"Ah? This..." Liu Ji looked around in confusion, and then he found that he was still in the spiral staircase, and his feet were still on solid tiles. There were no monsters nearby, let alone an abyss.

Seeing Liu Ji come back to his senses, Kalidora breathed a sigh of relief, turned to Ya Yin and said: "Huh, the mental suggestion that can't find the cause is the same as that of Aosa, but the effect is stronger..."

"Well," Ya Yin frowned slightly and asked with a spell, "Liu Ji, what did you see just now?"

"I just..." Liu Ji was stunned for a moment, and just wanted to answer, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly couldn't remember the scene that was still impressive just now.

"Eh? Wait," Liu Ji rubbed his temples, trying to retrieve the memory fragments just now, but the image in his mind just now was like a dream memory when he was half asleep and half awake. As the brain woke up, it faded like a tide, and no matter how hard he thought, he couldn't remember it.

"Dream hints, tsk, trouble," Yain frowned slightly, "Kali, it seems you have to keep a close eye on us next time. If nothing unexpected happens, the other party should have discovered us..."



Somewhere underground, the black-robed priest standing in front of the statue opened his eyes.

"Well, it's interesting," he thought to himself, "I thought there was only one good arcane master, but I didn't expect there was also a good illusionist. Well, the rest are all garbage without nutrition..."

"Since they are garbage, there is no need to keep them," he thought, looking to the side.

There stood a row of soldiers who had just completed the recruit training and were waiting for baptism.

There were ten of them in total. The first seven were all strong earthwalkers. They were selected from above and were excellent earthwalkers who had just reached adulthood.

The last three were more peculiar. One was a thin earthwalker. Even the smallest armor looked a little funny on him, but he was the most excited one present. He looked at the priest with respect and admiration.

The next one was even shorter than the little earth walker, and couldn't even wear the smallest armor. He could only wear a helmet and the smallest armor as a windbreaker.

The last one was the opposite of him. She was a tall woman with a unique aura of pride and righteousness. Even the crude standard armor looked like a bright silver helmet on her.

"Two outsiders, and both are good nutrients," the priest thought to himself, "It's such a coincidence that two groups of outsiders came. Hehe, maybe they are actually the same group?

Then, wouldn't it be interesting to let them kill each other..."

67. This is the natural one

No one thought that this bottomless spiral staircase took everyone two hours to walk.

Moreover, since Liu Ji saw the strange illusion, Ya Yin didn't hide directly. He used the sunlight magic to illuminate the aisle, which made everyone go down the stairs much faster.

That's it, it took two hours.

It's outrageous.

When everyone finally walked out of the spiral staircase, they were stunned by the scene in front of them that was completely different from what they expected.

This underground space is much wider than they imagined.

The huge underground cave where the Swamp City is located is already shocking enough, and the space here is even nearly ten times larger than the Swamp City.

The place where they walked out of the stairs was the outermost part of the entire cave, and looking up, there was a beautiful golden giant tree above the center of the entire cave.

The tree was so big that everyone had never seen it before, even the tree demon ancestor with a trunk of hundreds of meters wide was not half of it.

The beauty of the tree, the golden leaves exuded a bright glow, in this dark underground, the whole tree seemed to be carved from precious jade, and long branches hung from the trunk, like golden silk falling from the sky, beautiful beyond words.

The strangeness of the tree, hanging upside down on the dome, with the roots on the top and the branches and leaves on the bottom, the golden branches floating, scattering bits of golden light, like fireflies falling to the world, and like the stars descending.

Looking at the tree, even Liu Ji had an impulse to worship it, as if the tree itself was a god-like existence, sacred and beautiful.

However, the next moment, Yayin's staff hit him on the head.

"Don't stare at it," Yayin said in a deep voice, "the more beautiful things are, the more they will deceive people. Don't be blinded by the appearance in front of you."

"Ah, oh," Liu Ji came back to his senses and retracted his gaze.

But for some reason, even if he tried hard to look away, his eyes couldn't help but drift over there.

There was no way, Liu Ji could only find something else to stare at, looking left and right, and finally he could only stare at Yayin.

