It didn't take long for the fighting to finally stop.

Lu You finished washing his clothes, inquired about the enemy's situation, and quietly walked to the bedroom without seeing his father's figure.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took two steps, he was stopped by Lao Lu.


!" Lu You smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, Dad, is there anything else?" Old

Lu looked unhappy: "Why didn't you say anything when

your mother came out?" "Didn't I say that she was already behind you before I had time to say it, besides, I coughed to remind

you, you can't blame me!" "Then when your mother scolded me, you didn't know to ask for a favor?" Why didn't you hide in the bathroom for a long time and didn't come out?".

"Dad, you can speak well, and you can't be evened with my mother, I took the opportunity to hide in the shadows and learn from you how to stay at home.

"Stinky boy, your mouth is smoother than your father!Go to sleep!" Old

Lu gave Lu You a slap and turned to spread the blanket on the sofa.

"Dad... Are you sleeping on the sofa today?"

Lu You looked at his father distressedly.

Lao Lu glanced at his son: "It's not thanks to my precious son, otherwise how could I have this good life and enjoy this blessing?"

Lu You saw that the atmosphere was not good, and he slipped away.

Lao Lu, Lao Lu, you are to blame, no wonder your son...

Lu You returned to the house, picked up his mobile phone and began to fool around in the "Four Heavenly Kings" group.

Wang Xin: "Are you free tomorrow? If you're all free, I'll make an appointment with someone else, and we'll go to the Internet café Wuhei!" Zhang Wei: "

I'm fine! You ask the two of them."

Yu Zhiwen: "I don't have a problem, you ask our busy man Mr. Lu."

Wang Xin: "@吕悠, you'll be fine tomorrow, right?"

Lu You: "It's okay, you can make an appointment." Zhang

Wei: "Yo~ no longer have an appointment with An Yu for a day?" hahaha!

" Wang Xin: "Shut up the fuck! Mention Lao Tzu's sad thing again

!" Zhang Wei: "Hey! Some people, scolding fiercely, crying in their hearts~

" Wang Xin: "@张伟, do you dare to come over now? You see that Lao Tzu will not scare you to death!"

Zhang Wei: "Yo hey! I don't dare what can you do to me?

Lu You was about to talk to them a few words, when the sound of Didi sounded, he exited the group chat interface, and saw that it was a message from Ji Chunzi.


, do you have something to do tomorrow?" Uh, although I made an appointment with them to open the black, but this should be considered fine, right?

Lu You replied: "It's okay, are you going to look for me tomorrow?"

Ji Chunzi: "Tomorrow, you want to go to



river..."Ji Chunzi: "Is Qianjiangwan Park okay?" (*❦ω❦)"

Lu You replied with an OK expression.

Ji Chunzi: "Great!Brother, we'll see you tomorrow!(p≧w≦q)"

Lu You: "What time is it tomorrow?"

Ji Chunzi: "Hmm... I want my brother to sleep more, eight o'clock in the morning, is it okay?" "

Do you call this more sleep? These self-disciplined elementary school bully really don't know what it means to sleep lazy?

When we meet at eight o'clock, he has to get up at seven o'clock, which is really a good night's sleep."

Lu You had no choice but to reply

: "Okay, see you tomorrow ( ́・ω・)ノ(._.')" Ji Chunzi: "See you tomorrow, brother!( ́・ω・)ノ(._.')

" Lu You: "Yo, dare to touch my head?"

Ji Chunzi: "Hehe, brother go to bed early, (¦3[▓▓] Good night~" Lu You: "Good night~


After a few simple chats with Ji Chunzi, Lu You's tiredness faded by half, it was so comfortable to get along with such a girl, simple and pure.

Lu You felt that An Yu was like the early autumn of September, warm and fresh, salty and sweet, while Ji Chunzi, like her name, coincided with spring in April, warm and bright.

Both girls are desirable.

But alas, Ann Yu has been marked with revenge.

After replying to Ji Chunzi, Lu You returned to the "Four Heavenly Kings" group.

Lu You: "That, I have something to do tomorrow, and I can't go."

