As soon as they rushed out, the potato people ran straight to the table of hot food, scrambling to pick up the food and soup, or smearing them on their hands, feet, or bodies.

They just didn't put them in their mouths.

But if you look closely, you can find that the food and soup they smeared on their bodies seem to be slowly absorbed by their skin.

This seems to be their unique way of eating?

Although it looks sloppy and unacceptable, they actually seem to be able to eat things cleaner than humans. Even if the food falls on the ground and the soup drips into the soil, they still have a way to absorb it cleanly.

As a result, after about dozens of minutes of fighting, the full table of food was not wasted at all, and it was all absorbed by these potato people.

Then, as if they were full, the group of potatoes rolled to the grass in front of the house and lay down happily.

Not long after, they began to dig a pit on the spot.

Soon, these potato people buried themselves in the soil, leaving only the branches above their heads swaying in the sun.



In the wilderness, under the sea buckthorn tree.

A team wearing light brown uniforms and orange cloaks was standing here.

One of the scouts holding a machete was climbing a tall sea buckthorn tree, checking the branches above.

Then, he jumped down with a small broken branch.

The broken branch should have been covered with sea buckthorn fruits, but it was bare at this time, and the broken end was still very fresh.

The members of the team looked at each other. Although no one said a word, they dispersed and began to dig in the nearby sand.

At first, they found nothing.

But they didn't care, and continued to expand the scope of excavation and the depth of excavation.

But they still found nothing.

But they still didn't care. In this case, they expanded the scope and depth again.

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of the twelve of them, they found the sea buckthorn branches buried under the yellow sand a few hundred meters away from the sea buckthorn tree.

The team member holding the staff walked forward and picked up the dry branch.

Then, he widened his eyes.

The strange magic circle flickered in front of his eyes, and a faint breath emerged from the branch.

The breath was swaying and slowly rising upwards.

He stared at the breath, holding his breath, staring closely.

After a long time, the breath did not change.

But he was very patient. Since there was no change, he would continue to wait.

Wait again.

Wait again...

Finally, the breath slightly swayed in a certain direction by about a few millimeters.

This extremely unobvious fluctuation did not escape his eyes.

He looked in that direction, and there was nothing in front of him except the endless desert that stretched to the horizon, as if the fluctuation just now was just an error caused by the flow of air.

But he didn't seem to think so.

Or maybe he didn't care.

They had been wandering in this desert for an unknown period of time. As long as they could find any useful information, even the vaguest direction, they would pursue it like sharks smelling blood.

So, he stretched out his hand in that direction.

Then the next moment, the whole team moved together, without a word of communication, or even a glance, they all stepped forward in the direction of nothingness.



At the same time, on the other side of the desert.

Another team was also walking into the desert following a vague wave.

Not long ago, the disc of the last vent completely lost the last vague connection with Kalidora.

The strong uneasiness of losing contact made the last vent anxious, but at the moment of losing contact, he successfully tracked a direction, a vague direction.

For the last vent at this time, it was like catching a glimpse of the light of a lighthouse while drifting in the boundless sea.

If it weren't for the last bit of rationality telling him that rushing through the desert at full speed was tantamount to seeking death, he would have probably rushed in that direction.

Although now, he has already opened up a considerable distance from the other people because of his fast pace.

"Don't be in trouble, Carly," he kept praying, and continued to walk quickly into the depths of the desert.

20. Two-in-one Bengbu Live

Liu Ji was a little worried.

Think about it, the weather is quite hot, and the table of dishes he just put in the sun...

Well, I don't know how long this trip will take. If it takes a short time, it may be okay, and it will probably go bad.

But if it takes too long, I'm afraid that the table will grow hair.


Not necessarily, there are quite a lot of flying birds nearby, maybe a bird will fly down and eat it.


If the birds come to eat, won't there be a pile of bird shit left?

I wonder if there is any magic that can easily clean bird poop...

While Liu Ji was habitually daydreaming, he felt someone poking his face.

He turned around and saw Ya Yin, who was walking beside him, looking at him with a frown, as if she was a little worried.

Seeing Liu Ji turn his head, she gestured slightly and asked about his physical condition using words that Liu Ji could understand.

After all, the climate in the desert was hot and extremely dry, and she seemed worried that Liu Ji would not be able to adapt.

But Liu Ji didn't feel the same way, and gestured to show that he was fine, so that Ya Yin didn't have to worry about her.

It's not that he's trying to be brave, but he really doesn't feel anything.

Although the sun was big, for some reason, it made him feel very comfortable when it shone on his hair.

It’s like photosynthesis is taking place…


Heck, you don’t really have chlorophyll in your hair.

"Speaking of which," Ao Sa suddenly said, "Yin, we can no longer see the exhaust fumes from Mowente. Does it really matter?"

"If you're worried, you can follow him first," Yayin spread her hands, "But if you let me follow him at his speed, I'm afraid you'll have to carry me on your back soon."

"That's true..." Ao Sa scratched his head, looked at Liu Ji, as if he suddenly remembered something, and said, "Hey, by the way, I remember that this kid can turn into a bear? How about you let him become a bear?" Will the bear carry us?"

"Letting people use them as mounts? That would be disrespectful to others," Yayin's mouth twitched. "And even if others don't care, you think a bear is a camel. That thing is big and hairy. Walking in this kind of desert, it won’t take long for you to faint from the heat.”

