The water in the pit was too deep, and the water was too deep.

William quickly looked at the upper space of the cenote. He needed to place the black material at the most vulnerable top of the cave.

"No, that's not very realistic."

William looked at the scattered rats under him, thinking with an ugly look on his face.

"Does someone need to create some small disturbances?"

Qin Ming still stared at the blood pool. His black eyes were completely stained with blood red. In William's vision, they looked weird and mysterious.

"I'll go."

"Have some dessert..."

Qin Ming said, "You don't have much time. I won't hurt any Diwenka ratman. Of course, accidental deaths don't count..."

William nodded and smiled gratefully.

He has now lost all his rationality and has only one goal, either to destroy this place or die here.

If a sinkhole of this level collapses, the efforts of these rats will be completely turned into ashes, and their seemingly long-term efforts must be destroyed!

"I'm leaving..."

William slowly climbed up and quietly and quickly lurked towards the stone path next to the sinkhole.

Qin Ming glanced at William who carefully arranged the "explosives". The girl's body slowly twisted, and then completely transformed into a black, thin, flesh and blood complex.

The dancing, petite and soft tentacles grabbed the rock wall densely and climbed down the sinkhole quickly.

The power cultivated by the Diwenka ratman... is the best food and the way to evolve and sublimate.

Qin Ming recalled the extremely terrifying existence that exuded fatal temptation. Even though the current body is no longer the frail appearance before, in her memory, the sleeping big guy is still "absolutely invincible".

"The troublemakers are a bunch of greedy little guys. What does it have to do with me, Qin Ming?"

Strength is the first choice. Any existence that stands in the way of one's growth and has conflicting interests is Qin Ming's enemy.

Pythons...will eat crocodile eggs...

"What is that? (Diwenka language)"

"Is it...the Mother Goddess's favor? (Diwenka language)"

"What's going on? Why are you here? Find a way to drive it out. What are those guys in front doing? (Diwenka language)"

The mice looked at the strange humanoid weirdness with some surprise. Their little red eyes were filled with deep doubts, as if they were not surprised by such creatures.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

A hoarse and sharp cry suddenly came out of the blood pool, completely disturbing the minds of the sleeping Diwenka ratmen, and they all opened their eyes and looked at the source of the sound.

The dense mass of flesh and blood soaked in the blood pool stretched their bodies, twisting as if trembling...Afraid?

Are they afraid?

A Diwenka ratman walked into the blood pool in confusion and cast his eyes into the blood pool, but was instantly grabbed by a twisted black tentacle and pulled into the blood pool.

After the ratman was frightened for a second, he was instantly swallowed into the black flesh and blood body and completely assimilated into it.

"Out of control, don't get close... These little guys are awake. (Diwenka language)"

"No... No... It. (Diwenka language)"

The ratman warriors of the Diwenka clan finally reacted. This unknown follower was hostile and wanted to devour the Son of God in the blood pool.

Followers will assimilate with each other. The children of these mothers are unconscious beings, and they will assimilate with each other to give birth to a more powerful existence.

However, only a sufficiently powerful existence would have the power to assimilate... The arrival of this strange follower in front of him seemed to indicate one thing, it was powerful enough, powerful enough to try to assimilate the Son of God...

"Stop, stop it! (Diwenka language)"

The Diwenka clan fell into panic. On weekdays, they were the only ones who brought terrifying encounters to humans, but now this sudden situation suddenly occurred. They seemed a little confused without any experience.

Qin Ming's body moved. With the blessing of dense tentacles, her body was extremely flexible, and she rushed towards the blood pool as fast as a black light.

Qin Ming stretched out her tentacles, like a blooming flower, and opened a dark "flower". The suddenly expanded tentacles casually and accurately pushed away the Diwenka ratman who rushed over to the side, and wrapped around a ratman warrior who was more than two meters tall, tied it to the tentacles, and waved it casually like a blunt weapon.

The ratmen rushed towards the increasingly swollen follower one after another, but were knocked away by the tonnage-level ratman warriors who were drooling and unconscious. The scene was chaotic and noisy for a while.

The yelling and cursing of the Divinka ratman, the howling of pain when falling to the ground, and the scream of the "holy son" in the blood pool.

Qin Ming turned into the most successful stirring stick in the most brutal way, stirring up the quagmire more and more.

William retracted his mind and dared not look at the terrible true face of the "girl" again. He was very glad that such a terrible and powerful existence did not stand on the opposite side of the people of Leiden... Of course, it was only the people of Leiden, not the human side.

Lord Reeves's distrust and obscure suspicion, the clergy's keeping a distance... The high-level seemed to have a very wrong attitude towards her?

William knew some of the situation. The girl's every move in the city seemed to have some spies... Of course, except for that night.

"That's not my concern, William! Seize this good opportunity!"

William was like a little bug with no sense of existence, climbing quickly with one hand, and quickly arranging black fragments at every best destruction point.

"Hughes, I'll let you blow up a big one again!"

William ignored the scratches on his fingers, his face was tinged with a hint of enthusiasm, and he looked at the top of the cenote...

If he could blow up there, this cave would be completely ruined.


A condensed black tentacle slapped Qin Ming's back fiercely, tearing up a large piece of her flesh and blood.

Qin Ming twisted his body, dropped the big rat in his hand, and looked at the black weirdness that had devoured each other and expanded rapidly with interest.

"It doesn't hurt, it's really a weak fish."

The torn flesh on her back healed quickly, and it was restored to its original state in just one second. The strong self-healing power made the groaning rat people on the side open their small eyes.

"Come here!"

Qin Ming stretched out a strong and strong plastic flesh tentacle, grabbed the waist and abdomen of this increasingly large fellow, and peeled it off from the blood pool. The shattered and tender pieces of flesh had no time to return to the "large group" and fell back one after another, floating in the blood pool like dumplings.

"No! Don't eat the Son! (Diwenka's words)"

Qin Ming's inhuman perspective was stained with a touch of blood red, and thousands of tiny tentacles suddenly stabbed at this weird thing hanging in the air and struggling desperately.


The crisp tearing feeling surprised Qin Ming a little. She looked at the delicate tentacles that were broken because of excessive force.

"Failed to penetrate the enemy's armor..."

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