Wang Xin: "Lao Lu, you won't ask you again, right?" Zhang Wei: "Hahaha, Lao Wang, I miss your smile yesterday again, you continue!"

Heh, Zhang Wei, you won't

be able to laugh right away.

Lu You: "No, Ji Chunzi will ask me out tomorrow." Zhang


: "???" Yu Zhiwen: "Lao Zhang, why don't you hahaha? I like the way you smile."

Wang Xin: "Hahaha, who has the sky spared?!"

Zhang Wei: "@吕悠, what's your situation? You step on two boats? I'll tell you that you are doing this with others, and my brother won't say anything, but that's Ji Chunzi, I advise you to understand and don't hurt her." Sure

enough, Ji Chunzi is of great significance in the eyes of those who like her.

Lu You: "I'm not on good terms with anyone, let alone stepping on two boats, it's just that she has something to do with me tomorrow, don't worry, even if I have a dirty heart, I won't hurt her."

Yu Zhiwen: "It's enough for Lao Lu to hurt you, don't think about it too much~

" Wang Xin: "@余志文, you will die tomorrow!"

Zhang Wei: "+1

" Lu You: "I'll sleep first, I'm too tired today."

Yu Zhiwen: "@王鑫, rest early, Lu You and An Yu are tired."

Wang Xin: "¥@%¥%&...@&*"

Lu You closed the phone, opened his limbs completely, and lay on the bed stretched.

The images of today's events kept flashing in his mind, and his heart was in chaos.

"An Yu, An Yu, is it because you have changed, or are you deep in your means?"

But Lu You was thinking in his heart

, even if she changed, would he have to forgive her? If she didn't know that Lu You would be developed in the future, would she be reborn like this?

Lu You knew that it would definitely not, if An Yu didn't know what he changed later, then even if she was reborn, it would only be a complete repetition of the things of the previous life.

Confession failed, to become a licking dog, and then kicked away.

Everything is because he will become a rich man in the future, and An Yu will treat him like this

! Therefore, she is still unforgivable!

Lu You understands that today's beauty is all an illusion, an illusion given to him by a woman who has known how to obtain benefits from others since childhood.

She wants to take advantage of someone who likes her deeply and will be rich in the future to live the life she wants, and everything today is aimed at achieving this purpose.

Lu You forced himself to leave all the momentary heartbeats of today behind, and kept recalling the damage caused to him by An Yu in his previous life.

Finally, my mind calmed down.

"An Yu, the debt of the previous life, you have to pay it back..."

Lu You stared at the dark ceiling with wide eyes, his pupils were full of unwillingness and resentment.


There is new news.

Lu You turned on his phone, it was An Yu.

He didn't reply to Ann's message, and he didn't know how to reply.

Because he had a feeling of being led by An Yu, as if she was in charge of everything, and in the near future, the licking dog named Lu You would still be subdued by her.

And An Yu didn't ask, just sent the words "good night".

Lu You edited on the keyboard for a while, and finally deleted them all, only replying with a "Good night." "

No matter, turn off your phone and go to sleep!"

Lu You covered his head with a blanket, but his heart that had just calmed down was disturbed by An Yu's news again.

"Forget! Forget it!" he

tried to hypnotize himself, but the more he thought about it, the more confused he became, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.


Lu You got out of bed and opened the window.

Fresh air poured in, and Lu You seemed to relax a little.

He has been thinking about a question, if An Yu really changes, the kind of change that comes from the heart, what should he

do? Let things continue to develop according to the current situation? Or according to his revenge script, find an opportunity to vent his anger

? But when thinking about these things, what about Ji Chunzi? What should she do?

Lu You was in a hurry, he looked up at the night sky, at this time, the night was deep, the moon hung very high, and the dense clouds covered half of the moon.

Lu You had taken a plane at night, and he saw that the moonlight above the clouds was so clear, and those clouds that looked black on the ground were actually illuminated by the gentle moonlight on the other side.

He didn't know if the other side of his dark life had ever had such moonlight.

He hoped there were....


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