The two of them were so busy that they were almost dead.

"These damn guys..."

William lay on the towering cliff, looking seriously at the mountain pass covered with dense dead grass branches on the opposite hillside.

The four or five-meter-long obscure cave and the scattered gravel around it showed signs of processing.

"Have you authorized your actions?"

Qin Ming asked.

William closed his eyes, shook his head as if he had a headache, and said, "Lord Reeves approved it..."

"He...he, forget it."

William continued to look at the mountain pass and whispered, "It shouldn't be. If it's just to dig a passage for rats, there's no reason to build such a large secret passage."

"And it's weird. Under normal circumstances, the holes dug by these rats are upside down."

"Building such a horizontal passage is too conspicuous. I feel there is something wrong."

Qin Ming recalled the layout of the Diwenka cave when he first entered it. In the end, he climbed up the vertical cliff by himself, and then went straight to the top and walked towards the land. According to William's words, there are indeed some problems.

"Have you seen the leader of those rats? I wanted to ask you last time."

"I have seen him. He is a very charming guy."

William's mouth twitched slightly. After finally confirming the environment, he pulled up his scarf, took out the hemp rope and adjusted it, and then tied it tightly to the dead but very solid tree beside him.

"Wish me good luck..."

Qin Ming stood up with a smile and said, "We are friends, I will help you."

She squinted her eyes and looked at the delicious dark light ball deep in the cave.

William's remaining arm tightly held the rope and slid down slowly bit by bit. As the rope reached the end, the steep cliff just reached the best climbing point.

The man with a calm face relied on a strong and sturdy arm to tightly grasp the gravel and climbed to the lowest point bit by bit.

Qin Ming looked at the cliff of more than 30 meters, and she jumped lightly at the moment when William landed safely.

The girl stabilized her body in the air and fell at a high speed. The violent airflow passed over her calm cheek.

William looked at the extremely fast black shadow getting closer and closer to the broken rocks on the ground with some surprise, and instinctively closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to see her fall into a meat paste. Even if it was a god-favored person with a strengthened body, if he made an emergency landing on a cliff as high as 30 meters, he would lose a layer of skin if he didn't die.

Two seconds before Qin Ming approached the ground, he instantly released the long-brewing high-pressure airflow, and landed on the ground smoothly and smoothly with a strong and sharp recoil force. The violent wind flow around him even made William take a few steps back.

Extremely fast landing... The use of ability also needs to be developed. Qin Ming even had a very immature idea that with this increasingly powerful wind flow, sooner or later he could fly like a bird...

"You are so amazing."

William praised sincerely, and his tone was also a little happy.

No one wants to put himself in danger alone. William is not afraid of death, but he still wants to go back.

With the help of such a "good friend", the success rate and survival rate of things will definitely increase a lot.

"I'll warn you in advance that there are rats stationed inside."

William nodded, pulled out his scimitar, and continued: "In this case, we have to find a way to go deeper and completely blow up the foundation of the cave."

"If I die, please help me bring the information back."

Qin Ming smiled and said: "Why, do you regret not bringing a companion?"

William carefully walked through the withered weeds, avoiding the blood-colored hyphae that was gradually devouring everything, and whispered: "The death of one person is different from the death of a group of people."

"I have also destroyed some caves before... This time is obviously different, too close to Leiden."

The two of them slowly moved over, and when they were about to approach the giant cave, they finally saw a familiar creature.

Diwenka Ratman.

The reason why Diwenka Ratman always attacks at night is not only because the harassment effect at night is good, but also because Diwenka Ratman has poor vision during the day, which is a defect of the race...

William squinted his eyes and looked at the Diwenka young ratman standing in the shade of the cave entrance, counting with his claws.

The young man, who is less than 1.3 meters tall, is a natural warrior, with sharp teeth and claws, dark gray fur and a pair of cunning red eyes.

"This is the number three, representing three pig heads. (Diwenka language)"

Qin Ming listened to this familiar language, and learned some new words as his memory quickly recalled.

William's eyes showed a hint of obscure

The light seemed to be determining the surrounding environment, and it looked very cautious.

"There is only one in front... I will kill it."

William leaned down, put the saber close to his body, and slowly approached the Diwenka ratman with extremely quiet steps.


A painful and suppressed and small sound came, and as the sharp blade cut across its throat, William quickly dropped the long blade and held the mouth of the Diwenka ratman.

The little ratman struggled randomly, but was locked by William's strong arm. A large amount of dark blood flowed from his throat. In less than a while, the little mouse lost its strength, blood bubbles came out of its mouth and nose, and its eyes showed a trace of fear of death, and slowly fell silent.

"Mother... (Diwenka language)"

William dragged the limp mouse body and threw it casually into the dry grass pile beside him like throwing away garbage.

The little mouse rolled, covered with blood, and rolled down the cliff bit by bit, stuck on a pile of bloody mycelium.

Due to the infection of blood and death, an abnormal pink color can be seen on its body.

Qin Ming retracted his gaze and followed William's pace.

She just came to eat the "buffet". As for helping humans kill rats, there is no need.

William can help him when he is in danger. After all, it is good for everyone to let these rats fight with the dishonest priest... Qin Ming does not need to find a position. However, whether this place can be blown up is William's business.

As William said, she is also an evil spirit on the premise of being a human, and more importantly, Qin Ming is an earthling...

William activated his ability again and sent a strange force into the depths of the cave. After confirming it again and again, he whispered and mocked: "Look at these rats on the periphery, they are sleeping in broad daylight."

"Let you suffer too!"

He said viciously, then took out the black fragments, broke some of them and buried them at the entrance of the cave.

In Qin Ming's perspective, these inconspicuous fragments seemed to have established some kind of connection with William, and the power contained in them seemed very strange.

The two of them walked slowly into the huge cave of the Diwenka ratmen, each with their own thoughts.

"What a unique taste."

Qin Ming looked at a strange ornament next to the cave.

It was a rough wooden stick with a severely rotten male head stuck on it. The blood-stained helmet covered his skin crawling with maggots.

The Diwenka clan seemed to have some human captives, Qin Ming recalled the hell map he saw that day.

The human corpses in the blood pool seemed to be fresh. So, these guys would capture some humans when conditions allowed, of course, most of them were warriors.

The encounter that happened in Leiden that day was very tragic...

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