She felt that the trap she set was triggered.

But... it was triggered?

Did they really catch it?

To be honest, this plan was purely a temporary plan she came up with yesterday because she didn't have enough time. She didn't expect it to work. In the end, it really worked, and she was a little scared.

Either these monsters are unexpectedly stupid...

But, it doesn't make sense. Why did these stupid things take the bait now?

Could it be that... this is a trap set by these things?

Do these things have this level of intelligence?

Or, is it just that the stupider individuals among them fell into the trap?

It doesn't feel right.

But... since they have been caught, there is no reason not to pull it up and take a look.

Thinking of this, she stood up and walked towards the swamp.

Seeing Yayin suddenly stand up, Liu Ji subconsciously thought that the same situation as Ao Sa had occurred before, so he quickly grabbed Yayin and asked, "Hey? What's wrong? Are you still awake?"

Yayin was slightly stunned for a moment, then reacted, turned around, and smiled, "Don't worry, I'm awake. Remember the bottle we put in before? It seems to have caught something. I plan to pick it up and see."

"Ah, that's it," Liu Ji breathed a sigh of relief, but still worried, so he said, "Then I'll go with you."

"Okay," Yayin agreed, looking down at her hand.

Liu Ji blinked, followed her line of sight, and found that he was holding Yayin's hand.

"Ah! Sorry," he said subconsciously, and let go of his hand in a panic.

But the next second, his hand stopped in the air for a moment, and he held Yayin's hand again.

"No, it's better to hold hands," Liu Ji scratched his cheek and tried to say in a righteous tone, "This place is too weird, it's safer this way."

"Well... that makes sense," Yayin nodded and said seriously, "It would be bad if you suddenly jumped into the swamp."

"Ah this," Liu Ji was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be right. The two people keeping watch at night were originally for mutual insurance.

Just as he said, holding hands is a necessary safety measure at this time, and he looked a little funny for thinking about it.

Thinking of this, Liu Ji scratched his head in shame.

At this moment, in the dim environment, Liu Ji did not notice that Yayin's face flashed a light red.

But in just a few seconds, Yayin's face became serious.

She walked to the wall, and the earthen steps rose in front of him.

She led Liu Ji to the top of the steps together, raised the staff in her hand, and chanted the spell to call the Creator.

Soon, the stone bottle that she had sunk into the swamp floated up from the mud and slowly drifted towards them.

59. Be cautious and don't save your skills

"So, we have fished it out, what should we do now?" Liu Ji put the stone bottle on the ground and shook off the black mud on his hands.

"Well, wait a minute, what happened to them?" Yayin pointed to the side with her thumb.

"Them?" Liu Ji looked in the direction of her thumb and found that the potatoes that had been sleeping in the basket had come out at some point and were huddled together at the foot of the farthest wall, shivering.

"Oh, probably, they were scared by the things in the bottle," Liu Ji said, "They have been a little uneasy since they entered the swamp."

"Well, yes..." Yayin folded her hands and tapped her arms rhythmically with her index finger, "I still feel something is wrong..."

"What's wrong?" Liu Ji asked in confusion.

"It's just not right," Ya Yin frowned, "Do you think, could it be that this thing deliberately let us catch it? For example, there are several of them squeezed in?"

"Ah?" Liu Ji blinked, "Is this thing so smart?"

"Who knows," Ya Yin shrugged, "But... I think, otherwise, we can just get a corpse sample first?"

"Well, that's OK?" Liu Ji scratched his head, "But isn't it generally better to catch it alive?"

"That's what I said, but..." Ya Yin thought for a while and said, "Look, we caught one so easily. If this thing is really so stupid, can't we easily catch the next one?"

Liu Ji nodded.

"Well, in that case, there's nothing to feel bad about killing this one," Ya Yin said, "Then on the other hand, if there's really something fishy, ​​can't we just kill it in the cradle?"

"Uh... makes sense," Liu Ji nodded.

Although I don't know why Ya Yin is so cautious, at least logically, this plan is indeed impeccable.

If it's easy to catch, then we can catch it next time.

If it's hard to catch, then there must be a trick.

Anyway, they didn't have any corpse samples before, so they can get a set first, no matter what.

At this time, the monster who was waiting in the stone bottle to rush out and kill after the bottle cap was opened did not expect that a dark magic circle was slowly unfolding above his head.

