of spicy strips that had been eaten. It quickly decomposed into a pile of broken meat residue.

"Stay rational... Qin Ming."

The girl slapped herself hard, and then she regained her rationality from her intoxicated and flushed look.


She murmured, trembling to suppress the violent power in her body, and retracted the unlimited expansion of the black mist.

She took a deep breath, slowly stood up and looked around.

The broken houses and the ground were covered with splattered rotten flesh, and a large number of recognizable humans and rotting Divinka ratmen slowly emerged from the corpses of the rat demons.

Their flesh and blood mixed together, piled up in this area like garbage, attracting a large number of carrion flies and insects to bite like moths to a flame.

"We don't want to rot in this land like these rats... really

I don't want to."

William's drunken words sounded particularly sad at this moment...

The tense battle situation at the city gate changed a little.

The tall ratman's face choked, his body quickly disintegrated and decayed, his red eyes full of unwillingness, he knelt down tremblingly and raised his arms.

"Mother! May you accept your child..."

Its skin quickly decayed, and a lot of black blood gushed out of the deep and exposed wounds. Finally... it exploded into pieces like a corpse explosion.

This is the price it paid for linking to the rat demon...

The surrounding Divinka ratmen stopped their crazy attacks and knelt down to the corrupted tall ratmen like pilgrims, ignoring the surrounding humans who were pursuing and killing them...

Since then.

The Divinka troops

were completely wiped out.

Reeves panted heavily, looking at the city in confusion and excitement, thinking that the church's dog stuff had finally taken action, so he threw down the two-handed sword in his hand and sat silently on the old city wall. They were like this city wall, and they were also at the end of their strength.

If the soldiers hadn't eaten a few full meals, they wouldn't even be able to survive this attack.

Reeves looked at the rotten and disgusting corpses under the city, and a bunch of dancing and weird crawling all over the place where refugees lived in the past...

A linked to Lowe's head The strangeness shook its twisted body and slowly crawled on the pile of corpses.

"My uncle, you are a warrior..."

He coughed and looked at the devastated city wall. The bones of a large number of soldiers were randomly mixed with the bodies of Diwenka ratmen. Until the moment of death, the weapons were still not separated from the arms.

The surviving warriors sat there in confusion, holding the blood-stained weapons in their hands, watching quietly...

The weather was still so bad, but people had a little more pain.

William endured the severe pain in his arm and tried his best to organize people to collect the bodies of the dead and wounded. The bodies of these victims were likely to become strange pregnancy beds and needed to be handled in a centralized manner.

He vomited some more vomit, and then he felt that his chaotic head was much better...

He looked in the direction of the rat demon, and his trembling and shining eyes were full of shock and fear.

Because he saw something... something he shouldn't see...

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