The wine shop...

The glaring neon lights were flashing, the strong and pungent smell of alcohol and tobacco mixed together, and the chess and card tables were surrounded by idle men who were spending the winter.

Qin Yue sniffed and frowned as she walked into the wine shop recommended by Gu Junjie... the wine shop belonging to Gu Junjie's explorer group.

"Urban Night Bar"

The harsh music and the dancing crowds of all kinds made Qin Ming's impression of this weird and third-rate club worse.

The girl was wearing a thick and tight black windbreaker. Her clean and tidy clothes and demeanor were out of tune with these crazy people. She quickly attracted a lot of aggressive eyes like a pure girl who had not experienced much of the world.

Qin Yue pulled the zipper on her neck, hiding her small nose under the high collar, and looked around in Gu Junjie's direction with a pair of dark eyes.

"Beauty? Alone? Do you want a drink? I'll buy you."

The first "warrior" came up politely. His ostentatious hairstyle and wasteland punk-style clothes made him look like a spirited young man from the previous era. His forced gentlemanly words and clothes made him look like a fool in monkey skin, neither human nor human.

Seeing that the girl didn't speak and just looked for someone by herself, the young warrior heard the wanton laughter of his companions behind him.

He was a little annoyed and grabbed Qin Yue's shoulder...

"Fuck you!"

A sudden male voice came, and the man was instantly knocked away by an almost inhuman force, hitting the laughing crowd like a ball.

The noisy and crisp shattering sound attracted a lot of onlookers, but after seeing who was coming, everyone withdrew their curious eyes, and the whole bar returned to normal after a moment of silence.

"Who the hell!"

The young man covered his aching waist and staggered to his feet. The blood slowly flowing from his head blurred his eyes and flushed his cheeks...

"I'll kill you..."

A big foot wearing leather shoes stepped hard on his hand, and the sound of bones breaking and his screams resounded throughout the bar. The customers were still laughing and playing their own games, ignoring the commotion here.

"Brother Gu..."

The trembling voice of his friend suddenly made the young man in pain choke. He endured the pain, put on a smile that was uglier than crying, and turned around.

At this glance...

It was Gu Junjie's signature mustache and long ponytail. His cynical face now showed an extremely arrogant expression that deserved a beating.

"It's rude to touch me... Get out of here!"

"Silly boy! Go!"

The young man only noticed the first part of the sentence, but didn't hear Gu Junjie's last very small voice.

He only knew that he had offended this ruthless man in the Jiu'an Explorer World, and it was a good thing that the other party could let him go.

After nodding and bowing, the young man quickly slipped away...

Gu Junjie breathed a sigh of relief, adjusted his clothes, and then slowly approached the quiet girl standing quietly beside him.

The obscure sights around him instantly decreased. This beautiful girl who suddenly appeared had been included in the category of "not being able to communicate".

It seems that he is still Gu Junjie's friend, not that kind of relationship...

Gu Junjie?

This very unusual store is half owned by someone else... This guy is also one of the hands-off shopkeepers behind the scenes...

"The child is ignorant and is just playing around. Don't mind your generosity."

"It's not convenient to talk here, boss, come in and talk."

Gu Junjie laughed, and his humble look made the strong man drinking next to him spit out a mouthful of wine...


"What would you like to drink?"

Qin Yue sat on the soft leather sofa, feeling the rare smell of freshener, and looked around this private room.

Under the orange-yellow light is a luxurious independent room with a rustic aesthetic. If you have to say it, it gives people the feeling of a private room in a food stall restaurant, which is very strange... But it can also be regarded as a pioneer in wasteland reconstruction...

"Get to the point quickly... Let me see your hands."

Qin Yue urged.

Gu Junjie coughed, pulled up his sleeves with a serious expression, and revealed a strange arm.

His arm was scary now, the flesh and blood on his forearm was slightly rotten, and in these rotten flesh and blood, some remaining crystal fragments could be seen. Those tiny fragments grew on Gu Junjie's arm like biomass.

"Buddha bless me, I won't become that kind of guy."

Gu Junjie's tone was a little

Urgent, he was fascinated by this magical power. At first, he was very comfortable when using it, and there was a sense of pleasure of expansion.

But as the power was constantly used, some sequelae suddenly appeared.

The power given by Qin Yue was very powerful, which greatly improved his overall strength, but Gu Junjie always felt that his use of power became more and more obscure.

"This is the price... Extraordinary power must have a price. No matter what system you are in."

Qin Yue carefully examined his wounds and gently stroked the crystal fragments on his forearm.

When he first met Ma Qiang, he also looked "rotten" and "terminally ill". This power was grafted onto Gu Junjie after the strange pollution characteristics faded.

Qin Yue turned on the extraordinary perception and carefully observed Gu Junjie's body.

His body is now very complicated...

A dark energy is his high-purity strange power, and there is a storm eye anchor marked by Qin Yue. There are also some dark red pollution conditions mixed between these lights... This has only been seen on the strange body.

"You are turning into a monster?!"

The girl said in surprise, she saw the essence of these substances clearly.

Gu Junjie was in the early stage of turning into a "mirror nightmare", and the current phenomenon seemed to be very similar to his own loss of control.

"Ah! What do you mean?"

Gu Junjie swallowed his saliva, and his smiling cheeks could no longer hold back, revealing a deep worry.

"You are going to turn into that kind of mirror monster..."


After learning about Qin Yue's ruthless and direct remarks, Gu Junjie suddenly froze, his brain seemed to freeze, and the whole person fell into deep silence.

"Can it be cured? Will I die..."

Qin Yue carefully recalled the memories of his out-of-control period.

During his out-of-control period, Sheng Pingren's purification element helped him, but this terrifying power was too strong. If Gu Junjie was exposed to it now, he would probably suffer extremely serious damage.

After all, according to Liu Wentao's explanation, the purification element does not distinguish between friend and foe, and only targets all extraordinary phenomena.

Swallowing high-purity and clean extraordinary energy... This is only suitable for special beings like Qin Yue. This is just to strengthen the "eye of the storm" in the human category to achieve the balance of the two bodies.

"In the final analysis, it is just contaminated."

Qin Yue narrowed his eyes and looked at Gu Junjie who was a little nervous.

He is a very reliable and loyal (physical) partner, and he can't stop here.

"Extraordinary people will be contaminated in some tasks... They need to be purified by the organization..."

Liu Wentao's words awakened Qin Yue who was lost in thought.

"There is a way... How long can you hold on? I can help you contact Shengping people."

"Don't worry, I will help you."

Gu Junjie was happy. After hearing the words of this female boss who said what she meant, he finally put down his heart. Then he smiled and said: "The ancestors said that you should worry about the world first... My situation is not too serious. I should be able to hold on for a month... On the premise of using less ability."

"I used the wrong words. I am very disappointed!"

"Ah! Sorry! I was wrong!"

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