The chanting of this magic lasted for ten minutes and did not stop. The difficult words were winding and overlapping. Liu Ji even heard two or even three different spells from Ya Yin's mouth at the same time. The magic circle above his head was stacked, one ring inside another, and unfolded layer by layer.

The complexity of this magic and the difficulty of the spells made Liu Ji feel a headache just by looking at it.

It was a real feeling as if he was facing advanced mathematics.

In comparison, the mantras he usually learns are at best linear equations in two variables.

As the mana fluctuations continued to intensify, the monster in the bottle seemed to finally realize that something was wrong outside, and began to struggle, constantly hitting the bottle, trying to rush out, but as he watched, the bottle was knocked out. of cracks.

However, the time it took to react was still too late.

The complicated array slowly rotated and finally formed a straight line in the air.

The next moment, as Yain's staff was waved down, a golden thunderbolt like a slender thread jumped down through the center of the array and penetrated into it along the cracks of the rock bottle.

The struggle stopped for a moment, and then, vibrations and shocks several times more manic came from the bottle. The bottle quickly burst, and cracks spread like spider webs.

Liu Ji was startled when he saw this, and subconsciously wanted to do something, but he didn't know what to do, so Yayin could only stand in front of him, remembering the teachings of the mass, and act as a human shield.

At the same time, the stone bottle finally reached its limit, and a gap was opened in the bottle. Dense black threads suddenly poured out of the bottle, and among the threads, a bloodshot eye stared at Liu Ji. ,

Liu Ji suddenly felt a chill when he saw one of those eyes.

In those red eyes, there were densely packed gray-black pupils that were slightly bulging like insect eggs.

But just for a moment, as a golden electric current flashed from the eyeball, the entire eyeball exploded, and dark red to almost black blood flowed out from the black hole of the eye socket. It was heartbreaking and terrifying. The scream came from nowhere.

It struggled to stretch out its hand from the bottle. The entire hand was covered with deformed, decayed claws that were not sure whether they should be called fingers.

The hooked claws grabbed the hard ground of the stone hill, and actually dug the rock directly. It grabbed the ground tightly, as if trying to pull itself out of the stone bottle.

But, in the next moment, the small golden current flashed through its hand again.

With a bang, the skin on its upper arm burst open, and thick black liquid flowed out, dripping onto the ground, corroding the rock into pits.

At this time, everyone who was awakened by the abnormal noise also got out of the tent. Seeing this horrifying scene, Jilunini and Mowente took out their weapons almost at the same time and planned to take action.

However, Callidora stopped them.

"Don't go. That's Yayin's secret thunder spell. Be careful of being accidentally injured," she said anxiously. "Once that thing is cast, it will become an uncontrolled and random transmission state."

As he spoke, the golden current had blown the monster's entire arm into pieces, but at this moment, another arm grew out of its body and was destroyed in the rock bottle. In the gap, a large piece of the outer wall of the rock was smashed away.

"Hell, what the hell is this..." Jilunini slowly put down her weapon, but the red in her eyes shone brighter.

"The monster in the swamp," Osa said, "I had already imagined it was disgusting enough, but I didn't expect it to be even more disgusting than I thought."

"Of course I know it's a monster in the swamp..." Jilunini looked at the monster.

At this time, the monster was still roaring and had already squeezed half of its body out of the bottle. Golden electric current still flashed from time to time on its body, exploding its body into pieces of pitch-black mud.

But every time the lightning explodes a piece, it will grow a new one, seemingly endlessly.

"I can't see through this thing. Its magic power is too confusing." The golden color in Mowente's eyes dimmed. "Luni, what do you see?"

"Blood, the blood of many people," Jilunini's voice was trembling. "Although each amount is not much, there is a lot of blood from many people. Damn it, I have never seen such blood. What on earth is this?" What is it……"

As he spoke, the monster let out a roar, its figure suddenly expanded, and the giant rock bottle exploded.

But the next moment, as Yayin's second chant was completed, gravity that was nearly a hundred times normal was suddenly exerted on its body. The waving black beard and the sharp claws raised during the struggle were suddenly pressed to the ground. .

The golden lightning was still flowing, blasting holes one after another in the monster's body.

At the same time, Ya Yin's third chant also came to an end. A small flame fell from the sky, and when it touched the monster, it immediately turned into a sky-burning flame.



Somewhere underground.

