


The cloth filled with magic fluttered slowly in the cold wind, and the warm sunlight balls moved around, lighting up the only light in the entire plain.

Yayin raised her head and looked at the crack slowly closing at the top of the sky from a distance.

"Well..." She opened her mouth slightly, but said nothing.

Taking a slow breath, the magic in the air was a little thin.

Calculating the time, it seems that it is almost reaching its limit. If it takes a little longer, the lively magic power will continue to escape outwards, and the inert magic power will become more and more crystallized. As a result, the magic power of this world will become more and more powerful. Difficult to call.

However, that's not the case yet.

Everything seems to be just right...

"Of course," Yain murmured.

Putting the staff on the ground in front of her, Ayin closed her eyes.

The distant mantra chanted from her mouth, like a long poem from ancient times, playing with the rhythm of the world.

At this moment, invisible arcane energy extended from the ground.

Then, a group of blue pseudo-trees in the distance bloomed with blue light.

After one tree, there was another.

One tree after another, looking down from the sky, it seems like another patch of stars is slowly spreading out on the earth.



Liu Ji has done a lot of imagination about gods.

Gods in myths, evil gods in stories, seemingly ordinary people from other worlds, etc...

But the only thing he didn't expect was that when he slipped into the void and came to the stars in the sky, the person who appeared in front of him was a man who, although he was not wearing a suit, still made Liu Ji think of "suits and leather shoes". A man with one word.

The smart clothes full of high-end feel, the neat face, the neat hairstyle, and some small details that are different from Liu Ji's perception of human beings, such as the protruding forehead, slightly longer ears, and the height of nearly three meters...

But overall, he looked like a human being.

A middle-aged man in his prime, with an aura that resembles that of a "business elite."

Looking at him, Liu Ji had only one feeling.


So weird.

This was completely different from what he had imagined.

"So, you are the god of this world?" Liu Ji asked.

The other party looked at him without answering. His eyes slowly moved to the long knife in his hand, and then he frowned.

"Where did you get this knife?"

He didn't speak, but Liu Ji felt an ethereal echo resounding directly from his heart.

Liu Ji looked at him, smiled, and asked, "What do you think I'm here for?"

The man raised his head, looked into Liu Ji's eyes, touched his chin, and then, the ethereal voice sounded from Liu Ji's heart again.

"I've seen a lot of people like you, but most of them died in the hands of the guards. You should have done the same...

However, it seems that this knife helped you. I'm not sure who was behind you, but most people like you have the same purpose.

You also want to seek a place in the divine world, right? "

"God Realm? Ah, that's right. I think there will be a place called God Realm." Liu Ji nodded, "Then, I want to ask, what kind of place is God Realm?"

"A world composed of gods and humans may seem mysterious to you, but in fact, it is not a big deal."

The man looked at Liu Ji indifferently, and the echo resounded in Liu Ji's heart in an orderly manner.

"I can help you get a place there. This is not difficult for me, but in contrast, you have to explain the origin of this long knife."

Liu Ji looked at him, then at the knife in his hand, raised the long knife named Anzai, and asked, "Don't you recognize it?"

"There are probably hundreds of millions of ordinary long knives that can be found in the God Realm. How can I recognize it?"

The indifferent voice sounded again.

"Or, you don't know either?"

"Whether I know or not is actually not that important," Liu Ji said softly, "Well, by the way, are there such things as disasters and brave men in the God Realm?"

"Disaster and Hero?"

The first echo that rang out was confusion.

But soon, the other party seemed to understand.

"Ah, you come from the world of experimental models. Well, no wonder, the experimental models are still not very stable..."

"Okay, you don't need to say anything, I understand," Liu Ji said, pointing the tip of the knife at the other party.

The man was stunned for a moment, and then his brows furrowed.

"Your behavior... ha, although you people from the lower world always have some weird etiquette, but can you explain what you mean?"