"That's true," Osa touched his chin.

"Okay, talk less, my mouth is a bit dry," Yayin said, taking out the water bag, taking a small sip and putting it in her mouth.

This will use the least amount of water and keep your mouth as moist as possible.

After finishing the drink, she handed the water bag to Liu Ji and motioned for Liu Ji to take a sip as well.

Seeing her pouting slightly, Liu Ji understood and imitated her and drank a sip of water in her mouth.

As for Osa on the side, he was more embarrassed. The structure of his mouth was different from that of humans and could not hold water well, so Yayin poured some water out and froze it into a small lump of ice for him to hold in his mouth. In the mouth.

Liu Ji felt a little bit envious. He really missed the feeling of eating popsicles now.

"It would be great if I could learn the magic of making ice when I go back," Liu Ji thought to himself, "Although I don't know how to make ice cream, I can at least make some shaved ice..."



"Fresh melon shaved ice, please use it." The gray-skinned man smiled and placed two cups of shaved ice in front of Callidora and Gironini. "The roasted whole lamb has been put into the oven, but some more are needed. Time, let’s have some dessert first.”

"Ah, thank you..." Callidora thanked the gray-skinned man with a smile, "Um, who are you?"

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm sorry," the man said, pulling out the dining stool and sitting across from the two of them, "My name is Mass, and I am the lord of this city."

"The city lord in the desert?" Jilunini asked.

"Yes, the city lord in the desert," the man who called himself Mass smiled and nodded, "Are you surprised?"

"It's weird if it's not surprising," Jilunini muttered, "After all, this is a bone burial desert..."

"Well, yes, this place is now called the Bone Burial Desert," Mass leaned on the chair and sighed softly, "Actually, a long, long time ago, this place was also a rich and beautiful land."

"Then, how long ago must it have been," Jilunini's mouth twitched, "I'm afraid it has to go back thousands of years, right?"

"Thousands of years? Oh, probably, haha," Mass touched his nose, "I didn't even notice, it turns out so long has passed."

Hearing what Mass said, the two looked at each other subconsciously, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

How does this statement seem to mean that the person in front of me has lived for thousands of years?

Even the longest lifespan of the Rock Turtle race is only more than a thousand years...

Seemingly sensing the astonishment of the two of them, Mass smiled, and seemed not to intend to explain, but asked: "By the way, can you tell me why you came into this desert? You should also know that who came here Almost no one can get out alive."

"Ha, although it is true, it is really complicated to hear you say that," Jilunini muttered to herself.

Callidora glanced at her with a wry smile, and then said: "In fact, of course we know how dangerous it is here, but we really have no other choice but to take risks and cross the desert..."

"Are you being hunted or something like that?" Mass raised his chin and asked with interest, "If that were the case, if it were me, I would probably choose to fight them."

"Haha, if there is even the slightest hope, we will probably do this," Callidora said helplessly, "Mr. Mass, are you staying here all the time? In this ancient desert city?"

"Yes," Mass nodded, "and you should have heard that I have been here for thousands of years."

Although they had some guesses, the two of them were still surprised when they actually heard these words coming from Mass's mouth.

"Well, let me think about it, you are probably curious about why I can live so long, right?" Looking at the surprised expressions of the two people, there was a little bit of pride in the expression of the two people for some reason, "In fact, everyone who happens to come here The guests here will be curious at first, and most of them even don’t believe what I say, but..."

As he spoke, his right hand pointed to the side, where dozens of exquisite tombstones stood neatly arranged in the sand.

"Later, they all believed," Mass said, "because they used their lives to witness my immortality..."

As soon as the words fell, the hair on both of them stood up in an instant.

Callidora's eyes glanced between the mass and the tombstones in confusion, and Gironini's eyes flashed red.

Miss looked at the two people and remained silent.

in silence……


Then, he seemed to finally stop and burst into laughter.

Callidora and Jilunini were both stunned, looking at Mass who couldn't help but laugh in confusion, and then looked at each other, their heads full of question marks.

"Haha, I'm sorry, this is my bad habit. Every time there are new guests coming, I can't help but scare them like this," Miss said, walking towards the cemetery, and gently brushed the garden with her palms. The tombstone says, "Except for those who died of illness or were injured and did not make it through, the people buried here all left peacefully because they reached the end of their lives."

"You mean..." Callidora blinked, "They died here of old age?"

"Yes, they are all my friends," Mass said. "Although this desert is considered a forbidden area of ​​life that cannot be entered, there are always some poor people in the world who are forced to step here for various reasons.

Of course, most of them are swallowed up by this desert, but there will always be some lucky ones who happen to come here. "

"Then they never wanted to leave. After all, there is shaved ice here to eat," said Guilunini, shaking the cup of shaved ice in front of her. "You know, when I was walking in the desert, I wanted to have one almost every second." A portion of shaved ice, even though you scared me so much that I don’t dare to eat it now.”

"Sorry, sorry, feel free to eat, I didn't put anything weird," Mass laughed, "If I want to enjoy harming people, why would I choose to be in the middle of a desert where birds don't poop."

"Hmm...that makes sense," Jilunini nodded, then eagerly scooped a spoonful of shaved ice into her mouth.

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