But now it feels like a bicycle with a broken chain, and no matter how hard you try, it will only be used in vain.

He couldn't help but panic: "Is he going to be a potato for the rest of his life?"

Yes, panic.

It was obvious that he had envisioned this kind of life a long time ago and found it acceptable.

But now when he thinks about not being able to change, all he feels is the fear of endless loneliness.

He didn't want this. He wanted to continue learning spells from Yayin. He hadn't even had a good chat with his little teacher, who always had a sad look on his face.

The big fluffy cat, the big cat who always had a smile on his face, and he didn't even know his name yet.

And the swordsman, he still hasn't been able to tell him that eating raw meat is harmful to your health.

There was also that time when he was inexplicably praised by a group of people. He wanted to know why he was praised like that, because only in this way could he feel at ease and experience the wonderful feeling of being praised by the stars without feeling guilty.

When he thought that if he never had such an opportunity again, he would have to be a lonely potato for the rest of his life, the fear in his heart began to amplify infinitely.

He struggled, constantly trying to turn back into a human, but no matter how hard he struggled, he still remained like a potato, unable to move.




I don’t know if there was a breeze blowing from there, but the leaves of the potato seedlings made a slight sound.

"In other words, when you met him, he was just an abnormally large potato?" Mass touched his chin and stared at the potato seedlings in Yayin's hand, "He told me this, But I thought he was wary of me and was fooling me with this statement, but I didn’t expect it to be true..."

"Yes, and the moment he turned into a potato was exactly the moment you felt the tyrant coming," Yain said, "but your attention should have been on the tyrant at that time and you did not notice him."

"Hmm... that is to say, he even sensed the existence of that guy before me?" Mass tapped his temple lightly with his index finger, "Strange, is it a blessing? But there is indeed no aura of blessing on him. Yes, could it be a legacy effect..."

"Blessing?" Yayin asked, "Did you think of anything?"

"Well... he told me before that he probably stayed in the wild for decades after he turned into a potato," Mass said, holding his cheek, "Although I have never seen a potato that can really grow for decades, But I don’t think it can grow to more than three meters high like you said, and the width of the root system alone is several hundred meters wide..."

"Do you want to know how many years he has been in the wild?" Yayin was a little confused, "But what's the point of knowing this?"

"Well, it still makes some sense. Let me think about it..." Miss Cuo pondered for a moment and asked, "By the way, when this tyrant appeared, do you remember exactly how many years ago it was?"

"One thousand one hundred and forty-three years ago," Jilunini on the side gave the answer almost instantly, "the moment he appeared and directly announced to take over the human capital, it triggered the collective anger of the power groups within the human race. The nobles at that time all united to think We wanted to launch a crusade against him, but they were all found dead in their beds the next morning.”

"Appeared directly in the human capital?" Miss frowned, "Hell, that's not...hiss, I see, that makes sense..."

"What makes sense?" Callidora asked.

"Well, wait a minute..." Mass thought for a moment and asked, "During the outside world's fight against this tyrant, has there ever been a hero-like person who gathered almost everyone's hope of defeating the tyrant? "

"It would be great if there was one," Guilunini said in a low tone. "Since the coalition forces were defeated, the entire world has not been able to form any resistance that threatens it. Everyone is running for their lives and hiding wherever they can. Hiding, hiding wherever possible, home everywhere, no fixed place to live.”

"Hmm... Okay, that's probably confirmed," Mass said while touching his chin. "Although this guy told me that he felt like he had just turned into a potato and spent decades, but in fact, I think He has been in the earth for more than a thousand years."

"So long?" Mo Wente was surprised.

"Ah? Almost right?" Miss was not surprised at all, "After all, he grew so big at that time."

"So, does this have anything to do with his current situation?" Yayin asked doubtfully.

"It doesn't matter much, it's just that I figured out something," Mass shrugged, "Oh, no, there is still a little information, that is, you don't have to worry about him. When the tyrant leaves, I think he will change back. ”

"Will the tyrant leave?" Yayin was stunned, "But didn't you say before..."

"Yeah, I don't know if I can kill him," Mass sighed, "This makes me sad, but there's nothing I can do about it. I'm not the person responsible for this kind of thing. Although I tried my best to make a guest appearance, Sure enough, this kind of thing is still not suitable for me...

But, he will definitely leave.

Because I am probably the most annoying type of people like him. "



The bone dragon roared, the skeletal insects rushed, and the red blood rain poured down. The desert under the red moon seemed to be buried with endless monsters, continuously pouring out from the sand and dust in various parts of the desert, and then converging towards the center of the desert.

The man waved the heavy sword in his hand, as if dancing in the desert. Every time he swung the sword, he could roll up the all-consuming golden flames, burning the incoming skeletons and beasts into ashes. Even giants of ten thousand feet and dragons of a thousand feet could only die with one sword in front of him.

If you look down from the clouds, the place where the man is is like a golden vortex that devours everything, attracting the skeleton beasts of the entire desert and crushing them all.

And this scene has lasted for a whole month.

The blood rain continued, and the skeleton army was still endless.

The golden flames were flying, and the man showed no signs of fatigue. He smiled crazily, as if he was intoxicated by it.

This battle seemed to never end.

But Misa, who was watching the battle from a distance, knew that according to the time, it should be almost at the limit.

Sure enough, he couldn't kill this monster-like man.

The blood moon also has an end.

Blood will enhance the power of the blood moon, and corpses will become the nutrition of the blood moon.

The blood moon was not so powerful at the beginning, but expanded to this point after devouring countless lives.

It is a monster raised by Misa, and no one knows it better than him.

This monster was not created to kill a certain person.