"It's very simple. I'm going to chop you to death," Liu Ji said. "That's why I'm here."

The man looked at Liu Ji and frowned slightly, as if he was looking at a little beast grinning at him in the pet market.

Ignorance, stupidity, and incomprehension.

Then, he seemed to have lost interest in Liu Ji and casually waved at Liu Ji.

Invisible fluctuations passed across the sky, seeming to destroy all the space and time along the way.


Just listen to a clang.

The long black sword slashed through the air, smashing the wave into pieces.

The man stopped when he was about to turn around.

His frown deepened.

Liu Ji looked at him with a smile on his lips.

"Ha, this is a real illegal act. Really, it seems that after I return, there will be another lawsuit..."

An incomprehensible voice sounded from Liu Ji's heart.

But this wording made Liu Ji feel extremely familiar.

And at this moment, when Liu Ji's memory returned to the memories from thousands of years ago in a trance, he saw the man put his hand into his arms, and then took out something he had never thought of. something that appears.

Although the material of the thing was different from any other model in his memory.

Although the structure of that thing is probably very different from what he knows.

Although the principle of that thing has nothing to do with the thing he knew.

But what the man took out was clearly a gun.

It's not a long bladed spear.

It's a pistol with a trigger grip and a barrel muzzle.

Yes, a pistol.


Seeing the black hole of the gun pointed at him, Liu Ji was in a daze.

For a moment he even doubted whether he was dreaming.

How could there be...

But just before this thought passed through his mind, Liu Ji saw the man pull the trigger in his hand.

Then came the deafening sound of gunfire.

Dark bullets pierced the sky and shot straight towards him.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down hundreds of millions of times in front of Liu Ji's eyes. He watched helplessly as the pitch-black bullet flew out of the gun barrel driven by strange fluctuations that he could not understand, and then escaped into the gap between rules and existence. , pointing directly at his existence itself.

Almost at the same moment, the knife in Liu Ji's hand moved.

Impartially, he struck the black bullet with one strike.

However, at the moment when the two met, Liu Ji felt that his hands were empty. The next moment he looked at them, there was nothing in his hands.

Liu Ji was stunned.

He looked at his empty right hand, and for a moment he couldn't remember what he was holding just now.

No, he, he really took it in his hand just now...



He must have taken something! Otherwise he would be dead!

But, but what is he holding?

He couldn't remember, not at all.

Liu Ji suddenly raised his head and looked at the dark muzzle of the gun that was still pointing at him.

At this moment, an unparalleled sense of fear suddenly surged into his heart.

He suddenly realized what this gun could do.

It has transcended the concept of power. As long as you are hit by it, your existence will be erased directly. Even all traces of your existence, the memories left in other people's minds, everything will be gone...

Forever and forever, completely gone in every sense of the word.

Liu Ji subconsciously wanted to use his hind legs, but lost the power of the long sword. He suddenly found that in this void of nothingness, he could not even move. He could only wave his hands and feet helplessly, looking at the scene in front of him. The man named God indifferently pointed the gun at his heart.



The man pulled the trigger.

Liu Ji closed his eyes subconsciously.

It's not resignation or despair, it's just a natural reaction between lightning and flint.

Because this weak body can no longer do anything...


After a few seconds, nothing happened.

Liu Ji slowly opened his eyes and looked at the man in front of him.

I saw the other party looking at his right hand in surprise.

The right hand that gradually turned into a green branch...

"No, no, how is this..."

Panic sounds sounded from all around.

The man's hair began to turn green visibly to the naked eye, and the man's hands and feet began to become increasingly rough and slender to the naked eye.

At that moment, Liu Ji seemed to hear a familiar voice.

There is someone he misses so much, and he is the only one he can't let go of. He is also the only person in the world with whom he has integrated his future and life.

That's Yayin's song.

Her singing is coming from all directions.

It seemed as if from every star, in every world, long and distant songs sounded one after another, and the blue starlight seemed to bloom in the entire universe.

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