I don't know if it was because of more experience or because he was as vigilant as Yayin, but the others didn't have the same situation as Liu Ji. After taking a look at the giant tree that looked like a wonder, they turned their attention to the surroundings.

In front of everyone was a flat field, and there was a stone gate a little further away, and under the stone gate stood two guards wearing standard armor.

Since they came down here, Kalidor has been staring at the two guards, thinking that if they find them, they will deal with them immediately.

But the two guards are not sure whether they are stupid or not, they just keep their eyes straight. A large group of them are standing a few dozen meters away, but the two of them have no reaction at all.

Behind the stone gate, you can see a large training ground, where many soldiers are training.

This surprised everyone. They didn't really think there was any serious army down here, and they even thought, "Anyone who is captured might become the food for those monsters." idea.

"Ayin, what should we do next?" Callidora asked while staring at the guard. "The guard hasn't noticed us yet. Do you want me to take the initiative to deal with them?"

"Well, that's about it. Just take care of it when you pass by," Yayin said, stepping forward. "As for what we will do next, I think since the other party has discovered us, let's just go shopping openly. Bar……

If such a large area is placed outside and used as a tourist destination, the ticket price will probably not be cheap. "



In front of the beautiful statue, the black-robed priest was performing the final steps of the baptism ceremony.

Holding the Holy Grail in his hand, he applied the paint from the Holy Grail to the weapons of each of the baptized soldiers.

Weapons that are coated with paint will be coated with paint.


That's right, that's it, it has no other use, just for a sense of ceremony.

But this step has always been the one that excites these soldiers the most. They will always take out their best weapons and regard the paint on the weapons as a treasure.

Just like the lean little landwalker in front of him, he was stunned for a moment just because he felt the arrival of prey, and he became anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

"Don't be anxious, my child," he smiled, dipped a ball of paint on his finger, and said loudly, "Come and accept your blessing..."

When the little Earth Walker saw this, his two little eyes lit up immediately and he looked at the priest with excitement. The moment the priest applied paint on the sword, he almost screamed with excitement.

The priest had a smile on his face. He liked such devout believers, but it was a pity that he was a little thinner and could only be regarded as a pious trash.

After helping Junk shine his Junk Sword, he walked to the next person, the shorter outsider.

He is still very fond of this outsider. He can feel that this outsider has strong and rich magic power, and he is a suitable nourishment at first glance.

"O foreign warrior, God favors your great soul very much. Thank you for your enlightenment to save the world," the priest said, dipping the paint in the cup, "Then, take out your weapon and accept the blessing... …”

The short outsider raised his head and glanced at him, then pulled out a fire stick-style stick and handed it over.

The priest's smile froze on his face. He looked at the dwarf, then at the wooden stick, cleared his throat, and said again; "Ahem! Foreign warrior! Take out your 'best' weapon , accept God’s blessing!”

He emphasized the emphasis on the word "best".

The dwarf looked at him again, thought for a moment, took out a spar the size of his little finger from his pocket, stuffed it into the crack at the front of the stick, and then handed it over again.

The corner of the priest's mouth twitched.

In his opinion, this behavior was tantamount to blasphemy, and he immediately felt angry.

But when he thought of the script he had envisioned, he suppressed his anger.

"Okay, then, God gives you a blessing..." He said dully, reluctantly applying the paint that was useless to the fire stick that also seemed to be useless. .

At this moment, they looked completely natural.

The priest felt the fire in his stomach getting bigger.

Out of sight and out of mind, he simply walked to the last person.

This outsider looks noble and will probably not be as annoying as the dwarf in front of him.

"So, the external war..." However, as soon as he started, he couldn't continue.

Because the other party took out a fire stick of the same style, and seemed to have learned from the advanced experience of the previous one, and he was very considerate and pressed a crystal of about the same size on it in front of him.

Even in order to take care of his height, the other party squatted down very considerately and handed the wooden stick in front of him like feeding a small animal.

The priest's brows twitched, and he simply didn't even say anything, just applied the paint on it, turned around and walked back to the altar.

