After the death of the deceased, the deceased was buried in the ground.

Qin Ming let out a long breath, and the girl's soft breath echoed throughout the bathroom.

After returning to her house, Qin Ming immediately planned to clean her bloodstained body. As for the gray den she found, she cleverly used the dead man's mobile phone to send an anonymous text message to the Jiu'an Public Security Bureau, pretending to be an internal cleansing to confuse the public security officers.

Qin Ming rubbed his wet black hair and wiped the foggy bathroom mirror. A beautiful girl in the haze appeared vaguely in front of her, with a hint of pink on her fair skin. The bath towel wrapped around her lovely body showed her soft and beautiful curves, and a pair of straight legs that looked like a sculpture were slightly closed.

Her beautiful eyes withdrew a trace of comfortable blur, and then stretched her waist to relax her tense muscles.

After wiping her slightly messy black hair, Qin Ming walked out of the bathroom wearing ill-fitting gray slippers.

A wisp of cool wind blew over her body, causing the bathing girl in front of her to shiver, and her slightly red nose moved slightly.

Qin Ming felt the strange freshness in her lower body, and her beautiful cheeks twitched slightly.

"I'm really not used to it." Qin Ming rubbed his eyebrows and clumsily put on a soft and comfortable gray long-sleeved shirt on his naked body. The slightly wide corners of the clothes still covered her thighs.

Looking at the slightly barren chest still supporting a piece of softness, Qin Ming scratched his head awkwardly, secretly put on his slightly tight boxer shorts, and sat down on the soft sofa without any image. Qin Ming turned on the radio.

Listening to the pop songs six years ago, she fell into thought.

First of all, the identity of Qin Ming, the security guard, is likely to be unusable, which is not good for him, especially with the birth of this situation, he needs more intelligence.

Before becoming a security guard, he was an official hired explorer. He spent some time outside Jiu'an City and made a lot of money. Cigarettes, electronic products, canned food, medical supplies, and a lot of opportunities to make a fortune are all in risky places. During that period, he bought a house that was extremely cheap due to the scarcity of population in full, and got into the security bureau with a beautiful resume and a little bribery, and quickly became a good teammate that all colleagues wanted to work with.

Fortunately, there are few people living in this five-story building, and there is no need to move out. The identity position registered with the security guard is almost all forged, after all, it was also entered by dishonest means.

People seem to be more keen on newly built bungalows. In this era, there is no shortage of land resources. Only people like her who don't like to engage in useless negotiations will live in such a place. Qin Ming looked at the dim light outside the window and slowly closed his eyes.

Residential status is a problem now, but as long as you can pay enough money, there are ways to solve it in the underground black market, but it's too troublesome. You also need clothes that fit you, so you can go to the new market.

No, maybe there is another solution... Qin Ming looked at the black misty substance coming out of his hand, and a guess came to his mind. This substance is different from the body fluid attack of the meat mountain. The working principle is to deceive the mind. If it acts on the outside and is controlled, Qin Ming feels that it will definitely have a satisfactory effect. There are more important things to do at the moment. Experiment later.

Qin Ming narrowed his eyes and instinctively opened his extraordinary perception. With himself as the center, there were dots of white misty light groups and gray fuzzy areas representing a large range of ordinary life within a range of about 50 kilometers. This kind of large-scale reconnaissance like a map can only collect some information roughly, and cannot remotely lock the specific location of a certain thing, and the pattern that appears is also very vague.

"We need to investigate in a subtle way. What are these guys who appeared at the gathering point..." Qin Ming touched his smooth chin and regretfully gave up distinguishing the light group that represented the extraordinary in his perception.

"Bang, bang, bang..." A light knock on the door sounded.

Qin Ming picked up a pistol on the coffee table, slowly got up, and walked towards the entrance.

Looking outside through the threshold mirror, it was a very young man. He had a simple short haircut, his facial features looked very kind, he was wearing a very tasteless gray shirt, and holding a packaged gift box in his hand. At this moment, he pulled his collar solemnly. Standing straight in place, he looked a little nervous.

Qin Ming narrowed his eyes and looked behind him. The door of room 301 was opened, and he could vaguely see some messy arrangements inside.

At this time, she thought that it seemed that the day before yesterday

I heard the noise in 301. Is it a new resident? There is no one living in this shabby place except a lifeless old man on the first floor and a fat and greasy middle-aged decadent man on the fourth floor.


Qin Ming's extraordinary perception saw the white bright ball emerging from the young man in front of him, like a lingering cloud, covering the young man's body.

"Interesting." Qin Ming thought.

Qin Ming pushed the door open with one hand, and with the other hand holding a loaded pistol, he lay behind the door, and his crisp and ethereal voice resounded throughout the somewhat shabby corridor.

"What's the matter, sir?"

The young man suddenly felt a little helpless, his pupils shrank a little, and he stammered: "Ah, sorry to bother you. Um, I'm a resident of 301 next door, and we will be neighbors in the future..."

Liu Wentao was stuck, and his mind forgot what to say in an instant. The black pupils of the beautiful girl in front of him, who caught a glimpse of her, seemed to make him sink like an abyss.

Looking at the coolly dressed girl, Liu Wentao suddenly raised his sight, silently saying in his heart, "Don't look at anything indecent, don't look at anything indecent." A clean face quickly turned red, slightly embarrassed.

Qin Ming looked at the nervous young man in front of him, smiled politely, and whispered. "Nice to meet you."

"My name is Liu Wentao. I moved to live nearby because of work. I may live there for a while, and I am afraid of disturbing everyone suddenly. So I came to get to know you." Liu Wentao cracked his mouth and his energetic voice came out. Then he gently handed the gift box to Qin Ming.

"Jiu'an people don't have the habit of accepting gifts when they meet for the first time. You shouldn't be a local, little brother." Qin Ming hid the pistol behind the door and opened the door out of respect. But she was thinking about something in her heart.

"Ahaha, the girl guessed it right. I was transferred from Shengping. I came here..." Liu Wentao's voice stopped abruptly. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, awkwardly took back the gift box in his hand, and cursed himself in his heart for almost letting it slip.

"Ahaha, come to Jiuan to find a good way out." Liu Wentao touched the back of his head and laughed.

Ran from Shengping to Jiuan to find a way out, deceiving children, young people. Qin Ming's mouth corners slightly curled up. Professional fake smile started again.

"Jiuan is a good place. This is the first new city in the country to restore telecommunications equipment. I am quite interested in your Shengping. Can you come in and tell me about the development of the new Shengping?" Qin Ming's delicate face showed a sweet fake smile, which seemed harmless and innocent.

Faced with the invitation of a beautiful female neighbor to enter the house, as a young and upright young man in the new era, Liu Wentao naturally would not chill the girl's desire for knowledge.

After learning that the beautiful, weak and innocent black-haired girl in front of him lived alone, Liu Wentao was even a little worried about her weak safety awareness. And under the soft sofa where he was sitting, on the tea table with tea cups in front of him, a gun was quietly sealed in the dust...

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