I went back to the hospital, because the hospital called to inform me that the examination report was out, and my father didn't wake up completely in the afternoon, but he was conscious, but no one dared to let him drive.

As the saying goes, you don't drink when you drink a car, and you don't drink a car when you drive a car.

In the end, it was my mom's car because I didn't have a driver's license yet.

Mom has been getting a driver's license for several years, but she doesn't drive often, and I also planned to learn a driver's license before, but now I don't have the heart to do so much suddenly.

When I arrived at the hospital, I knew that Feng Hao was not in the hospital, he should have gone home, and I knew that he must be drunk, but it was the kind of stamina that had a lot of stamina, and there was no reaction when he drank it, and he was drunk when he went back.

Sitting in the lobby of the hospital, my parents went to get the physical examination report, and the time waiting for them to come back felt similar to waiting for the shooting, and I had all kinds of feelings in my heart.

I've never wished I was a pure woman, if it was half male and half female or something, my father would definitely slap me to death, I can't explain it.

Is it true that half-men and half-women don't menstruate, I don't know, after all, I'm not studying medicine, I'm just a rookie.

Silently sat on a chair in the rest area, his hands clutching the corners of his clothes.

I was thinking wildly, but I heard footsteps.

The footsteps are getting louder and louder, and I don't have to look up to know that it must be my father's, the soles of his shoes are very hard, and there is always a crackling sound when he walks on the floor tiles of the hospital.

As I expected, my dad sat in the chair across from me and my mom sat next to me.

As soon as she sat down, she took one of my hands and stroked it gently, I didn't know if it was a reminder of me, and my heart was nervous to death.

"The medical report is out.


lowered his head, looked at the floor tiles, didn't dare to look up at his father's expression, grabbed the corner of his skirt, and prepared to meet the next insult of splitting his head and covering his face, and he had been drinking just now, so he would probably scold even more fiercely.

Now is probably the last quiet before the storm.

"Feng Hao told me before, I didn't believe it yet, but now the inspection report comes out and says that you are a real woman. "

Is it really a shemale....... Wait, real woman?!!

looked up sharply, a look of disbelief.

"Although the things you told your mother are a bit mysterious," Dad's hand holding the physical examination report tightened a little, "but the doctor said that your body is a normal woman, without any traces of drugs or surgery......" Dad's

tone didn't seem to be as serious as before, and his tone seemed to be much softer when he spoke, and his originally big grin voice became lighter.

"Do you finally believe me, Dad?"

looked at his father, did he finally admit that his son had become a daughter?

he had never seen him so kind, it felt like a dream.

"Do you still want to

go to school?" "Huh

?" The sudden question made me look confused, what else can I do if I don't go to school?"


and Mom looked at each other before speaking, "Okay, I'll find someone to help you change your ID card in two days." "


I rushed up and hugged my dad when I was excited, and only then did I sit back in my place with some embarrassment.

I never thought my dad would be so easy to talk to.

Did I always misunderstand my dad before

? Why did my dad blush? Dad

can't be a daughter, right?!

Emotions exploded in an instant...... I couldn't help but shudder, I seem to have found something amazing, but it must not be true, otherwise my life values in the past twenty years will collapse.

"Ahem, there's .....

" "Dad, you say." "

Later, the relatives said that you were originally a woman, and it was caused by a congenital disease, and now you have surgery to change ....... back

" "Female pseudohermaphroditism?" Without hesitation

, he said this strange illness that my cousin said, and my father looked at me incomprehensibly.

"It's the name of the congenital disease you mentioned, Dad. "

Well, let's just say that in the future. "

When I came out of the hospital and took the car home, the atmosphere became awkward again.

Because Dad was drinking, Mom was driving, Dad and I sat in the back seat, about 20 centimeters between the two of us, about five or six minutes from the start of getting in the car, we didn't say a word, only Mom would occasionally tell me a few things to pay attention to as a girl.

I don't know if they will force me to marry in the future, and I tremble at the thought of marrying a man in the future and having children for him.

And it's a lot of trouble to fall in love or something, I don't plan to find a boyfriend in the future, I'm single in this life, I don't know if my parents have the idea of opening a trumpet, and having a younger brother or something like that.

It's time to miss my cousin, at least he can liven up the atmosphere at that time, he seems to have a common topic with everyone.

I don't know what Bai Ge is doing at this time, probably in class, after all, it's not yet time to get out of school, will I feel lonely if I don't have him?

Quickly shake my head and shake this terrible thought out of my head, and the embarrassing memories of death come back to life and attack me madly in my mind.

It was my first kiss!

Dad glanced at me, still expressionless, sitting there with a golden knife, and I was already sitting with my legs next to my heart, like a little girl, and I admired my adaptability.

"Daughter. "


"I'm sorry all these years. "


This word is like a heavy iron felt smashed on my heart, so many years I have been beaten and scolded by him, now even if he scolds me, I think it is better than this word, from his mouth out of the word sorry is simply incredible, I even wonder if I am daydreaming.

Dad, would you have apologized too?

When I was alone with him since I was a child, the atmosphere was always depressing and terrible, even if it was his fault, he would not admit it, and when I pointed it out, he would still say that I was stubborn.

Since this morning, my father has been like a different person, especially after Feng Hao talked to him, he seemed to have really raised me as a daughter.

Looking at my father, a terrible thought rose in my heart.

Daddy is such a daughter?


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