"Excellent, these stupid outsiders. As expected, outsiders except the prophet are all filthy pigs," he said with a cold face, cursing in his mind as he walked, "You have only been arrogant for a while. , just wait and see, you will pay the price for your unnecessary curiosity and arrogant attitude..."

68. It’s human, but not quite

Yayin and others are hanging out.

As Ya Yin said, they have been discovered long ago anyway, so they can just hang around confidently. If the owner here has any objections, he will come to the door himself.

So now, they are visiting the training ground in a swaggering manner.

This training ground is very large. Although there are no clear markings, according to the crowd, it can be seen that they are roughly divided into dozens of areas. In each area, a large number of Earthwalker soldiers are training.

Unlike the guards on the ground, neither the guards nor the soldiers here were completely indifferent to their arrival and just focused on their own training. Even if they walked into the training square, the soldiers would only stop and quietly Watch them.

Yayin tried to talk to them, but they didn't answer.

Even if Callidora tried to get them to speak, she couldn't.

I don’t know whether Kalidorra’s illusion didn’t work on them, or whether it worked or not.

The former is fine, after all, it’s someone else’s territory, and some protection is reasonable, but what if it’s the latter…

Then… doesn’t this mean that these soldiers are no different from a bunch of empty-headed puppets?

This feeling is not good, and it reminds Kalidorra of the dogs raised by the tyrant.

After walking through the training ground, there are several buildings with a religious style. Everyone went in to take a look. They thought it would be a canteen or a dormitory, but they didn’t expect that it seemed to be a training ground.

Looking down a few floors, each floor is a large flat, and there are also some earthwalkers training inside.

When everyone climbed to the roof and looked around, they found that there were a lot of such training grounds and houses, scattered throughout this huge underground space.

A small half of them seemed to be idle, but the vast majority of the rest were full of earthwalkers.

"Damn..." Yain looked at these venues with a frown, "The number of people here must be several times, no, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times more than the above..."

"This is unreasonable," Osa murmured.

"No, it's very reasonable," Jilunini continued, "What if, from beginning to end, the so-called 'heroes who sacrificed for the race' did not sacrifice at all?"

"Damn," Yain swallowed, "This is not a damn front line at all, and there is no alien army. This is a pure army training base."

"But... the lifespan of the earth walker is not too long," Guoguo mentioned timidly.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from behind the crowd.

"Yes, the premise is that they are still earth walkers first," the figure of Mowente emerged from the shadows, his face gloomy, "I found a place, I think you might want to go and see it."



Under the sacred tree.

The golden stone bricks are piled up into a huge circular building, and the outer wall of the building is engraved with dazzling inscriptions.

The short foreign soldier looked up at the inscriptions, thinking.

He was thinking, is this circular building an altar that wraps the sacred tree, or the cornerstone of some kind of barrier...

"Foreigner, follow," the priest's cold voice came.

He was speechless, but reluctantly retracted his gaze and followed the end of the team.

Ten so-called "recruits", plus a priest, a group of eleven people were walking along the road, slowly towards the gate in front of the circular building.

Along the way, except for these two "foreign soldiers", the remaining eight people seemed extremely excited.

Because the priest just said that because they all have pious hearts and great souls, the gods decided to summon them.

This is something they have never heard of before. For them who have always worshipped this great god, this honor is enough to make them crazy.

Especially the thin little earth walker, whose body was shaking uncontrollably due to excitement, making people always worry that if he really saw the god that haunted him, he would twitch on the spot and fall straight down.

When he reached the door, the priest gently paused the long staff in his hand, glanced at the people behind him, and then knelt down in front of the huge door.

Seeing this, the earth walkers behind him also hurriedly knelt down in imitation.

As for the two outsiders, they looked at each other, then hid behind the earth walker in front and sat down on the spot.

The priest glanced back and confirmed that there was no one standing, then nodded with satisfaction, thinking that at least in front of the god, these outsiders still had some sense.

Then, he turned his head and shouted loudly to the gate: "Great God! Your most trusted servant, I, Mi Ali, have brought you new great souls. Please open the door of God and bless them!"

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