When the blood rain stops and the bones dry up, this battle will eventually come to an end.

40. Disaster? People are not much more terrible than disasters

Thousands of years ago, there was a small country on the edge of the earth.

The capital is close to the sea, with beautiful scenery. The people make a living by fishing, and most of them can be said to have a rich life.

Every month, the king holds a grand celebration, and while the whole country celebrates, it also attracts tourists from other places.

Because the king stipulates that many specialty products that can be preserved for a long time can only be sold during the celebration, and transactions during the celebration can also enjoy certain tax exemptions, so every time at this time, there will always be many wealthy businessmen who come here specially to buy a large number of local specialties and spend them wantonly during the celebration.

This is the happiest part for the common people.

At this time, every household would take out the special products they had accumulated and sell them well, and then pick some rare things from the foreign caravans.

This idea of ​​holding a celebration was the second thing that made the king proud in his life.

As for what made him most proud, it was his son, the only prince in the kingdom.

A genius in secret arts.

In fact, when he was young, no one found that the little prince had any talent in secret arts. He was not fast in learning spells, even slower than ordinary people, but he just liked secret arts inexplicably, and often begged his father to buy him all kinds of spell books.

The old king loved his son, so he took advantage of this celebration to collect spell books from all over the world from the caravans and gave them to his son.

According to his thoughts at the time, he felt that his son's talent was not very good anyway, so he could read more books and work hard, and he would be able to achieve something in the future.

But he didn't know that the definition of "reading" spells was completely different for different people.

In their opinion, their little prince was slower than his peers in learning spells.

Little did they know that their peers would stop reading after reading the first level, while their little prince could read up to the fifth level.

And this talent, as he grew older and accumulated his own magic power, finally gradually emerged in his youth.

From then on, people gradually began to call him a genius, the young genius prince of the kingdom.

Later, when he was a young man, he successfully explored the ocean spirit crystal vein in the surrounding seas with his own magic, and his father was overjoyed and announced that the wealth brought by this vein would belong to the people of the whole country, and his reputation in the country was once worshiped as a god.

You know, this vein is more valuable than all the wealth of this small kingdom.

But the king didn't care, because in his opinion, his son was more valuable than this vein.

It was also in that year that he helped the prince get the teleportation scroll to the world's top secret academy.

Although the prince was reluctant to leave, when he saw his father handing him the scroll as a surprise birthday gift, he had already decided that he must stand at the top of the world's mysteries and then return with glory.

And he was away for a full twelve years.

The potential of a hard-working genius is unlimited. The young prince ran all the way on the road of mysteries. In the end, he became the youngest great mystic in the world at that time. Just like his dream, he stepped onto the top of the world.

But when he returned to his hometown and wanted to give his long-missed father a big hug and see him praising him with a smile on his face as he remembered...

But what appeared in front of him was a ruin.

A ruin of his hometown.

The prosperity of the past is gone.

The remaining residents are skinny.

The beautiful ocean is filled with a foul smell, and the greasy filth reflects the colorful poisonous haze.

At that moment, the prince's world almost collapsed.

He stepped into the ruins in a daze and looked around at the miserable situation.

Soon, some residents recognized him.

They ran towards the prince as if they had seen a long-lost relative, hugged him and cried loudly.

Soon, the prince knew the truth.

It happened in the second year after he went to school.

A duke of the kingdom that ruled most of the nearby area, holding a notice "said to be from the Mysterious Sanctuary", told the elderly king that "the Mysterious Sanctuary received an oracle" and that a disaster that could destroy the world would occur here in the future.

Accompanying him was a great mystic who could represent the authority of the Mysterious Sanctuary.

They asked the king to give up the throne and let "the Mysterious Sanctuary and the great country that was capable of handling this incident" take over temporarily. After the disaster was dealt with, they would return the ruling power to the king.

The king vaguely felt that something was wrong.

However, he was just the king of a small country, and the status of these two visitors was far higher than his.

What's more, they held the righteousness of the whole world in their hands.

The king could not question a great mystic from the Mysterious Sanctuary.

He was forced to give up the throne and became a temporary noble.

He waited anxiously for the disaster to come, praying that his people would not get into trouble.

But the more he waited, the more he felt something was wrong.

Yes, a lot of "anti-disaster" materials were transported here.

But no matter how the king looked at it, it was equipment and materials for mining marine mineral veins.

For the sake of confidentiality and safety, the routine celebrations were cancelled, the kingdom was no longer prosperous, and the residents could only make a living by fishing again.

But soon, the ocean was polluted.

The king knew very well that it was the negative impact of the rapid mining of marine mineral veins.

Seeing that his people were getting more and more miserable, his beautiful hometown was gradually dilapidated, and the country he built with his own hands was about to be destroyed by the unfounded "disaster", the king realized that this was not a disaster for the world at all, but a disaster for himself.

So he wanted to fight.

But where did he get the strength to fight?

Soon, he, the "former king", was executed on the spot for "assassinating the then lord by using verbal protest."

Along with him, his wife and two daughters were also executed.

And killing the king, the lord appointed by the duke also tore off the last face, completely blocking the surrounding roads while mining marine mineral veins at full speed.

And in the end, what appeared in front of the prince who returned was this scene.

That day, the prince fell into madness.

"Disaster? Disaster? Good, very good..."

The people surrounded him, hugged him, and cried loudly, as if they were struggling to grab the spider silk hanging down to hell.

He raised his head, tears could not stop falling, but there was a crazy smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You expect disaster, right? Okay, then, let me bring you what you want and wish..."

"From today on, I am the incarnation of disaster..."

After that, the prince disappeared, and took the rest of the people with him, and no one knew where he went.

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