The old man in black robe suddenly turned his head, and under the dim light, his gray pupils hidden under the hood were reflected.

Just like that monster, his eyes actually had multiple pupils that protruded like insect eggs.

"You're done now?" He narrowed his eyes slightly, "Awesome, it seems I underestimated you...

In this case, haha, if you want to come, then come,

Such high-quality nutrients have not been available for a long time..."

60. First update, you actually said that, everyone is rude.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the third level of magic was also activated." Looking at the burnt residue on the ground, Yayin was a little unhappy, "It's all turned into ashes, how can we study it."

"There is no way, this monster's vitality is too strong." Callidora was also squatting next to Yayin at this moment, holding a small stick and pulling away the remaining black ashes. "It just looked like this thing could have unlimited power." It’s the same as regeneration, it feels like it can’t be killed without burning.”

"If it could really regenerate infinitely, it wouldn't be burned up in such a short time," Yain sighed, "The main reason is that this thing is too disgusting. I didn't catch it and it burned. I should have waited a little longer. I feel that if I had electrocuted it for a little longer, I would have left at least some tissues for research, not to mention leaving a complete corpse."

"But I always feel that something is wrong," Mowente came over, "If this thing is so strong, why did it run away that time during the day?"

"Because it is not the same individual," Yain shook his head, "I didn't expect this plan to be effective, but this thing still took the bait. I felt something was wrong at the time, so I made preparations in advance.

Now it seems that my guess is indeed correct.

When it was in the swamp, it didn't struggle at all. When it was fished out, it started to fight until the magic was almost finished.

I can only think that at least this one was definitely deliberately hooked, for the purpose, probably to eat us."

"In other words, no matter how intelligent these things are individually, at least this high-risk individual has the same level of intelligence?" Mowente Frowning, "Hiss... I was thinking, why don't we just fly over there directly? I can take care of your students and Osa, and you and Lunikali can take care of them too. As long as we go back and forth twice, we can get through."

"No, you are not summoned beasts, you have to stop and rest," Yain shook her head, "You can't fly fast with people. Including the time to stop and rest, it will take at least three days to reach the center of the swamp, and your physical strength during the rest period will also be a problem. If you encounter similar individuals attacking you, I'm afraid you will be in danger. Don't forget that this kind of individuals dare to go ashore."

"But at least the time to stop and rest won't be too long," said Mowente, "Anyway, if you encounter it, it will definitely be very troublesome. Isn't the faster the better?"

"That may not be fast. Don't forget, you have to go back and forth, and you don't know the current situation of that city," Yain shook her head, "Even if there is no problem with that city, the time you take to transport two groups of people back and forth may not be shorter than if we set out together."

"But the problem is, how do we set out now?" Mowente asked.

"I do have an idea," Yain said hesitantly, "but I'm not sure..."

"It doesn't matter, tell me first," Callidora smiled, "Let's help you with some advice."

"Well, that's fine," Yain sighed and said, "I think we can take a boat."

"Take a boat?" Mowente's eyebrows jumped, "Are you serious? Don't tell me you don't know that boats will sink in the swamp."

"Of course I know," Yain said, "I mean, um, a boat similar to a sled, do you understand?"

"Well, that makes sense," Mowente nodded, "Originally, the map said that we should come here to find the one that can pull the sled. What turtle? But the problem is that we don't have such a turtle here, so what can you use to pull the sled? "

"That's why I don't want to say it," Yayin rubbed her brows, "Because the person who pulls the sled is a person. You say that it's not good to let someone pull it, and it hurts your self-esteem..."

Mo Wente was stunned, and suddenly thought of something. He looked at Liu Ji, then looked at Yayin, and said in astonishment: "Are you talking about him? Just like in the desert? That's fine, our situation is so urgent, let's not care about such details. As your student, he should do his part. "

Hearing what Mo Wente said, Yayin stared at him blankly for several seconds.

Then suddenly, she laughed.

"Ah, you're right! It's right to do your part!" She smiled, stood up, tiptoed and patted Mo Wente on the shoulder.

"Ah, right?" Mo Wente spread his hands, "This concerns the lives of our other companions, doesn't it? Well, he is one of us, so it's okay for him to help, right?"

"Yeah, I think so too, absolutely no problem," Ya Yin rarely showed a bright smile, "But, Wente, the person who pulled the sled was not actually him..."

"Ah?" Mo Wente was stunned, "Then, who is it?"

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